Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2761: All the way west

The predators in the **** void, they finally waited for this feast.

In the **** void, it is not easy to wait for such a big meal, so it is worthwhile for these predators to wait here, and it is also worth fighting for them here.

Of course, the first to bear the brunt is the creatures that rushed out of this annihilation universe. Even the creatures that can escape from this collapsed universe are considered to be the highest level of life in this universe, but facing the predators in the **** void. We, these creatures are just food, nothing more!

No matter how powerful the warships, no matter how high-minded monks, in front of these predators, they are just the same as the chickens and dogs. In an instant, they don’t know how many souls are swallowed directly by these predators.

Yes, compared to the creatures that broke out in this universe, the powerful predators in the **** void are just like huge, fierce whales, waiting for the "fish school" to be sent directly to the mouth. Even if it is a powerful fleet of monks and apocalyptic empire, it cannot break through the encirclement of predators. I don't know how many powerful creatures are buried here.

But at this time, no one has the leisure to pity others, even Qin Lang is not possible, he also has to play a 12-point spirit to deal with these predators in the **** void. Even Qin Lang is more aware of the horrors of the predators in the **** void than the other epochs of the Chinese world.

However, compared with other epochs, this time, Qin Lang is fully prepared. Others don’t say anything about it. It’s just for the Chinese world to put on the “eternal bubble” defense and integrate the will of the gods, which makes the Chinese world A super battleship is more sturdy than any other race ship.

As long as it is stronger than other ethnic defenses, the Chinese world will have the opportunity and cost of life. As a joke says, "I don't need to run faster than tigers, hungry wolves, just need to run faster than you."

It is true that in the face of these **** predators, the Chinese world may not be able to sit back and relax, but the defense and speed of this super-warship in China World is above other races. Further, in this case, the warship of China World will have more chances to live.


The super-warship of China World was hit, and a huge palm stretched out. It seemed to be ready to swallow the entire Chinese world. However, this big hand was bounced off by the powerful defense of the Chinese world.

At this time, the Chinese world is not a simple small world, nor a simple super battleship, but a complete micro universe!

This universe has an eternal bubble as a "shell", with a natural destiny as the source, and a high-tech civilization of the Chinese world as the foundation backing. The so-called "the sparrow is small and complete", the Chinese world at this time is a complete universe, so the same Have a defense of the universe!

Predators in the **** void may be able to destroy a world and kill an epoch, but to destroy a complete universe is not an easy task, or even a very difficult one. To erase the current Chinese world, it takes a heavy price.

At this time, the entire Chinese world, in addition to Qin Lang alone "escort" outside, the rest of the life together with the epoch of the epoch, stayed in the Chinese world, and joined forces to the outside.

At this time, the whole world is almost full of firepower, because they all know that they must break through the "predator" formed by these predators. If they can't break through, then they can only die here.

Regardless of the Chinese world, the rest of the races are full of firepower at this time. Although this is only a dying struggle, they are all resolute and have no turning back, so each creature and race that is destroyed and swallowed, They all released their hottest attacks, which seemed so strong.

Most of the creatures are finished. Although Qin Lang’s state of mind is not waved, he feels the fierceness and fierceness that erupted in the last moment of his life. This kind of taste is unforgettable! Even as the lord of the era, this thing makes Qin Lang feel that it is a great brand, which will greatly help his future practice.

The Qinlang and Huaxia worlds have already rushed out of the collapsed universe and completely entered the **** void. The Chinese world has been attacked many times, but thanks to the eternal bubble defense, it still has no serious problems. However, Qin Lang was later attacked more. Perhaps the blood predators believed that Qin Lang was in the way, so he decided to destroy Qin Lang first, so that he could eat the fat of China World.

For these predators in the **** void, it’s hard to wait for such an unusual feast, and many predators gather here, which is a big risk, if you can’t take advantage of it. It’s just too far from it. Therefore, these predators can of course not easily let go of Qin Lang and the Chinese world.

The preciousness of the **** void is very precious. Qin Lang is very clear, especially those powerful predators who do not understand the absolute ice-curing exercises. Their desire for vitality is like those who lack water in the desert. So it is impossible to easily let go of any drop of rain.

Bang! ~

Qin Lang was attacked again, and the powerful force directly hit Qin Lang!

This time, the predator of the fourth level of the universe, the strength is more powerful than Qin Lang.

Although Qin Lang had encountered the fourth-level universe in his own universe, Ayeni, although Qin Lang was lucky enough to defeat the other side, it was because Ayani could not fully exert his own strengths and strengths, but in the blood. In the void, the fortune of the fourth level of cosmic creatures is immediately apparent. It is almost a few times that of Qin Lang in terms of strength!

Qin Lang was kicked by the other party and felt the powerful power of the other side. But the real destructive power of the other party lies in the power of time carried in the attack. The power of this time is the power of the "solid" time, the third level. The creatures can't be absorbed at all. Even the third-level empire can't resist. The power of this solid-state flower is like a huge magnet, which will completely absorb the opponent's time and life!

If Qin Lang did not become the time lord, only the power of this solidified time would be enough to destroy him, but now, the other side’s attack is a small smashing of Qin Lang, so Qin Lang very simply accepted the power of this time, and will It became its own time and longevity, and snorted to the other party: "Thank you for your time!"

Having said this, Qin Lang has returned to the side of the Chinese world and continues to **** it. At this time, Qin Lang did not want to provoke other troubles. Everything must **** the Chinese world to the destination.


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