Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2745: Roulette

Qin Lang has released his eternity as a material. These eternal substances are surrounded by the same mist and surrounded by Qin Lang. These eternal materials have been tempered by Qin Lang and then integrated into themselves. At this time, he will These eternal substances were released in order to try to make sense with this eternal day roulette, because Qin Lang knew that this was the only connection between him and the eternal day roulette.

After a long period of thinking, Qin Lang believes that the eternal material is not the life-saving material that the eternal Tianlun alms gives to some people to rob the catastrophe, but the channel that allows some people to contact the eternal day roulette.

This sounds incredible, but Qin Lang has figured out some of the key points:

If the Eternal Sky Roulette is a machine made by a certain person, then the existence of the Eternal Sky Roulette must have a certain meaning, or some goals. According to the laws of the Eternal Sky Roulette appearing in the universe, This thing does have some purpose - such as the emergence of the eternal day roulette, which means the beginning of a countdown to the universe, which is also a law, although it is only a superficial law.

As long as there is a certain regularity in confirming the emergence of the eternal day wheel, it means that this thing, whether it is machine or life, carries some purpose. If Qin Lang regards it as a machine made by a high-level life, then Is the existence of this thing just to remind the creatures of each universe to count down to the end?

If it is the countdown to the end, why not just turn it into a big clock and accurately show the rest of the universe? If you can make something like the Eternal Sky Roulette, then naturally you can easily make a big clock out, but why the other party did not make it into a big clock, it can be seen that the Eternal Day Roulette is not a doomsday clock. !

If you think about empathy, Qin Lang, as the guardian of the Chinese world, knows the time when the Chinese world is precisely dying. Is he simply warning the Chinese world? If you do this, it will be too superficial and stupid.

A very high-level creature, if you want to warn about low-level creatures, there should be many ways, it is simply too easy, and even can easily help low-level creatures to ask for dilemmas.

For example, if a bottle falls, the water inside is about to drown an ant nest, just as someone sees it, there are many ways to stop such a disaster, if he wants to do so. The really difficult thing is that he wants the ants to understand his ideas -

"Right, this is the crux of the problem!"

In the mind of Qin Lang, there was a flash of thought. He suddenly grasped the key to the problem - communication! The biggest problem between high-level and low-level creatures is communication.

Don't think that this is a very simple matter. For example, people can easily decide the life and death of an ant, a group of ants or flies in many ways, but can people communicate directly with ants and flies?

There may be a way, but this is undoubtedly quite difficult. It is harder to communicate with ants than to kill a group of ants. I don't know how many times. Moreover, it is necessary to know the communication between humans and ants, or to build on the same world and a universe.

It is even more difficult to imagine that different levels of biology and different levels of biology should be exchanged. For example, if one person wants to communicate with another level of ant, how can it be done?

Then, Qin Lang imagines that the creator of the eternal Tianlun disk is a "person", then all the creatures in this universe are just the same as the ants. The "people" who create the eternal Tianlun disk must establish with many ants in the universe. If you contact, you can only do it through the Eternal Day Roulette. Therefore, the Eternal Sky Roulette is probably an exchange channel left by the very high-level cosmic creatures to the low-level creatures.

This guess is very bold, but Qin Lang believes that this guess should be closer to the truth.

In any case, Qin Lang always has to try it.

At this time, Qin Lang released his own eternal material from the body. Then Qin Lang made some subtle adjustments to these eternal substances. At this time, Qin Lang regarded himself as an ant looking up at the sky, if he wanted to see the clouds above. In the words of "God", then he needs to release some signals that can attract the attention of the other party.

The signal released by Qin Lang is to let the eternal material released in his own body simulate the eternal Tianlun disk, and try to keep the same working rules as the eternal day roulette - to make the absolutely strange party understand that you want to communicate. The best way to think is to send a familiar signal to the other person.

Qin Lang used the eternal material to simulate the law of the eternal Tianlun disk, and it was very finely adjusted while running. This is to ensure that the frequency of the eternal day roulette is exactly the same, perhaps after the frequency of both sides is completely the same, between the two Some induction may be formed.

Qin Lang’s approach is of course only an attempt. In addition, his behavior on the eternal Tianlun disk is only a speculation, and he cannot achieve complete precision. Therefore, he makes minor adjustments while simulating the side. At this time, these eternal substances around Qin Lang’s body. Gradually formed a "rotation"-like thing, running around the body of Qin Lang, expecting to establish some sense or contact with the mysterious eternal day wheel.

For Qin Lang, this is just an attempt. Even if it is not successful, he will make another attempt. Anyway, he is convinced that this eternal day roulette should contain some important secrets. Once it is deciphered. Such a secret may allow Qin Lang and the entire Chinese world to smoothly enter the next cosmic era.

Qin Lang does this, there are some risks and gambling, but he thinks that such adventures and gambling are also worthwhile, because if you do not gamble here, then Qin Lang and Hua Xia world will enter the **** void, still gamble, and life and death. Gambling! At this moment, gambling, even if it will lose, may not lose its life.

At first, Qin Lang did not have any strange feelings, but as these eternal material simulations of the eternal day roulette continued to operate, Qin Lang gradually had a strange "induction" -

He found himself getting closer and closer to the eternal day roulette!

After giving birth to such an induction, Qin Lang confirmed that his judgment was correct. He may have established an inductive connection with the Eternal Sky Roulette.

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