Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2709: Crazy feast

Many predators surround the universe around Qin Lang, just to plunder the vitality and resources. At the moment when the universe is shattered, it is an extraordinary feast for these predators.

In Qin Lang's view, perhaps the so-called "Reaper" civilization in the prophetic civilization is probably the predators of these **** voids. Of course, this is only a guess of Qin Lang. What is the real reaper civilization? Qin Lang is not clear.

However, now Qin Lang must break the deadlock, otherwise his idea of ​​returning to his own universe will only become a bubble.

Knowing that these predators appear here, then Qin Lang thinks he can create an opportunity for himself -

The chance of chaos!

These predators revolve around the universe in which Qin Lang is located. Although there is no fight, it is not their nature, but they are restrained by each other, because once the universe finally bursts, it will inevitably become a shackle. The feast is waiting for them, so at this time they are only constraining each other and maintaining a certain distance according to their respective strengths. However, this restraint also has certain limits. Once this limit is broken, the war between predators will inevitably erupt.

This guy in Qinlang is also awesome. He knows that more and more predators are rushing here. Although the feast is very attractive, the potential risks are naturally increasing exponentially. This place is now like a The gunpowder barrel is nothing more than a detonation. In fact, most predators are aware of this, but these predators don’t care at all. Anyway, here is to **** the vitality and resources. It is bound to compete, although it is very dangerous, but as a Powerful predators are often difficult to kill completely, so every predator who is close to it is actually fully prepared in their hearts.

As for Qin Lang, although it is also surrounded by these four, but he is completely different from the goals of these people, so this leads to the natural behavior of Qin Lang, who has already begun to throw some poisonous beasts out of his micro-cosm. These beasts were "closed" by Qin Lang with absolute ice. This allowed the vitality of these beasts to disappear immediately in the **** void. The reason why Qin Lang released some of the beasts was actually to throw away the bait. "same.

With these baits to catch fierce predators, the chances of success are naturally small, but Qin Lang knows that predators should swallow some baits, even if they know that these things are unknown. Because these beasts thrown by Qin Lang are all from their own universe, carrying the unique vitality and some rules of the universe. If they are swallowed up and swallowed by predators, then these predators will be better able to understand the universe. Structure and life form, which will help predators to grab more energy and resources in the next feast.

Therefore, when Qin Lang released these fierce beasts one by one, there were some predators who were happy to laugh and swallow these beasts. Like Qin Lang’s thoughts, these predators should be from these beasts. Analysis of the vitality and life form of Qin Lang's universe, they swallow these beasts, just like eating appetizers.

However, these predators do not know that Qin Lang has added special "auxiliaries" in these appetizers. It is not Qinlang poisoning, because even if Qinlang possesses natural poison, it may not be able to poison these predators. After all, the epoch of the epoch is more reinforced than the will of the destiny. Therefore, Qin Lang is not a poison, but the conversion of natural poison into a special "accessory", which can make these predators more "excited". In short, Qin Lang only fuels these predators. Appetite only. However, in such an environment, once you are over-excited, it may be a problem. After all, the universe is now surrounded by gunpowder barrels. These over-excited predators may rub each other at any time. spark.

Bang! ~

Sure enough, one predator couldn't help but start another predator. The two sides did not have any friendship at all. The previous temporary peace was only mutual restraint. But after devouring Qin Lang’s bait, the predator became very excited, and the excitement made its restraint weakened. When it sees another predator too close to it and the other's strength is not as good as it, it takes it for granted.

boom! boom! boom! boom! ~

One predator started and the other predator's body was blasted, which immediately caused more predators to come and take advantage of it. It was like a group of sharks waiting to besiege a group of fat fish, but there was a shark in the shark group. Injured, then for the rest of the sharks, the injured sharks become the "fat fish" in their eyes, so the more "bait" thrown out by Qin Lang at this time, the more the risk of hiding powerful.

If Qin Lang directly poisons, it may be able to make some predators unlucky, and may even be poisonous, but the effect may not be so good, and may make him Qin Yao become the target of criticism, but Qin Lang throws out some crazy bait. Even if there are predators who are aware of it, they will not care. After all, they are overlords. Naturally, they know how to conduct risk assessment. Surviving in this **** void, the crisis is always there, and what is the risk of the district.

As a result, the current situation is like a group of fanatical dangerous elements around a gunpowder barrel. In this state, it is strange if nothing happens. Sure enough, Qin Lang’s hope for a small friction broke out, fighting between completely strange predators, and because of Qin Lang’s “crazy bait”, the battle between the two predators became crazy, and then This madness began to spread, and soon the little friction became a big melee.

The battle between predators is actually happening at any time, so they don't care who the war is. These tyrannical predators will only care about the outcome of the war. And, if there is an opportunity, some predators will fall into the rocks, rob the fire, and want to scrape a large piece of fat from other predators.

The melee has become more and more intense.

At this time, Qin Lang knew that it was almost the same, so he rushed toward his own universe. Although he knew that this behavior still had a lot of risks, the risk had been reduced a lot compared to the previous situation, so Qin Lang could only bite the scalp. Rushed over the past.

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