Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2814: Bai Lianzheng

This time, Qin Lang made clear his intentions, knowing that he came here to break this time, instead of simply coming here to show off the force, so since someone wants to be his way and wants to purify him, then Qin Lang does not mind to use him. The way is also to the body.


Along with a scream, this "Little White Lotus" that wanted to purify Qin Lang before a moment has been purified by Qin Lang, leaving only the pure vitality and a little power. Indeed, this little white lotus itself has been purified by Bailian Mountain. Its power is weak and weak, but it is just a body supporting her operation, so Qin Lang is really purifying her. Since then, she has never been bound by the organization of Bai Lian.

Of course, Qin Lang will not regard himself as an over-exertion. He is just a murderer, a devourer, a phisher. He does not need to use false words such as "purification" to hide his behavior.

However, here is Bailian Mountain. There are more than one "Little White Lotus" here, and because these white lotuses are all "brainwashed", unlike the members of the Void, the members of the White Lotus organization are not afraid of death. They are always ready to purify others and purified, so although Qin Lang showed a strong side, but these little white lotus was not caught by Qin Langwei, but directly launched the most fierce siege to Qin Lang.

When Qin Lang was besieged here, this must be the most bizarre and most beautiful scene, because most of the small white lotuses here are almost naked, showing their most beautiful body without any concern, but showing them beautiful. When they were in the body, they were also attacking wildly, and they could not wait to kill Qin Lang into dregs.

"It's pretty good, but you are just tools! - Let me go into the cage of the universe!"

After all, Qin Lang couldn't bear to purify all the little white lotuses, so they simply suppressed them in the cage of the universe. The cosmic cages could be confined to black scorpions. It is enough to ban these little white lotuses.

Not a moment, this little white lotus became the suppression of Qin Lang, completely thrown into the cage of the universe, and at this time a white tender lotus-like hand came out from Bailian Mountain, toward Qin Lang When the head is pressed, around the palm of the hand, there are constantly white lotus blossoms, withered, just like the Buddha came to the world.

However, in the eyes of Qin Lang, there is no such thing as a god, a demon, or a Buddha. In his view, the gods and buddies are just monks. No matter what kind of monks, the people who decide their strength are not their religion and the world. It is their own strength and realm. Therefore, Qin Lang will not have any concerns because of the origin of the other party, and it is a direct blow.

Bang! ~

The two sides made a hard fight, and the entire Bailian Mountain swayed violently, and many of the creatures on the Bailian Mountain fled here, such as birds and beasts.

"The head of the void, you actually came to die!"

The voice on Bailian Mountain continued to ring. "Since you want to die, then I will be happy!"

"Complete me? What kind of joke?" Qin Lang snorted. "Since I have already arrived, you don't have to hide your head and let me see and see your respect."

"What you see in front of you is me!" The sound sounded through the entire Bailian Mountain.

Oh, it should be said that this is a huge white lotus like a mountain!

In other words, Qin Lang’s opponent is a real white lotus!

Undoubtedly, this white lotus flower is also made of eternal material, but I don't know why I have my own will, so I am "fine". However, since "Zheng Jing" has become a living being, then there will be troubles for all living beings -


Survival is the most basic and basic requirement of all living beings, followed by reproduction. If a living being is threatened with even the most basic survival requirements, they will inevitably rise to the war, even if they are paying their lives.

Since this huge white lotus has its own consciousness, then nature also needs to survive, and it is not an easy thing to survive in this **** void, so this huge white lotus to survive, this guy builds An organization called "White Lotus" provides its power and strength.

"It turns out that you are a white lotus." Qin Lang said faintly. "Since it is not a flesh and blood, it is easier for me to start."

"Although I am not a flesh and blood, I am forged with eternal material! I am an eternal existence!" This huge white lotus sounded a mad voice.

"Eternity does not die? Hey, do you really think that immortality is so easy to do?" Qin Lang said disdainfully, "If your opponent is someone else, the body of eternal material casting can really give you an edge, but For me, the body of eternal material construction, that's just that! - Broken!"

Qin Lang mobilized many micro-cosmos in the body, and made a full blow!

Bang! ~

Qin Lang’s fist hit this huge Bailian Mountain, but this blow did not break this white lotus as Qin Lang thought, but left a huge fist mark on it.

Obviously, this Bailian Mountain defense is quite powerful! More than Qin Lang estimated!

"Oh... if it is only an eternal substance, it can't be so strong." Qin Lang sighed.

"Haha!~ Do you think that I am just a magic weapon for ordinary eternal material? You are so naive! I know that you have a sacred mountain of emptiness, all of which are made of eternal material, but you should know that eternal matter itself is not Will produce the will. So, since I already have the will, how can it be just ordinary eternal material!" This **** Bailian Mountain seems to still ridicule Qin Lang.

"Even if you are not an ordinary eternal substance, then how?" Qin Lang said, "I can't kill you if this punch, but it doesn't mean I can't help you!"

If Qin Lang had not beaten the black scorpion, there was no way to take this **** Bailian Mountain, because Qin Lang’s power was not enough to break its defense, but now it is different. After defeating the black scorpion, Qin Lang himself has cultivated another one. Little black cockroach.

"Then try this punch!" Qin Lang once again punched, still full of shots, but in Qin Lang's fist, a black light like a sickle flashed, like a black lightning smashed the white lotus mountain, suddenly screamed From this white lotus mountain.

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