Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2770: Pressure on the ground

"Oh... you want to inquire about the news of the void, you are ready to die!" The swallowing konjac smiled and felt that Qin Lang was looking for a dead end. "I don't want to tell you, any want to inquire about the empty news." The existence will die!"

"Maybe, but even if I will die, I will definitely die behind you, isn't it? Life has never died since ancient times, isn't it done without fear of death?" Qin Lang sneered.

"This is not the same, the origin of the void, you really should not be inquired, because once you inquire about this news, you will become the common enemy of 'empty aliens', you will always fall into the situation of being chased." The Heavenly Snake Demon seems to be very confident about the group that it is in, called “empty alienation”.

"Oh... If this is the case, I want to give it a try and see if there is anything great about this kind of void." Qin Lang swallowed the snake.

After the universe in which it was destroyed, Qin Lang’s mentality has also quietly changed. Especially after being separated from the Chinese world, Qin Lang took a sly suggestion and used the “fishing method” to kill the blood directly in the **** void. The process of Qin Lang, almost no bottom line, can be described as completely in the dark state. The only bottom line of Qin Lang is that "willing to fish the hook", if the other party does not move the killing, then Qin Lang will not do it, and once the other party moves to kill, then Qin Lang will inevitably kill it, regardless of its origin and goodness. evil!

As for this swallowing snake, this guy is also a powerful character. As the strongman of the fourth-level universe, he can grow so strong in the **** void, that is also a wonderful existence, and according to the swallowing It is said that it is so powerful because it belongs to the group of “empty aliens”. As a group in the **** void, this so-called void alien must have one or several chiefs, and the other party should be very powerful.

However, Qin Lang does not care, now he has been separated from the China World, and in order to be able to reunite with the Chinese world, Qin Lang is willing to pay more, this time Qin Lang is a lonely one, so even if the king is not afraid, what? What is the emptiness of the void?

"Are you really afraid of dying?" swallowing the snake, "If you let me go, I can't have happened this thing, and that would be good for us."

It seems that there is no ignorance in the swallowing of the snake, this is not like fooling Qin Lang, if Qin Lang really let it go, maybe it can really be this thing has not happened.

"Oh, I don't think you are so afraid of the emptiness of the leader or the maker. It seems that if you are fighting, you can't fail. If you fail, you must die, right? So, you would rather not have this thing. Has it happened?" Qin Lang suddenly speculated on the idea of ​​swallowing the snake's inner heart.

"You... guessed out?" The swallowing snake did not think that Qin Lang had guessed the thoughts of his heart so easily, but since Qin Lang already knew it, the swallowing snake also nodded and said, "Yes! We are these Voids, if once the predation fails, they are defeated by the other party, they can only die, otherwise our master knows that the end is more terrible than death! You should know that I am not fooling you, but the fact is!"

The swallowing demon seems to be a certain degree of fear for his master, otherwise it is impossible to say such a thing.

"Master? A tyrannical guy like you, actually called a living being a 'master', and still so fearful, it can be seen that your master should have some skills." Qin Lang indulged, seems to be thinking about something.

The swallowing snake thought that Qin Lang was afraid of its mysterious master, and then went on to say: "Since you have already understood the situation, then we will be evened out. What do you think?"

“How?” Qin Lang sneered. “It’s not so easy to tie it. The murderer will kill you. Since you want to kill my servant, don’t expect me to let you go.”

"You... don't you understand what I said before?" Swallowing the genius, "Do you really want to be with my master, and with the ‘empty alienity’ as an enemy?”

"It seems like this." Qin Lang did not object to the speculation of the swallowing snake. "So, now it is your turn to choose, or tell me all the information about 'empty alienity', then surrender to me, be my slave. Or, I force you to ask all the information you know, and then completely devour your strength and strength."

The swallowing snake did not think that Qin Lang would make such a decision. He sighed and said: "Why must this be done? If you do this, it will only force us both to die!"

"That's just that you feel that you have a bad road. I don't think so." Qin Lang said faintly. "Since you are so afraid of the host of the void, then I will ask you to be benevolent."

Having said this, Qin Lang is ready to start, killing the swallowing snake, and then swallowing its vitality and strength, but at this time, the swallowing snake disappears: "Wait--I have chosen it, I am willing to be your slave! It is better to live than to die, although I know that I and you may be killed by other 'empty aliens', but it is worse than killing you now."

"I know the time person is Junjie. Yes, you can understand this. No matter how powerful your former owner is, this time the person who masters your destiny is not it but me! So, now if you still violate my The idea, you are really dead!" Qin Lang said to the dream of the snake.

At this time, there is no need for Qin Lang to remind, in fact, the swallowing snake also knows its own situation, Qin Lang is right, if it continues to choose the foolish "empty alien" group, then Qin Lang will not hesitate to kill it, then By consuming the memory information and vitality together, Qin Lang may not know the power of "empty alienation", so it is simply ignorant fearless.

"Master...you want to know what information, as long as I know, I will tell the owner." The swallowing snake finally puts a correct posture.

"So, now you can tell me about the 'empty alien' message. Remember, it's all about the void! You don't have to worry about whether I can afford it, just do everything I can to tell what I want to know, it seems You know a lot more information than this guy.

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