Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2648: Overlord

The three-and-a-half-step empire overlord finally breathed a sigh of relief. The celestial army was even more thrilled, because they all knew that the celestial tyrants of the celestial world had shot, and they had smashed Qin Lang with one shot. The epoch of the epoch was only a finger, and it directly pierced the defense of Qin Lang, and opened a finger-sized hole in the chest of Qin Lang.

Even with Qin Lang's powerful ability to repair, it is still impossible to repair a hole in the chest. It seems that there is a strange and powerful force to stop the healing of the wound. No matter how Qin Lang fights, it is impossible to reverse the damage of this force to his body.

Qin Lang knows that the epoch of the celestial army has finally been shot!

After Qin Lang killed a half-step epoch, the celestial overlord of the fairy world finally couldn't help but shot. Perhaps the epoch of the epoch believed that Qin Lang had the value and qualification worthy of his shot.

The epoch of the epoch has already been shot, then it means that the other party is ready to completely kill Qin Lang. If the epoch-making tyrants personally shot and can not kill Qin Lang, this is indeed a very shameful thing.

In fact, the last time the Qin Lang faced the star hegemony of the Star Beast Palace, it was also a mortal ending, but because the celestial army invaded the world of the beasts, the distraction of the Star Warrior’s empire was distracted, and Qin Lang fled. After a catastrophe. However, this time Qin Lang has no chance anymore. The epoch of the celestial world is clearly going to kill Qin Lang.

"I said c▽ - it's over!"

The voice of the celestial overlord in the fairyland sounded again, and then Qin Lang felt that the body was torn apart by an invisible force—a force from the small hole in the chest. It turned out that the one-finger force of the celestial lord overlord was not only simple to open a small hole in the chest of the Qin dynasty, but also left a killing, directly destroying the body of Qin Lang, this is to let Qin Lang The body directly disintegrates.


Feeling that the body has a kind of bitter pain, Qin Lang laughed loudly. If this is his fate, if this is his ending, then he should also smile. In any case, these guys in the fairy world can’t be seen flat.

Qin Lang’s laughter continued to spread out in all directions. His laughter was very strange, just like the ridicule of the will of the destiny, but the army of the immortals and the rest of the monks believed that Qin Lang must die. Even though Qin Lang has reached the peak of the half-step era hegemony, but after all, it is not a true era hegemon, so naturally it can't stop a full-scale attack of a real era hegemon.

Bang! ~ Finally, as if to testify everyone's guess, Qin Lang's body finally cracked and exploded! Just like a sly star, it releases the last moment of dazzling light.

"How can this be?"

In the middle of no trace, Wei Chuming and several other veterans can't believe the facts before them. Although they know the horror of the era hegemony, although they know that Qin Lang is not an opponent of the Xianjie army, they still firmly believe that the predictions about Qin Lang will be realized. However, how could the ending be like this, how could Qin Lang be torn apart?

"How can this be?"

"This is impossible!"

"How come nothing left?"

The same question, from the three half-step empire of the army of the celestial world, at the moment of Qin Lang’s physical explosion, these three half-step tyrants almost felt the place where Qin Lang exploded. They wanted to absorb the Qinlang leftover. Under the vitality and blood, or the things left in the Qinlang gods. Good Qin Lang can also be regarded as the peak of the half-step era hegemony, and successfully motivated the number of destiny, if you get some good things in Qin Lang, it is very helpful to upgrade these three half-step era.

But what is strange is that Qin Lang’s explosion has been cleaned up, and there is no residue left. It seems to have completely disappeared into the universe of the heavens. This has disappointed the three half-step lords of the fairy world.


At this time, the voice of the celestial overlord in Xianjie re-emerged, apparently reminding the three-and-a-half-step tyrants to quickly leave the place where Qin Lang’s flesh exploded. This shows that this epoch overlord has noticed that the situation is not right.

It is a pity that the reaction of the three-and-a-half-step tyrants is still a bit slow, or after seeing Qin Lang’s death, the three guys lost their guard, so when the three-and-a-half-step empire is overwhelmed When the invisible and powerful force was made into a meat sauce, they did not know what happened, and the next moment they were swallowed up by a powerful creature.

"The **** Terran monk! You have stepped into the hierarchy of the epoch, this is impossible!"

The sound of the snarl of the celestial lord of the celestial world sounded almost shocked by the ears of some immortals. The voice of the epoch of the epoch carries the boundless anger. Obviously he cannot accept Qin Lang at this time, in many eras. Under the eyelids, it has been upgraded to the level of the epoch.

This kind of thing should not happen originally!

The celestial hegemon of the fairy world, compared to the process he once entered the epoch of the epoch, is simply an extremely difficult, unusually difficult, confrontation with the will of the destiny, and the will of the epoch of the universe in the universe, even though it has reached half The peak of the epoch-making hegemony can successfully promote the existence of the epoch hegemon, but it is only one thousandth of an opportunity! The epoch of the celestial kingdom, once was the gift of talent, even in the fairy world, it is also the invincible existence. However, when he was promoted to the hegemony of the era, it was also an ancient epoch hegemonic guardian who resorted to the concealment of the celestial world. After numerous trials and tribulations, he was promoted to the position of the epoch of the epoch, and how could Qin Lang’s ambiguity in the unguarded law and strong enemy In the case of promotion, success?

Unless, Qin Lang simply did not advance to the level of the epoch!

Soon, the epoch of the celestial world determined this. However, even if Qin Lang did not advance to the era hegemony, but from the way Qin Lang easily killed the three-and-a-half-step era overlord, the strength of this scorpion obviously went further.

"Sure enough, it is not at the level of the epoch of the epoch. Then, you still can't escape my palm!" The celestial lord of the celestial world screamed coldly, and his true body finally appeared.

This is also the first time that many immortals and monks saw the true body of the epoch.

The celestial hegemony of the celestial world is not really huge, but it is similar to the ordinary immortals and monks, but no matter how far or from any angle, the size of the epoch is exactly the same!

Nothing is affected by distance, space and time!


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