Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2724: Heterocoal

Ant, the reason why the elephant in front is "stone", it is only because this elephant has not moved, it can not move because of an ant or a skirt ant, but if it is a gun hunter In the current situation of this elephant, then the situation is naturally different, and this elephant may run wild.

Then, the black hole at the bottom of this evil dragon star is also the same. In the eyes of many dragons and humans, this black hole is a black hole with no vitality. It is just a place to devour material and vitality, but when Qin Lang appeared, this dragon Xingyuan's black hole feels threats, or feels something that can make it excited, so something in this black hole is awakened by the appearance of Qin Lang, which seems to be ready to swallow Qin Lang.

If you devour Qin Lang, it is obviously more beneficial than the engulfing of the entire dragon star, so the existence of this black hole can not be unmotivated, so when Qin Lang appeared in front of this black hole, there was a slight abnormal fluctuation of vitality, Qin Lang It is thought that this may be the black hole's will to start "excited", so Qin Lang asked, asking about the will in the black hole, whether he wants to swallow him too.

And the will in this black hole, it really gave Qin Lang a reply - in this black hole, a powerful dark magnetic field was instantly released. These dark magnetic fields are like an evil tentacle, and they are surrounded by Qin Lang from all directions. Prepare to entangle the Qin Lang, and then directly dragged into the depths of the black hole, directly decomposed and absorbed.

Qin Lang did not make a fierce resistance because he wanted to know the black hole, or what kind of intentions and skills existed in the black hole. He dared to come to a human heart and snake, and Qin Lang was obviously an elephant, so he thought Look at the poisonous snake in this black hole.

After a while, Qin Lang has been involved in the black hole by the dark magnetic field. Usually, this time, the result is already doomed, because even if the light falls into the black hole's magnetic field, it can't escape. So Qin Lang's end is probably So, there can be no other possibility.

At the same time, the news that Qin Lang fell into the black hole magnetic field was immediately detected by the warships of the Huaxia World. This news was first transmitted to the headquarters of the Huaxia World, and naturally passed to the Dragon Snake Corps, which caused a lot of commotion. Whether it is the research institute of the China World or the government, it is considered that Qin Lang’s move is too risky. It is simply a matter of life. This kind of behavior is also very irresponsible, because Qin Lang’s life and death are related to the success or failure of the Chinese world, Qin Lang himself. Adventure, that is, take the future adventure of the Chinese world. In particular, the research institutes believe that Qin Lang's deep black hole is not only an adventure, but also a worthless adventure!

However, when the news was passed to the ears of several top Chinese powerhouses, these people just smiled easily. Although they did not know the strength of Qin Lang, they knew how much Qin Lang had. Therefore, even if the research institute thinks that Qin Lang can't get out of the black hole, the masters of these dragon snakes are firmly convinced that Qin Lang will reappear, and it is easy to escape the black hole.

When Qin Lang’s confidantes got the news, they were still immersed in the practice. They obviously didn’t worry about Qin Lang’s entry into the black hole. They knew Qin Lang very well and knew that this guy would never Joking with your own life, since you are willing to enter the black hole, it means that he is able to control the situation.

At this moment, Qin Lang has entered the black hole. If it is someone else, this time I am afraid that I have already been scared, but Qin Lang’s feeling is like a stroll, it seems that he is not involved in the black hole, he is just An observer.

In fact, Qin Lang is indeed only an observer. He entered the black hole to figure out the problem of the black hole. In the world inside the black hole, it is like a bottomless vortex. There is an invisible force pulling Qin Lang constantly. Falling into it, in the world inside the black hole, all the rules become chaotic, even if the law of time is disturbed, no wonder any creature can not survive into the black hole, because there is no law power in the black hole world. Stability can be relied upon, even if it is a half-step empire that controls the power of any law in this universe, it is impossible to escape from the black hole, but Qin Lang, who is the lord of the era, can be as stable as the mountain in the chaotic law, completely free from any Chaos power influence.

"What, don't you still show up?" Qin Lang snorted. He was conveying information to the willing presence in the black hole. Qin Lang knew that this guy should know the information he wanted to pass.

Sure enough, after a few moments, Qin Lang finally received a spiritual signal: "You are the epoch of the Chinese world - Qin Lang."

"Do you know me?" Qin Lang asked.

"Of course I know that I have lived in this evil dragon starry for a long time. It is also a very old existence. However, I want to know what you are doing on my site?" The will in the black hole In turn, ask Qin Lang Road.

"What to do? Nature is for resources and vitality." Qin Lang said, "You black hole in the dragon dragons swallowed up the unknown creatures and resources, and now should contribute some."

"Contribute?" The powerful will uses a sarcasm. "This is my place. I am here for countless long years, devour the weak creatures and many energy substances, but it is just eating. How come you? I don't know if the law of the weak meat is not enough. Who can interfere with my eating?"

At first glance, this blasphemy is also justified, because the whole universe is a law that implements the law of the weak and the strong, then the will in this black hole engulfs all the weak things around, and there is nothing wrong with it. However, Qin Lang came here today, not to argue with the black hole in the black hole, so Qin Lang said very directly: "Yes, you insist on the law of the weak meat, so I am here today, too For this principle, nowadays, our China World is going to prepare for the final disaster, so we need to collect enough energy. You must have enough energy in this black hole, so I want to borrow some, should there be no problem? I invite you to cope with the last days of disasters. What do you think?"

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