Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2794: The weakest third universe

According to the universe level model that Qin Lang knew before, it is often the higher level of the universe, the more powerful the creatures born, how the Qinlang Tangtang third-level universe creatures, in front of the second level of the universe, Not any cheap?

Weird, weird!

"Do you know that I am a creature of the second level of the universe?" Since Qin Lang has already known the true colors, the black scorpion will no longer be hidden. "However, if you think that I am the second-level universe, I can defeat me." ?"

"At least, knowing that you are a second-level universe creature is better than guessing that you are a sixth-level cosmic creature." Qin Lang felt that the second-level cosmic creature would give him more pressure.

"Ha ha!~"

After listening to Qin Lang’s words, the black cockroaches couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s naive! As a third-level epoch, as a strong **** emptiness, your knowledge is really poor, your imagination is really naive! Who tells you? - The lower the level of cosmic creatures, the weaker the strength?"

"Isn't it?" Qin Lang felt awkward and felt that he might have made a mistake in understanding, because the second level of cosmic creatures in the black scorpion, its strength is simply a mess.

"Unfortunately! The creatures of the third level of the universe are the weakest!" The words of the black scorpion are simply a huge blow to Qin Lang.

I thought that the third level of the universe, although it is already relatively low, is not the lowest. After all, there is a second level, the first level of the cosmic creatures, who knows the existence of the black scorpion and its words, completely subverting the recognition of Qin Lang. Know, and tell Qin Lang that one is the fact:

The creatures of the third level of the universe are the weakest!

This is really a huge blow. As a creature of the third level of the universe, Qin Lang feels that he is really unlucky. Now he knows that it is located at the lowest end of the pyramid and can only be left to others. This is really depressing to the extreme.

Perhaps the universe model is not a pyramid form at all, but an "olive-shaped" structure. The third-order universe has the largest number, but it is the weakest existence, and the innate and weakest! This is simply too no reason!

But when you think about it carefully, Qin Lang can also make sense. The so-called "things are rare", the more you stand at the top of the food chain, the fewer the number will be. This is unquestionable because it is the whole universe. One of the basic rules.

In the whole universe, the third level of the universe has the largest number, which means that the third level of the universe is the most basic and common existence, just like the flock on the grassland. Of course, its strength is like a flock. Really not too strong.

The second level of the universe is very small, and the second level of the universe has fewer creatures. It can be compared to the snake on the grassland. Although it is not as strong as the flock, it is even smaller, but it is more than the flock. Terrible.

"So, even if you know that I am a creature from the second level of the universe, that will not help, because you are not my opponent at all!" The black-sounded tone was once again mad, before Qin Lang saw through its true identity, indeed let Blackbird was a little surprised, but after he was amazed, Blackbird thought a little, and he knew that it still took the initiative and advantage. Even if Qin Lang knew that it was a creature from the second level of the universe, could it weaken its power?

Undoubtedly, it is impossible for Qin Lang to weaken the strength of the black scorpion. Therefore, even if Qin Lang knows the origin of the black scorpion, the pros and cons of the two sides still have not changed.

"Knowing yourself and knowing each other is not awkward - don't you know that you have heard this sentence?" Qin Lang said to the black scorpion, his voice showed strong confidence. "I know your origin, this is the biggest advantage. If you can't understand it, then Just when I didn't say it. Anyway, in the end, after all, it is necessary to be divided by strength."

"Crap! Of course, the strength is divided, so you are lucky to use it!" Black screamed coldly, once again said that Qin Lang launched a series of attacks like storms.

The strength of the black scorpion has always been strong, and Qin Lang has to admit that even Qin Lang has filled several micro-cosmos with vitality, but in terms of strength, he can’t fight black, this guy doesn’t know how to practice. How long has it been, I don’t know where to get such a powerful force. Of course, it may also be because the strongest of the second-tier universe once reached the level of the epoch hegemony, and it belongs to the very embarrassing existence, so the innate condition of the black scorpion may exceed Qin Lang. However, things like innate factors have nothing to complain about. The fact that they are reincarnation is inherently technical and the strength of innate factors. This is not something that can be rectified by itself.

Although Qin Lang’s innate factors are not as good as black scorpions, this does not mean that he does not have the strength to fight with each other. Instead, Qin Lang believes that he still has the possibility to win. This is also an inevitable thing. If there is no possibility of winning, Qin Lang will not waste time here. If there is no half-point, then Qin Lang can't fight hard with the black.

When the black scorpion fell into a state of mad attack again, because of the power gap, Qin Lang naturally contracted the defense again, and fell into a beating situation, and Qin Lang’s eternal bubble defense also reached the edge of collapse. It seems that this guy is not blowing. This can really break the defense of the eternal bubble with a powerful force and "reap" Qin Lang.

In Qin Lang's view, what is really terrible for the black scorpion is not its mysterious exercises, but its powerful attacking power, which is the most terrible. There is no absolute defense, no matter how powerful the defense, as long as the power of the attack is strong enough, any defense can be broken.

Originally, in this **** void, Qin Lang relied on the powerful defense of the eternal bubble, and almost did not encounter any substantial threat in the **** void, but this time when the black scorpion was on, Qin Lang met the real enemy. This black guy, this is simply a fighting machine that doesn't know how tired. It seems that it can always erupt, as if this is not lacking in strength.

"Why, are you still looking for opportunities to fight back and escape when my strength is weak?" Blackbird seems to see Qin Lang's thoughts, and the tone is more disdainful. "If you have such a naive idea, then you are too Let me down! The **** void, although there are many strong, but there are not many that can be worthy of my own hands, I thought you could barely be my opponent, who knows your strength is just that--"

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