Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2651: Immortal

Because the gimmick suddenly appeared, Qin Lang took away the eternal 鲲鹏, and let the power of this eternal 鲲鹏 merge with itself.

When Qin Lang merged into the power of this eternal 鲲鹏, he immediately understood the way in which the Peng dynasty passed through the catastrophe:

The Kunpeng family concentrated all the power and tempered their life brand of the Peng Peng family into an eternal substance - the king of Peng Peng. This Peng Peng Wang Ling is not a sacred object of the order of the Peng Peng family, but the king of the Peng Peng itself represents the Qi Peng family. Nowadays, the monks of the Kunpeng family seem to have become extinct, but in fact they chose to go through the catastrophe of the heavens. With the power of the whole family, they have tempered this eternal 鲲peng, expecting to wait until the next one. The arrival of the cosmic era.

A race, to avoid the destruction of the heavens, across the universe, is extremely extremely difficult, even a deadly situation. However, in some powerful races, there will always be some existence beyond the will of the destiny. This is the so-called era hegemon. If you achieve the era of dominance, of course, there is a chance to cross a cosmic era. However, even if a true epoch is born, it is only one of the epochs who successfully escaped the catastrophe of the heavens and entered the next cosmic era. It cannot be said that a race has completely entered the next cosmic era.


Even if it is impossible to get a race through the catastrophe, it is impossible to enter the next cosmic era. This point, even Qin Lang can not imagine, although he once had such an idea, but now it seems too difficult to achieve this idea. In fact, even if Qin Lang becomes the epoch of the era, it is almost impossible to achieve this goal.

However, the Kunpeng family found a way to let the entire race survive the ravages of the heavens. This method is “sacrifice” – when the Kunpeng family breeds to a certain degree, the top masters of the Pengpeng family gather the power of the entire race. The life brand of the Kunpeng family and the essence of life are tempered into a piece of eternal material. This is the king of the Peng Peng!

The king of Wu Peng is the inheritance of the Yipeng family. It can even guarantee that the Peng Peng family will survive the catastrophe of the heavens and smoothly enter the next universe era. Even if the universe is shattered, this King Peng should not be damaged.

Even if this eternal material is obtained by an epoch of the empire, then the epoch of the epoch will not abandon the prince of the prince, and will not completely destroy it. It will only fuse the materials in the prince and the king. Well, even so, when the next cosmic era comes, the epoch of the era will not die, and the Pengpeng family may once again revitalize.

Even Qin Lang, I have to admit that the method of the Peng Peng family is relatively clever, basically guaranteeing the inheritance of the entire Kunpeng family, there should be a great opportunity to support the next cosmic era. If it wasn’t for Xianyin’s killing of this piece of King Peng, Qin Lang and the other party were very ugly to break through the mystery.

As for now, the essence of this eternal Kunpeng has been integrated into the body of Qin Lang, but Qin Lang can only be the strength and essence of the eternal Kun Peng, not really refining. The "eternal" material in the Eternal Songpeng still exists in the body of Qin Lang. If Qin Lang reaches the next cosmic era, he can reproduce the life of the Kunpeng family. Of course, it takes a very long time, because the eternal 鲲鹏 in the 鲲鹏王令, only retains some of the most basic and original essence of the Kunpeng family, they can only retain so many things.

It’s not so easy to spend the days, the more you want to keep more material, the more you pay. In fact, even if it is an eternal substance, you can’t guarantee that you can pass through the heavens without any damage. It is the epoch of the epoch, and it is also very risky in the face of the final catastrophe, because at that time it was the epoch of the epoch, just like the rootless ping.

When Qin Lang's body merged with Eternal Peng Peng, he immediately realized the way in which the Peng Peng family had survived the disasters of the heavens. There is no doubt that this should be regarded as a good method, because the method of robbery of the Kunpeng family ensured The entire race is likely to enter the next cosmic era, not one of the Zunpeng monks. For Qin Lang, perhaps the Chinese people can use the method of the Peng Peng family as a reference to ensure that the Chinese race can continue in the next universe.

Of course, considering the whole Chinese people's affairs may be too far away. Now Qin Lang needs to pass the front of the door. After all, Qin Lang has already died once, and the taste of death is not very good. For Qin Lang, the most important thing is to protect his life, and the first time he broke through to the epoch of the epoch, so that Qin Lang can really save his life.

As for the "small head" between Qin Lang and Xian Yin, it brought a huge shock to Qin Lang, which also made Qin Lang realize that he is not alone in the fight, even in the number of fate, there are still people. Standing on his side.

Chinese people, the fire is not extinguished!

Although the landlord of the **** grassland, Qin Lang has not seen it, but knows that this monk who used to be from the Chinese world, there are still some feelings for the Chinese people, otherwise it is impossible to force Qin Lang at this time.

For Qin Lang, now is the best chance for him to advance to the hegemony. No, it should be said that he is the only chance to advance to the era hegemon! Once Qin Lang failed to advance to the era hegemony, he will never have a chance, because the will of heaven will not give Qin Lang any chance. What's more, the fairy world will not give Qin Lang an opportunity, and the fairy world will not allow another Chinese tyrant to be born among the Chinese people.

"The **** of grassland, why are you so unwise, why do you want to be enemies with our celestial world?" Xianyin is very reluctant to kill, originally thought that Qin Lang must die, who knows that halfway through a bite of gold, blocked He killed Qin Lang's plan.

"Because the fairy world is going to be an enemy to me." There was a voice in the skull.

"The **** of grassland, I have heard of your ability, but now your true body is still in the fairy world, there are three great emperors in the fairy world to suppress you, I see how you block me!" The tone of Xianyin seems to be threatening The owner of Shantou, but Qin Lang heard the meaning of temptation from the tone of Xianyin’s killing. Obviously, even the sacred slaying as the lord of the epoch is very jealous to the landlord of this sacred world.

"Sin Hidden, don't forget, you are just a epoch of the era of the era. If you want to win me, how much do you think you have a chance?" Shantou continued, with a few contempt.


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