Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2778: Void alien secret

Strong and weak, always relative.

Even the top predators in the void, their level of power is not static, but in strength and weakness.

Although there are many secrets in the void, although it has a very magical avatar, it can not only be incarnate, but each avatar can have the strength of the body. However, the acquisition of such a powerful force naturally requires a price. Qin Lang certainly knows that both power and vitality cannot be produced out of thin air. Even if the empire is overlord, it is impossible to create strength and vitality out of thin air. Otherwise, if anyone can generate strength and vitality in the void of the blood, then this person must be the only true **** in the **** void. Anyone else can only look back on it.

If the owner of the void can do this, then this guy can become the master of the **** void, even if Qin Lang can only escape far, because such a existence is not Qin Lang can be defeated.

However, Qin Lang does not believe that the members of the void or the owners of the void can create strength and strength from the air, so he believes that the other party only produces a strong force burst through a special technique or method, so that the members of the void can have A number of avatars that are comparable to the power of the ontology. However, this strong power outbreak is costly. Now, Qin Lang wants to know what the price is.

As a member of the void, even if it is a swallowing snake, I don’t know what kind of consequences and costs will be paid after the operation of the strange avatar, but the swallowing snake knows that this strange avatar is impossible. It's easy to show, and that's what all the voids know.

I can't play it freely, not only because it is a killer of the void. In Qin Lang's view, this should be a terrible price. This kind of price is not reflected in the swallowing of the snake, because Qin Lang will swallow the sky. The snake's avatar was given back to it, so the origin of the Swallowing Snake was not greatly affected.

Then, if Uganda loses 22 avatars, does it not cost anything?

Obviously, as Qin Lang expected, the price of Wu’s avatars paid a price, and the cost was not too small. Even if Qin Lang did not crush and swallow it, the black eyeballs began to “self-decline”.

Perhaps for this "eyeball avatar", self-death is only one way to escape the devour of Qin Lang, but Qin Lang knows that even if he is not prepared to swallow this eyeball avatar, he himself must enter the state of "self-death", this is nothing. Then the price of the power outburst.

Self-death is the price of power explosion!

Qin Lang carefully observed the subtle changes in the process of the decline of the twenty-two avatars, and Qin Lang made a deduction of this decline process, which made him more certain of his own judgment: the power of the emptiness of the void is bursting out, it is the overdraft itself. "Existence" comes at the cost!

The "self-death" of these eyeballs is actually a sign that its own existence has disappeared!

This is also the first time that Qin Lang realized that "existence" can be turned into vitality and strength. This made Qin Lang have to admire the creator of the void, this guy actually derived "existence" to derive a powerful avatar. It’s just a whimsy, only the ultimate powerhouse of true geniuses can do this kind of thing.

What is existence?

In his own universe and **** emptiness, Qin Lang has seen a variety of "existence", different kinds of creatures, different worlds, different universes of creatures; flesh-and-blood creatures, no flesh and blood of spiritual life... these are each It exists in various places.

As far as the Chinese people are concerned, the body, the spirit and the will can be regarded as a kind of existence.

When a person is alive, it is a kind of existence; after death, the spirit and the bones still exist, but the sense of existence becomes weak. Even if the bones and tombstones decay, they may still exist in the long river of history.

Therefore, even if it is death, it is difficult to completely obliterate a person's "existence."

Then on the other level, "existence" is something that is stronger than vitality, or a special "power."

"Isn't it, the existence is originally a kind of power, this is a powerful force!" Qin Lang understood the truth, so could not help but sigh.

Although he did not get much strength and strength from the twenty-two avatars, but Qin Lang’s harvest has been great, not only has a deeper understanding of the laws and structures of the fifth-level universe, but also wants to understand The source of power for the emptiness of the void.

"Swallow the snake, you come over." At this time, Qin Lang will swallow the snake.

"I don't know what the owner told me?" The swallowing snake has already been on the thief boat of Qin Lang, so it is a respectful respect for Qin Lang.

"You show me the emptiness of the emptiness of the void." Qin Lang said to the swallowing snake.

"Master... It seems that there is something wrong with the technique of this avatar. Even when it is a void, we rarely use it." The Swallowing Devil is still afraid of this strange avatar. When you are desperate, the Swallowing Snake is basically not very eager to display it.

"No problem, I just look at it." Qin Lang swallowed the snake, "I have already studied some of the singularity of your emptiness, as long as you do not fight fiercely, basically will not be against you. What caused the damage.

"Then why many members of the void are regarded as taboos for this genital technique. Basically, they will not be used if they are not necessary." The swallowing snake is still hesitant.

Qin Lang smiled: "If your members of the emptiness of this kind of arbitrarily exert this singularity, isn't this technique a bad thing for everyone? Then, the group of the void is naturally not much mysterious." Okay, don't talk nonsense, is it because you still defy my will?"

Listening to Qin Lang’s tone of command, he said that the swallowing of the snake’s demon was doubtful, but he did not dare to violate the will of Qin Lang. He had to perform a martial art in front of Qin Lang.

This time, the swallowing of the snakes and the magic of the show, Qin Lang can see clearly, after a while, let the swallows of the snakes can receive the work. The swallowing of the snake is like a monk, and quickly collected the technique of this avatar, and then waited for Qin Lang’s "sentence judgment."

The process of Qin Lang’s seeing the singer’s magical display is clearly understood, and has been carried out countless times. If it is not a previous realization that “existence” is also a kind of power, the singularity of the genius Qin Lang simply cannot give anything of value. However, when Qin Lang realized that "existence" was also a kind of power, the secret of the void was gradually presented in front of Qin Lang.

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