Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2807: Strong group

Qin Lang can communicate this source of the holy word, but still can not incorporate the power of this source of the holy word into it, Qin Lang knows the reason -

This source of the word is too "proud", it thinks that Qin Lang is not enough to harness its power!

It sounds like this seems to despise the meaning of Qin Lang, but Qin Lang has not been so angry and angry, he knows that this source of the holy word must be difficult to tame, otherwise the black scorpion has already blended it, able to follow a source of the word If the power is harmonious, the benefits of black scorpion are hard to estimate.

What is the holy word of the source?

Holy, the supreme is holy!

Even though Black Scorpion has a powerful and unrivalled strength, even if it created the Holy Mountain and the entire Voidal Organization, it cannot be recognized by this source, because the original word believes that it still does not meet the “St.” standard.

Qin Lang now communicates with the source of the holy word, and is still rejected. Although this source of the holy word can still help Qin Lang to quench its existence, but it can not get any additional benefits from the original source.

"But, since you are not willing to merge with me, then I will not force it. But after all, you will definitely agree with my existence!" Qin Lang left his will in the Holy Mountain, and then began to enjoy through the Holy Mountain. "The power of the existence of the whole void heterogeneous organization.

The power of existence, this is an extremely artifact, mysterious, powerful force, it can be said that if Qin Lang did not comprehend the power of existence before hitting the black scorpion, even a hundred percent chance of escape. Not a one percent chance of winning, but an opportunity to escape!

Qin Lang did not think about forcing a fusion with the original source. After all, I couldn’t eat hot tofu. At this time, it is the king of the powerful power of the Holy Mountain. The existence of the members of the void is now. I started contributing to Qin Lang. Moreover, the best part is that the members of the Void are not aware of this.

If you don't fully understand the beauty of the power of existence, you will naturally be unable to judge the strength of your own strength. You don't know how to measure it. If you give it to Qinlang for free, they don't know. What happened to it?

With the help of this sacred mountain, the power of Qin Lang’s existence is naturally increasing rapidly, but Qin Lang still has not taken it lightly, because he knows that although he killed the black scorpion, it is not a complete kill of the other party. The origins should be able to make a comeback in the near future, so before this, Qin Lang naturally has to seize the time to improve its strength and collect information about the Chinese world.

Now that Qinlang has a heterogeneous organization, it is much easier to collect information about the Chinese world. Moreover, with this sacred mountain, Qin Lang also solved the problem of not knowing how to "locate" in the **** void.

It is no wonder that Qin Lang didn't know how the black guy found him quickly. It seems that this guy is using the holy mountain as a reference, and then positioning and issuing commands to the members of the void. If it can't do this, how do you control the entire void?

The so-called one-way Belden, as long as you want to understand the key point, Qin Lang naturally understands a lot of things that do not understand, of course, understand how the black scorpion dominated the entire void.

Now, Qin Lang has issued an order for the members of the whole void to search for information about the Chinese world. Qin Lang believes that with the strength and quantity of the void, it will return some useful information soon.

Although it has been separated from the Huaxia World for some time, but the geese have left a mark, in this **** void, there must be some way to find some information related to the China World. Although finding the Chinese world is like finding a needle in a haystack, if there are too many people, it is easier to get things done, not to mention the members of the void, which are more powerful than other predators.

Of course, as a leader of the void, there are some things that Qin Lang still has to do with his own hands. For example, some predators in the **** void will always come here, hoping to join the void and be transformed to survive in the **** void. longer.

For those predators who came here, Qin Lang did not want to receive them, but Qin Lang found that this sacred mountain seems to need new members to join, because with the addition of new members, the power of existence will increase, then the holy mountain will also More stable, then whether it is the Holy Mountain itself or Qin Lang, you can get more benefits.

"Yes, existence is the truth, existence is power. The more members of the void, the more powerful the influence of the void, the more powerful it exists. It seems that after the black scorpion The efforts of this guy, the influence of the emptiness of the void has increased, and the power of existence on the holy mountain is stronger." Qin Lang thought and thought.

Since it is known that the growth of the void is very beneficial to itself, Qin Lang will not be excluded. Anyway, the seven vagars who live on the holy mountain will conduct the first screening. Finally, it is determined by Qin Lang. Who joins the void.

To put it bluntly, Qin Lang is also presiding over a ceremony. Most of the work is done to the seven veterans on the holy mountain. Even after the transformation of these voids, the seven veterans are also completed. Qin Lang does not need to be hands-on. .

However, in order to understand the transformation process of the void, Qin Lang still looked at the process of transforming a number of empty and heterogeneous ones. The process of transformation is actually the practice of the practice and the method of the separation. Into the void of the body, but at the same time with the help of the power of the Holy Mountain to ban it, so the modified void can practice and use the power of existence, but can not understand the ultimate mystery of the power of existence, even these The veteran will not work!

Even if the sacred mountain collapses, the power of the eternal word disappears, and they cannot understand the ultimate mystery of the power of existence.

Qin Lang is now regarded as an expert in the use of existential power, so after a little look at it, I know the key point. Therefore, after reading the process line of several veterans, Qin Lang immediately understood how the black dragon was built. Void heterogeneous organization.

If these things are all made by the black scorpion, Qin Lang will definitely vote for the five bodies that the black scorpion admire, but it seems that the real power is not the black scorpion, but the reaper and reaper civilization behind the black scorpion.

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