Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2805: Void new BOSS

Fortunately, Qin Lang had already had a plan in mind before going to the holy mountain, so he knew how to deal with these veterans and said to them: "You old ghosts, even I don't even know each other! If Hugh, 旻These guys can't recognize me, and I don't think you guys actually don't know me."

When Qin Lang said this, she really made these old ghosts somewhat confused. Although they naturally doubted the origin of Qin Lang, after all, the black scorpion was originally unfathomable, and it was not possible to judge its origin from its appearance. What's more, the black scorpion itself had no stereoscopic vision, but it was just a cloud of smoke or a black sickle. So to tell the truth, these seven old ghosts are not entirely sure that Qin Lang is a counterfeit.

"Oh... if you are really the master, how do you prove it?" One of the elders asked Qin Lang, which falsified his intuition.

"In addition to your master, who else has such a powerful strength!" Qin Lang snorted and released the little black cockroach. At this time, the little black cockroach has already owned seven percent of the black scorpion's heyday. Power, although still unable to compare with the black scorpion in the heyday, can at least deter the seven veterans.

In addition, the little black cockroach can easily use the original method of emptiness and alienation, which proves that it is the body of the black scorpion, at least it is also a powerful avatar of the black scorpion.

Sure enough, after seeing the appearance of the little black cockroaches, the nervous emotions of the seven old ghosts immediately eased. They are naturally very familiar with the scent and means of black scorpion. It can be confirmed that this is a real black scorpion, but they do not understand why it is black. The ontology has become a human being in the third level of the universe, knowing that the black scorpion used to hate humans very much.

Or not hate, but disdain.

"Why, what's the question?" Qin Lang snorted and looked very dissatisfied. "This is just a way of my practice. As a second-level cosmic creature, I want to cross the boundaries of the universe, so I turn myself into The third level of cosmic creatures, if possible, the next step, I will also promote the flesh to the fourth, fifth, and even higher levels! Become a creature across different universes, which can help me comprehend different The rules of the hierarchical universe have more powerful strengths and comprehension! Well, if you have the chance, you can also try."

Qin Lang explained this. The doubts of these seven old ghosts almost disappeared. It turned out that their "masters" became the third level of cosmic creatures, just for spiritual practice and comprehension; According to Qin Lang, the shape can change, but how does the strength change? The mighty strength of the black scorpion is also rare in this **** void. Then a counterfeit goods in the district will definitely not replace the black scorpion. If it is really a more powerful creature than the black cockroach, even if the black cockroach can suppress it, then there is no need to plan the holy mountain, and it will not be straightforward to attack it.

These seven old ghosts think they have figured out the reasons for this, but they don't know that this is exactly the plan of Qin Lang. These seven old ghosts are completely caught in the calculation of Qin Lang. As a result, Qin Lang naturally entered the holy mountain smoothly and took over the entire virtual organization. Once Qin Lang successfully took over the Voidal Heterogeneous Organization, it seems that no one has ever dared to confront him. It seems that these creatures in the Scarlet Sky have become completely accustomed to being replaced by this matter. Everything is to speak with strength and means. In fact, Qin Lang is also completely understandable. This is like having been in the earth world. The power change is very frequent. The so-called "river sitting in turn" is too much, so that the people at the bottom do not even care who they are. The president and the emperor, whoever is the boss is the same life.

Among the sacred mountains, Qin Lang also saw the power of the void organization. According to the information Qin Lang learned, the entire void organization has nearly 2,000 members, and each member has undergone “reform” and learned. The emptiness of signboards. However, every member of the void is also aware of a taboo: this vaginal genital technique cannot be easily applied, otherwise it may cause great trouble and even cause great damage to itself.

However, according to Qin Lang's understanding, if the emptiness of the emptiness of the emptiness is displayed, it will only consume the power of existence. If the excess power is excessively consumed, it will bring incalculable losses, and may even directly disappear. However, if it is only used normally, it will not bring about any substantial damage, because the force of existence can also be supplemented.

Obviously, the leader of the void is deliberately restricting the use of the avatar by its members. It should be another purpose. Qin Lang can confirm this, but he does not want to understand the reason. Unfortunately, he cannot ask other people about this issue. After all, his current identity is already the leader of the void, and it is already another "black scorpion". If you ask someone some "stupid" questions, it will be suspected. At this juncture, Qin Lang does not want to be suspected.

What's more, Qin Lang thinks that he has come to this sacred mountain, so naturally he can figure out the reasons, and even find out the real connection between the void and the black scorpion, and find out why Black Donkey created the emptiness.

This sacred mountain of emptiness is a wonderful existence in the **** void. This thing is a fortress and a very very strong fortress. Although in the **** void of the creatures, many strong people also have the magic weapon that can break through the eternal material, and even can freely shape the eternal material, but this eternal material like the mountains is probably not anyone. It’s got it. Not to mention that this sacred mountain also incorporates a native word!

A source of "san" word!

Therefore, this sacred mountain of the void is a true sacred mountain, because it incorporates the power of the original word, which is equivalent to the eternal material of the mountain has a "core" power, in such a situation The power of this sacred mountain is naturally unimaginable, not to mention that the black scorpion is also quenching this holy mountain with a very precious existence, so to say that this sacred mountain is simply a solid The mobile fortress, this will never be wrong!

The eternal material is not a thing for the epoch of the epoch, but it is a great achievement to be able to temper such a giant mountain with eternal matter.

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