Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2696: Microcosm

After reaching a certain realm, Shinto practitioners will cultivate the kingdom of the gods and form a small world inside the body, thus possessing the strength of a world. For the epoch of the era, the strength of a race and a world is not difficult. Because the epoch of the era is measured by the power of a universe.

However, even if Qin Lang has now reached the strength of the real era hegemony, he also has self-knowledge, knowing that it is impossible to counter the full power of a universe. That is to say, if the will of the universe's destiny will mobilize the power of the entire universe, and desperately hold on to the idea of ​​losing both sides and Qin Lang, then the loser is likely to be Qin Lang.

The "absolute ice seal" that Qin Lang obtained from Yu Wenji not only allows Qin Lang to divulge any vitality in the **** void, but also the essence is to create a closed, circular "inner universe" in his own body or It is the "micro universe."

If the universe in which Qin Lang is located is regarded as an "egg", then the world outside the eggshell is a **** void and an absolute void, but the universe can exist for such a long time, and its essence lies in the internal possession of this "egg universe". Closed and internal circulation systems ensure that life inside continues and circulates.

In short, a universe is actually a very complex ecosystem. Because this ecosystem is very large, it lasts so long that it can hold the universe tens of billions and hundreds of billions of years.

Similarly, if an epoch hegemon can form a life cycle system similar to the universe itself in his own body, then naturally it can take a very long time in the absolute void.

Therefore, absolutely frozen, in fact, is to let the epoch hegemon form an inner universe or microcosm within his body, so that the life and vitality inside the epoch of the epoch can be circulated and derived on its own, so as not to consume it. Its own vitality. Or, it is to reduce its own energy consumption to a very small state.

Therefore, this absolutely frozen, is definitely not as simple as Yu Wenji imagined. This is truly valuable, and its value is difficult to estimate. Qin Lang is also gradually understanding the huge existence after the deduction and enlightenment. value.

Qin Lang has already understood the mystery, but it is not an easy task to cultivate this. Because Qin Lang finds that to cultivate this, he must enter the absolute void. If he does not enter the absolute void, he will not be able to make himself with this universe. The connection between the heavens is completely cut off, and naturally it is impossible to form a real microcosm within the body.

However, in this case, Qin Lang will also cut off the connection with the Chinese world, which makes him feel very difficult, and once he enters the **** void, in the absolute nothingness, there is no time or space. At that time, Qin Lang did not know how much time would be consumed, nor could he predict whether the universe he was in had completely destroyed before he became a microcosm.

It seems that even if it is the overlord of the era, it is impossible to have no tie at all. Qin Lang’s tie is the Chinese world. This cannot be changed. If it is another era hegemon, perhaps it does not care about these things at all, the rest of the era hegemon may have some sense of responsibility for his own race, but not like Qin Lang. After all, Qin Lang’s loved ones, lovers and friends are among the Chinese world.

After a little consideration, Qin Lang decided to temporarily deflate the absolute ice, although he really needs this door, but if the Chinese world is placed in a dangerous place, Qin Lang still can not do this.

Although the secret of the place where the universe originated was placed in front of it, although the absolute ice was urgent and necessary, Qin Lang chose to deflate. However, at this time, Qin Lang did not intend to leave here. Perhaps for Qin Lang, it is also a good insight to "view the sea" here. At least now Qin Lang has realized that the black void and the **** void are not evenly matched, and the **** void is slightly occupied. The upper hand, this means that the universe world will soon be completely swallowed up by the **** void.

In Qin Lang’s view, perhaps this is the ultimate trend of any universe.

No matter how perfect the internal ecological cycle of a cosmic world, there will always be an end of the day, always being swallowed up by absolute void.

At this time, Qin Lang can understand the "good intentions" of the will of heaven, and knows more that the will of heaven is not allowed to be born. The birth of the hegemony will destroy the life cycle of the universe.

The universes surrounded by absolute emptiness are originally very fragile, but they are just an "egg" like a thin ice. If the epoch of the epoch is constantly "breaking out of the shell," the end result is that this egg will be made. Become riddled with holes, and eventually this universe will be completely destroyed.

In addition, Qin Lang also understands that the epoch of the empire is not only the enemy of the will of the destiny, but also the enemy of all the creatures in the universe, because the whole universe is actually a very good life cycle system, the more perfect the circulatory system, then the universe The time that exists will also be longer. However, the existence of the epoch hegemony jumped out of this circulatory system, and the perfect life cycle of the inner world of the universe was naturally broken, which naturally accelerated the bursting speed of the universe.

Perhaps, the reason why the universes of the heavens are so shattered is that there is also a "credit" of Qin Lang.

Of course, Qin Lang does not feel guilty, because the universe in which he is located is inevitable. Even if Qin Lang does not become the hegemon of the era, there are still other era hegemons born, then it will accelerate the destruction of this universe. speed. Qin Lang was promoted to the epoch of the epoch, but he and his race had the opportunity to survive after the destruction of the universe.

"Long Xianhe, so it seems that I can only hope that you will be promoted to the epoch of the epoch. Only when you become the epoch of the epoch, I can safely enter the absolute void to practice." Qin Lang said to Long Xianhe.

"Master, your expectations of me, I can understand it completely, but to become the epoch of the era, it is not an easy task, I can fully understand the hardships. So, I am afraid I will only live up to the master, you are right. My expectations." Long Xianhe now knows modesty, because the longer he follows Qinlang, the more he comprehends, but the more he knows that the hegemony is difficult to achieve.


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