Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2824: In vain

"Yes, the reaper scythe!"

Qin Lang told Zhan Jingtian, "If there is no such thing, how dare you compete with you here? Zhan Jingtian, as a high-level universe creature, although you have an advantage, but having an advantage does not mean that you can completely control everything. The creatures of the hierarchical universe! What's more, if you feel that you have a will in the district, you can beat me?"

"Oh... how, block my blow, do you think you can mad in front of me?" Zhan Jingtian laughed, and the momentum suddenly increased sharply. This is naturally a sign that the strength is soaring. It seems that this guy has not used all of it before. strength.

"Oh, your strength can be improved. This is interesting." Qin Lang nodded slightly. "However, in this place, you can't beat me! No matter how high creature you are, there is no bird!"

"That's a try!" Zhan Jingtian's tone is cold, it seems that this **** void has to be solidified, then he again shot to Qin Lang, the fist is like lightning, and each punch has transcended the Qin Quan know, the punching method you see!

From the perspective of boxing and recruiting, Zhan Jingtian is indeed superior, even reaching another level. This is not denied by Qin Lang.

Zhan Jingtian said that Qin Lang's vision is not enough. This is not an insult to Qin Lang, but the fact is that Zhan Jingtian's vision is bound to be very high. Otherwise, it is impossible to play such an auspiciousness beyond the limits of boxing. This is indeed difficult to resist.

"Thousands of avatars!" Qin Lang knows that he can no longer defeat Zhan Jingtian, so he has to display his avatars. This is of course a very brilliant avatar. Even if it is an incarnation, the power of each avatar will not decline.

"Well, this technique of avatar is still brilliant, but it is only learned from the higher creatures, but now it is cheaper for you. But even if you have thousands of avatars, it can't stop me!" The tone seems to have taken over the overall situation. No matter how strong Qin Lang is and how many avatars there are, it seems that he can't get rid of the ending of its suppression and harvest.

At this time, Zhan Jingtian smiled, and the originally materialized body was once again turned into a pure spiritual will, and then attacked Qin Lang in a mental shock.

It turns out that this can easily be turned into the flesh with willpower, and then turned into physical willpower, this transformation can be done almost at will, without any restrictions!

In other words, when the other party attacks it with flesh and blood, it can be completely converted into spiritual willpower, then the opponent's impact and destruction will be minimized: when the other party engages in mental attack At that time, it can be completely transformed into flesh and blood, there is no spiritual world at all, and the spiritual attack of the other side naturally has nowhere to attack.

In contrast, Zhan Jingtian’s “instantaneous transformation” between the spirit and the flesh is obviously more brilliant than the “mixed element” that Qin Lang used before. It seems that this is really subverting Qin Lang’s recognition. know.

Qin Lang incarnates thousands of people, although the strength is soaring, but Zhan Jingtian suddenly turned into a pure spiritual will, then Qin Lang even if there are thousands of people is also useless, no wonder this guy should despise Qin Lang's cultivation, because this is indeed the case Strength and heritage.

However, although Zhan Jingtian’s vision and cultivation are tyrannical, but it is also inevitable that Qin Lang was born. At this time, Qin Lang saw Zhan Jingtian turn into spiritual power, and immediately screamed: “The body fits!”

In an instant, this thousand-dollar body was completely integrated with Qin Lang’s body. However, after the integration, Qin Lang’s strength and momentum were rapidly rising. This is beyond the estimation of Zhan Jingtian, because the power of existence calls for thousands of people. This was originally the reaper who gave it to the black scorpion. Zhan Jingtian also taught it to Bailian Mountain, so Zhan Jingtian did not feel that there was any mystery. However, Qin Lang can take back thousands of points to merge with his body, and let the strength of the body soar, which is beyond the estimation of Zhan Jingtian.

Or, to a certain extent, Qin Lang's avatar technique broke the limit, the limit of low-level cosmic creatures, and reached the level of so-called "higher creatures."

"This is impossible! You are just a lower creature. How can you break the ‘highest limit?’” Zhan Jingtian screamed.

At this time, Zhan Jingtian, after being transformed into willpower, was originally prepared to launch an attack on Qin Lang’s body, but he did not want Qin Lang’s body to be so strong that it was so strong, and because Qin Lang had the realm of “mixed elements”, Zhan Jingtian naturally did not It is possible to attack Qin Lang successfully, and even it gave up the sneak attack and turned to marvel.

"What is low, what is high? No creature, there is no distinction between high and low, only the strengths and weaknesses! Since you look down on my lower creatures, then see how my lower creatures will You defeated it!" Qin Lang sneered, urging the river of existence, and elevating his own power to the extreme. At this time, he is like a death monarch, a powerful death atmosphere deterring all creatures, even if it is Zhan Jingtian at this time. I feel an inexplicable pressure.

"Not good!" Zhan Jingtian’s heart screamed, and Qin Lang seized Zhan Jingtian with the power of the “Death of the Dead” at this time, which made his mind shoud, and at this time, as a spiritual will, once the mind fell, then Naturally, power is greatly weakened.

"It's not bad, it's very bad!" Qin Lang already knows that the other party's mind is lost. Although it is only a tiny moment, but it can't escape Qin Lang's induction, so this time Qin Lang has already shot, the universe cage is unfolding, covering like a net. Zhan Jingtian.

Instantly win the game!

When Zhan Jingtian was covered in a cage of the universe, he knew that the situation was not good, but Qin Lang did not give him much time to react, and he began to suppress it.

Zhan Jingtian is a "higher creature". This is what he claims to be. Qin Lang does not know what is called "higher creatures", but now that he has imprisoned Zhan Jingtian's will, he can understand what is called "higher creatures".

"Higher creatures - you didn't expect to be locked up here by me?" Qin Lang said to Zhan Jingtian in a mocking tone.

Zhan Jingtian, who defeated the army, naturally has no arrogant capital at this time, but it is only a spiritual will, not its body, so the short-term defeat does not make it feel like how much frustration, so it is very calm to say : "I can't think of it, you have got such a strong source of strength, I am really miscalculated, but the next time I take the shot, you will die!"

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