Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2791: Unharvested harvest

Qin Lang once saw a black shadow in the body of a black body, and blinked a moment to kill a member of the void. At that time, Qin Lang noticed the shadow of the "sickle", and then Only then did I know that it was just a sigh of nothingness.

A touch of breath, you can easily kill the members of the void, but now Qin Lang is facing this black body, this guy is fully capable, its power is imaginable.


When the dark sickle went out, it was like a dark long rainbow, whistling to Qin Lang. In this moment, the **** void seemed to be opened.

In the face of such a powerful attack power, even Qin Lang felt an unusual headache, especially the black body of the black scorpion turned out to be only a dark shadow, and did not know what its bottom is, how can he cope with him?

However, the speed of this black scorpion is so horrible, even if Qin Lang wants to dodge, he can't do it.

Bang! ~

The dark sickle was killed, and Qin Lang could only resist it with the eternal bubble. The horrible sickle collided with the eternal bubble, releasing a huge impact.

Qin Lang's eternal bubble was almost regarded as "absolute defense" in the past. At least in the **** void, Qin Lang has never seen anyone who can threaten the defense of the eternal bubble, but this black scorpion, this guy's attacking power has actually been The defense of the eternal bubble constitutes a threat.

However, although the power of the black scorpion is tyrannical, it does not directly open the eternal bubble of Qin Lang. Otherwise, Qin Lang’s current troubles can be big, and it is quite a headache, thinking that if even the eternal bubble can’t stand, then Qin Lang I completely lost my trust, or lost the money to compete with the black scorpion.

Fortunately, although the strength of this black scorpion is strong, it has even threatened the defense of the eternal bubble, but it can only form a "repression" of the eternal bubble defense. Qin Lang can clearly feel that this eternal bubble obviously deforms and shrinks. This shows that the strength of this guy in Blackbird is simply extraordinary, and it is a mess!

Eternal bubble, this thing is the card that Qin Lang got from the eternal Tianlun disk. This eternal bubble seems to be just a "bubble", but it is actually a complete "universe", so it has a The defensive power of the complete universe.

Although there are many powerful predators in the Scarlet Sky, these predators can only capture the creatures that rushed out of the ruined universe in the **** void, but can't directly tear a new universe to "hunt". The reason is new life. The complete universe has a very strong defense force. Perhaps this may be a rule set by the "creator" of the universe:

The new universe is full of powerful defenses!

Otherwise, those predators in the **** void do not want to kill who is who, the new universe, is it not difficult to escape?

The new universe of the new life is almost impossible to be destroyed, or there may be any taboos, such as the destruction of a new, complete universe, and the possible punishment of extinction.

In any case, the defense of the Eternal Bubble is unquestionable. Qin Lang himself cannot break the defense of the Eternal Bubble, and he has seen many powerful Epoch overlords trapped in the eternal bubble, and there is no possibility at all.

So, can this black shackle break the defense of this eternal bubble?

Qin Lang has not been sure of this, because the eternal bubble has been obviously deformed and compressed under the attack of black scorpion, and seems to collapse at any time. But even so, this eternal bubble has not really collapsed, still providing a strong defense for Qin Lang.

"Eternal bubble!"

At this time, the voice of the black singer sounded again, with some surprises. "I really can't think of it, you have entered the eternal day roulette, and you have achieved an eternal bubble!"

"I can't think of it, you actually know this thing." Qin Lang said to the black, "Since you know this eternal bubble, then you should know that its defense is absolute!"

In fact, Qin Lang does not know whether the defense of this eternal bubble is absolute, but he must say this, which can bring more pressure to the other side and give him more confidence.

"Absolute defense?" Black screamed coldly. "Absolutely defending such things does not exist at all! Even if it is an eternal bubble, there is no possibility of absolute defense! I can still open the eternal bubble!"

The black voice was very confident, but then it went on to say: "But since you have entered the eternal day roulette and got an eternal bubble, then in my eyes, you are qualified to talk to me. Perhaps You can consider becoming a member of us."

Qin Lang felt that the pressure was slightly weakened. It knew that the black scorpion should be a part of the strength, so Qin Lang didn't mind talking to it: "Be one of you? I think, shouldn't it be a member of the void?"

"Of course, the void is just my experimental product. If you are willing to cooperate with me, you can be a member of the reaper!" Blackbird throws a huge lure to Qin Lang, although Qin Lang does not I think this is a huge lure.

The reason why Blackbird thinks that Qin Lang will seriously consider this proposal, because Blackbird believes that any monk wants to be the reaping of others, not the one who is being harvested.

Kill and be killed?

This is actually a very simple and easy choice.

However, he did not expect that Qin Lang very simply rejected its proposal: "To be honest, I do have some interest in the Reaper civilization, but the interest is not to join you. Because, in my opinion, as a pure reaper, In fact, it doesn't make much sense."

"You actually refused my offer?" Black sighed with anger. "Don't you know how many powerful creatures are eager to join the reaper's camp? You ignorant guy, in this **** void, than There are so many powerful creatures, but if you didn't get into the Eternal Sky Roulette and got an eternal bubble, even if your cultivation is twice as powerful, you are not qualified to join the Reaper camp!"

"Then I should thank you for your value." Qin Lang smiled faintly, he could not join the reaper civilization, and Qin Lang had an instinctive feeling for the Reaper civilization. Perhaps, for those "reagers", harvesting other civilizations is only their "work" or "instinct", but Qin Lang can not accept the "values" of the reaper civilization, so the Tao is different, and Qin Lang is no matter what. It is impossible to join the reaper civilization.

It is also very important that this black scorpion does not necessarily invite Qin Lang to join the reaper's camp!

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