Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2726: Fourth level cosmic creature

"Oh... it seems that you are really ironic to be against me! However, for me, you can also be sent to the fat of the mouth, I naturally want to swallow you! Your cultivation is for me. It is very attractive!" It seems that there is more greed than Qin Lang, and the other party is obviously preparing to swallow Qin Lang. At all, there is no preparation for talking with Qin Lang.

"I knew this, I didn't bother to waste my time." Qin Lang snorted and knew that the other side had also become jealous. Qin Lang should do it directly, so as not to waste time.

"This black hole is the place where I have been working hard for a long time. You are fighting here with me. It is just looking for death! Besides, I still have the power of darkness, and with the power of this black hole, it is just like a tiger! You guys still dream of challenges. I am simply looking for death!" This strange universe creature smirked, the whole black hole began to distort, this is right, his dark source of power plus this super black hole, is indeed a tiger.

However, Qin Lang did not care, and did not say that after Qin Lang practiced the dark reincarnation of the heavens, he had a deep understanding of the power of the darkness. He only said that after Qin Lang’s experience in the **** sky, his knowledge and understanding have far surpassed this universe. The era of the hegemony, and the control of vitality and energy, reached an extremely microscopic level.

In the **** void, Qin Lang practiced absolutely frozen, and repaired his own micro-cosm. If you don't fight, you can almost do not consume energy. Even in the battle, you can reduce the consumption of vitality to the extreme. In the battle of evenly matched forces, Qin Lang can take advantage of this.

At this time, in this black hole, the cosmological creature originally wanted to use the black hole to devour the vitality and all energy released by Qin Lang, but soon it was completely disappointed, because the spirit of Qin Lang would not reveal a trace! Even this super black hole is useless to Qin Lang, Qin Lang's vitality will only flow in his body, and may not reveal any little.

"How is it possible? There is nothing in your body that has leaked out!" The cosmic creature did not expect that Qin Lang completely locked his own vitality, so even if it manipulated the super black hole, it could not extract any vitality from Qin Lang. Then naturally it is impossible to take any advantage in Qinlang here.

"There is no diamond to dare to take porcelain. Since I dare to come here to find you trouble, of course, I am prepared." Qin Lang smiled faintly. "You have a super black hole, and I have a way to cope."

Having said that, Qin Lang has released Xiaoxiao. This guy followed Qin Lang’s experience in the **** void. He was even more exposed. Although he was in the black hole, he was not afraid, but he was very excited. After Xiaoyan appeared, he began to frantically disintegrate this black hole. It is also strange to say that this black hole originally existed by consuming all matter and energy, but many people neglected that the black hole itself is also an energy substance. However, Qin Lang and Xiao Xiao are aware of this, so the black hole devours matter and energy, and Qin Lang came with a small scorpion this time to disintegrate and devour the black hole.

"Small, this black hole will be handed over to you." Qin Lang gave an order to Xiaoyan, and then Qin Lang fully responded to the alien universe monster.

When Xiao Xiao was on the super black hole bar, Qin Lang had already stood opposite the alien universe creature. Qin Lang stared at the guy in front of him and snorted: "You are this virtue!"

The creatures of different universes are naturally different from the creatures of this universe, and what is really different here is that it is not a creature of the third level universe!

After entering the **** void, Qin Lang knows that there are eleven levels in this universe, and Qinlang’s own universe belongs to the third-level universe. The same level of the universe, although there are some gaps in its species, the gap is not too big, but different levels. The gap between the creatures of the universe will naturally be great. At this time, the heterogeneous creature that Qin Lang saw was the creature from the fourth level of the universe, and there is no doubt that this guy was once one of the fourth-generation universe's epoch!

This is one of the real rivals Qin Lang encountered.

Originally, Qin Lang thought that this guy was just a powerful creature from the alien universe, but did not expect it would be a tyrannical creature from a high-level universe. Because under normal circumstances, the tyrannical creatures of the high-level universe will not enter the low-level universe, because this feeling is very uncomfortable, it is like a hegemony who was originally swimming in the sea, suddenly thrown into a pond. It is bound to be affected by the pond ecosystem, which is the problem.

Suddenly seeing a high-level universe of creatures, Qin Lang can not fully describe the differences between the two sides. Although this creature still has a humanoid form, it always looks a bit strange, but then Qin Lang knows where the real difference between the two sides is. - the law of time!

This fourth-level universe of creatures, this time law is completely integrated with itself, and what does this mean? It means that the time rule on this body is completely stable, controllable, and even can be changed precisely! Even for this, its time rule is visible and touchable!

We must know that the uncontrollable and irreversible rules of time are well-known things. Even the epoch of the epoch can not reverse the law of time. It can only affect the power of time and make the flow of time slow or accelerate. However, for the strongest of the fourth-level universe, the power of time is completely controllable, or even a part of itself!

"So, you have seen the gap between us?" The cosmic creature sneered at Qin Lang with disdain in his tone.

"I saw our difference, not the gap." Qin Lang corrected a word, which means that Qin Lang does not feel fear because the other is the creature of the fourth level universe.

"Hey... difference? This is where the gap is! No one can beat me in the universe you are in...unless, unless it is! Because I am a creature from a higher level universe, so you are in this low-level universe. The creature is in front of me, just rubbish!" This alien universe is very arrogant, and even arrogant.

"Oh... if you are really such a cow. If you force it, it will not appear here! As a creature of the fourth level universe, you enter the third universe, and it is a kind of 'fallen', if not If you have to, you can't choose to enter this universe. At least you should also choose to enter the fourth level of the universe. Therefore, you enter the universe only because you are forced to helpless. It seems that you are being chased and killed. So, if I am the garbage in your eyes, you are just the funeral dog in my eyes!" Qin Lang immediately made a verbal counterattack.

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