Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2679: Burial

The First River Fleet, it really is no evil. If Qin Lang calculated the position of this small fleet of the first river fleet, he immediately came here to see that this small team was looting a group of wandering monks.

Now that the worlds are dying, there are some worlds in the universe at any time, so naturally there are some ethnic monks or fleets wandering, expecting their own world to be destroyed, and you can find a stable place in the universe. However, the stability of the universe, where it is so easy to find, but it is trouble to find the door.

This small team of the First River Fleet, they are only doing things in accordance with the usual style of doing things: plunder all resources that can be plundered, and search for all available personnel.

The survival of the First River Fleet is extremely extreme. Qin Lang does not want to judge his right or wrong. However, since the First River Fleet has been provoked by Qin Lang, it does not matter whether it is right or wrong. Qin Lang always has to make a break.

Like the previous rescue of Wen Wenji, Qin Lang only appeared randomly between the two teams, cutting off the team of the first river fleet to the monks.

boom! boom! boom! boom! ~

Qin Lang has not indicated his intentions, but the other side is already full of firepower. The giants of the First River Fleet have a string of Qin Lang in an instant, and it seems that Qin Lang will be smashed into slag.

However, Qin Lang was unscathed. After seeing the strength of Qin Lang, these guys finally calmed down and prepared to talk a little bit with Qin Lang.

However, what makes Qin Lang slightly surprised is that he did not expect that the leader of this first-class fleet detachment turned out to be a fearful person, and it should be a variant of fear, whose strength should be stronger than that of the fearful person, and its body will be released. The momentum that comes out is also more fierce.

"Human monk?" This fearful person stares at Qin Lang, his eyes are sharp like a knife. "What are you coming to, and even dare to block our first river fleet?"

"Terrorist, you are not the running dog of the Apocalypse Empire, how to play the First River Fleet now." Qin Lang does not seem to care about this threat of fear.

"Apocalypse empire? Hey! It is nothing more than wanting to use us to fight for the Quartet. Now I have got rid of his rule, playing for the First River Fleet, fighting for our own ideals! Terran Kid, your repair is good, if you join us The First River Fleet, you must have the opportunity to support the end, even through the days of disaster!" This fearful man tried to recruit Qin Lang.

"Hey, do you want to recruit me?" Qin Lang said. "However, I don't have any interest in joining the First Fleet, but I don't have the opportunity to kill you immediately. I will also give you a chance to choose - to take you away. The energy blocks were handed over to me. In addition, the headquarters of the First River Fleet was informed that all of their energy blocks and high-energy spar were returned to me."

Of course, Qin Lang is not joking with this horror. He really needs all kinds of energy sources, and it must be a highly concentrated energy source. Whether it is a highly concentrated energy block of technological civilization or a high-energy spar of a monk, it is something that Qin Lang needs. .

The implementation of the Huaxia Jingtian Plan requires a lot of energy every day, and even Qin Lang, who is the overlord of the era, cannot create energy from the air.

The Xianhe Fleet, which happened to be a "big head" that Qin Lang had no intention of hitting, so Qin Lang was too lazy to change places, and directly let these guys of the First River Fleet pay the bill.

"Ha ha ha!~" The fearful man burst into laughter. "You want to plunder our entire first river fleet? What do you think you are?"

"What am I? What do you think?" After reading this, Qin Lang reached out and grasped it. Then he saw that the spacecraft behind the feared man was directly kneaded by a powerful invisible force, as if it were kneading dough. The energy defensive hood on the spacecraft could not resist the crushing of this force.

The fearful person saw this scene, and his face finally showed the color of horror. He said to Qin Lang: "You...what is your origin?"

Peng! ~

When the terrorists asked this, they saw that the spacecraft exploded completely into powder, but the energy generated by the explosion was not released, but was locked in a certain range by an invisible force, and then the explosion formed energy and was compressed. Into a small piece of energy crystal, fell into the hands of Qin Lang.

"Are you ready to continue to ask, or look at me to pinch your spaceship into energy blocks?" Qin Lang is afraid of this, although the strength of this fearful person is good, but obviously not qualified to negotiate with Qin Lang, Qin Lang needs to see The real high level of the First River Fleet.

Then, Qin Lang will take a lot of extortion and drain the resources of the First River Fleet.

The fearful man finally realized that Qin Lang did not want to negotiate with him, so he rushed to send a signal for help to the headquarters of the First River Fleet. Then, in about ten minutes, the huge team of the First River Fleet continually bounced out from the void in all directions. The formation of the siege of Qin Lang. The former monks have already slipped away.

The main force of the First River Fleet, the number of its spaceships is as many as hundreds, and there are more than a dozen motherships, each of which has a very strong firepower. Such a huge fleet besieged Qin Lan alone, there is a feeling of anti-aircraft guns to fight mosquitoes. But what is strange is that the more ships of the First River Fleet, the more Qinlang is not "small", and even Qin Lang seems to be more "stalwart" than the fleet itself. This feeling is simply unbelievable and unacceptable. .

But in any case, the members of the First River Fleet will certainly not think that Qin Lang alone can compete with the entire fleet. The reason why Qin Lang has set such a position is nothing more than to seek some benefits from the Xianhe Fleet.

Perhaps, some people in the First River Fleet have guessed it correctly. Qin Lang really wants to seek some benefits, but it is not a general interest, but a direct extortion!

Qin Lang is preparing to extort the energy blocks of the First River Fleet. This is equivalent to a group of robbers in the First River Fleet. Now, the more fierce robbers of Qin Lang are met, and they are black and black. However, how could the First River Fleet hand over all of their energy blocks to Qin Lang, which is equal to the lifeblood of the First River Fleet!

The Xianhe Fleet now has no fixed place, but it exists by robbing resources. If all the energy blocks are plundered by Qin Lang, how can they continue their development plan for warfare? Even, they have offended many worlds and monks, and once they have lost enough energy, they are almost impossible to protect themselves. Therefore, the conditions of Qin Lang, the first team of the first river fleet did not agree!

"The monks of the Terran, even if your cultivation is very powerful, but it is too unwise to be the enemy of the entire first river fleet! What do you think you are, the savior? Or the legendary empire? You are nothing!" A voice in the fleet snarled toward Qin Lang.

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