Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2739: Open condition

"The Lord of the Stars, as a creature of a different universe, I can't think of you hiding in the world of the beasts for hundreds of millions of years, you can be hidden deep!" Qin Lang also left the state of absolute ice at this time. Come out, a strong breath is released, and other monks immediately sense his existence.

As an epoch of the epoch, as long as you do not intentionally hide your breath, it is difficult to be undetected, because the atmosphere of the tyrant overlord is too strong, it is difficult to ignore.

The left one read this time and also saw Qin Lang, roaring: "Damn! It turned out that you are doing a ghost!"

However, the voice of the left-handed roar can only be heard by himself and Qin Lang, because Qin Lang has closed the mouth of the left one.

Among the epochs of the Star Beasts, only the Lord of the Stars can make Qin Lang pay attention to it. The guy who reads the left one is just a clown.

Although the left one is also the epoch of the epoch, it is nothing more than the squadron of the Star Beast Palace, which is built up with resources. Its own heritage is not as strong as those that are completely promoted by the power of the epoch, not to mention the comparison with Qin Lang.

The Lord of the Stars, after all, is the epoch of the alien universe, and has been working hard for hundreds of millions of years here, and watching it play between the monks of the whole beast world, it is known that this means How amazing.

We must know that in the sacred world of the mythical world, it should have been able to give birth to several epochs, but under the influence and manipulation of the Lord of the Stars, the sacred world has not given birth to an epoch, as for the left This is simply a flaw, not counting.

"The era of China's world hegemony - you are the guy named Qin Lang? I can't think of the last time you broke through the era of the hegemony, and even repaired it again! You guys like this, really should not give you any chance. So, at the beginning, I should personally kill you!" The Lord of the Stars said to Qin Lang.

"The machine can't be lost, no longer." Qin Lang said faintly, "If you want to do it now, I will definitely accompany you to the end!"

"Confidence! Who gave you such a sigh?" The Lord of Stars sneered, and the laughter from the huge shackles made people shudder.

"The bottom gas comes from strength. You should understand this truth. The Lord of Stars, this is the battle of destiny in the mythical world. I don't think you should intervene. The epoch of the Star Beast Palace should not be intervened." "Qin Lang to the main road of the Star God.

In fact, after thousands of years of painstaking efforts, both the number of the beasts and the monks' repairs are stronger than the star beasts, but they do not have their own epoch. If the tyrants of both sides do not intervene, then the victory must be familiar with the side of the sacred beast.

"Don't intervene? Just rely on you alone?" The voice of the Lord of the Stars has some arrogance. "You are more powerful than other epochs, but this does not mean that you are qualified to sneak in front of me! Chinese Xia Monk You don’t think it’s thick and thick!”

"If this is the case, if you have to intervene, then you must pass me before!" Qin Lang said coldly, "I think you have manipulated this mythological world for hundreds of years, and it is hard to let go!"

"Yes! Since you also know that I am so long in manipulating the mythical world, I know that I absolutely will not allow other forces to interfere with my plan!" The artifact of the Lord of the Stars is released, and this void seems to be frozen.

Since it has already collapsed, then the rest can only be won with fists. Qin Lang knows that the Lord of the Stars still looks down on the new era hegemony like him, so Qin Lang can only use his fist to prove his own strength and The right to speak.

When Qin Lang punches, the owner of the star **** is just a cold cry, it does not punch, because it has no hands and feet, it is just a huge existence like a crystal cymbal. However, its thinking is like a fist, even faster than Qin Lang's fist. The flashing starlight in the huge crystal skull is a sign of its thinking, so its thinking is as fast as a flashing star, even more than light. fast!

The thought of the Lord of the Star God immediately became a figurative entity. A huge fist that was condensed by the power of the starlight immediately appeared in front of Qin Lang, like a giant hammer squatting toward Qin Lang.

speed! power! More than Qinlang!

After all, it is a heterogeneous creature that has been in operation for hundreds of millions of years in the world of the beasts. Its strength is really above Qinlang. It is no wonder that the epoch of the epoch of the left can only become a shackle.

Bang! ~

However, with a huge roar, the first one is not Qin Lang, but the owner of the star god. Although its speed is faster and its power is stronger, it is only the first move, because of the speed, It is also faster than time itself, and Qin Lang is the time lord of this universe, controlling the power of time in this universe!

Even if the Lord of the Stars has multiple universes, it is impossible to be an opponent of Qin Lang in this universe, unless it is the epoch of the fourth-order universe.

After the move, Qin Lang did not immediately counterattack, because he knew that the Lord of the Stars should have received the lesson and understood the strength of Qin Lang.

Qin Lang certainly wants to completely destroy the Star Beast Palace and kill all the epochs, including the Lord of the Stars, but he knows that this is not realistic, because these episodes of the overlord will lead to the beast. The damage of the League and the Chinese world. Under the trade-off, Qin Lang believes that as long as he can reach his own conditions.

Sure enough, the Lord of the Star God is also weighing, facing the powerful strength of Qin Lang, it can only choose to concede: "Qin Lang - I did not expect that you have become the time lord of this universe. In this universe, I am not Your opponent!"

The Lord of the Stars only admits that in this universe, it is not an opponent of Qin Lang, meaning that once it leaves the universe, it has some certainty to overcome Qin Lang. Of course, the same is true. After leaving the universe, although it is possible to use time to attack, there is absolutely no absolute advantage in this universe.

"Since you have agreed that this is not my opponent here, then I can naturally open the conditions?" Qin Lang is also simply.

"What are your conditions?" asked the Lord of the Stars.

"The first condition, I have already said before, the grievances and causes and consequences between the Star Beast Palace and the Beast League, let them go to break! The second condition - left one to me to send it down!" Qin Lang took the opportunity Two conditions were proposed.

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