Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2842: Fengtian retreat

With the roar of the sky, the body of this guy is divided into ten!

In the opinion of the onlookers, after Feng Tian is divided into ten avatars, the strength of each avatar should be weakened, but what is strange is that there is no reduction in the strength of these ten avatars! what does this mean? The power of Fengtian has increased tenfold!

In the view of the monks of this universe, the martial arts such as Fengtian is already the real "super-theft method", and the monks of the Fuxi civilization camp are even more eager to see the worship, turning the heavens into ten powerful The avatar, which means that the power is increased tenfold, so what is the ending of Qin Lang? It must have been smashed into slag!

"Ten Holy Seals?" Qin Lang was not surprised at all. The ten avatars were too weak. For Qin Lang, if there were not thousands of avatars, it would be hard to call it "the singularity", so he also I didn't bother to watch the performance of Fengtian. I sneered directly, and my body swayed. I suddenly differentiated into hundreds of avatars. Then, in the horror of the Fuxi civilization camp monk, I directly encircled the ten avatars of Fengtian.

In order to appear "viewing", Qin Lang deliberately did not directly kill the smashing of the smashing of the sky, but instead used the fists and feet to constantly encircle, but did not kill it completely, this is to insult the heavens.

Sure enough, the body of Fengtian is already sullen, which is simply a shameful shame. In the days of Shutian’s practice, I have never experienced such shame, let alone after Fengtian became the empire of the epoch. The humiliation.

However, Fengtian can't even say a word at this time, because it knows that it is not Qin Lang's opponent, and the other's avatar is more brilliant!

"I can't think of it! You have such a wonderful avatar!" Feng Tian sighed. "No wonder... no wonder I will be suppressed by you! But, can you tell me where this genre comes from?"

"This is not something you should know." Qin Lang said to Feng Tian, ​​"I know that your genius is not your own understanding. So, you should tell me who passed it to you!"

"You don't want to know!" Feng Tian cold and cold, his body suddenly disappeared.

It should not disappear, but it will be completely integrated with this universe.

"There was a shelter for the will of the destiny!" Qin Lang sneered, although he could kill the heavens just now, but in that case, he must completely fight the will of the universe, and it is likely that this universe will be replaced into a land of eternal loss. In that case, Qin Lang does not care, but it will affect the Chinese world, so it can only be put one day.

When the body of Fengtian disappeared, Qin Lang was no longer polite, and directly collected several avatars into the river of existence.

Seeing such a scene, the entire Fuxi civilization and other ethnic masters, younger generations have slipped away, and dare to stay here. There is no doubt that they are losing completely today and can only look for opportunities to wait for the next "experience."

Qin Lang saw these guys slip away, and can only temporarily return to the Chinese world. In any case, the purpose of Qin Lang has also been reached. Now the morale of the Chinese world has been completely upgraded, which laid the foundation for the counterattack of the Chinese world.

When Qin Lan and his entourage returned to the Chinese world, the whole world rang a long-lost cheer, because this time the warriors and warriors of the Chinese world finally won a big victory, even though they only shot Qin Lang, but they defeated the other camp. It is worth celebrating.

Qin Lang didn't have time to celebrate. Instead, he discussed with Cai Yun and others about the counterattack of the Huaxia World. When Qin Lang confronted the Fuxi Civilization camp and solved the urgent need, Colorful Cloud was already drafting the counterattack plan of the Huaxia World, but because of China The world's territory is not large, and the number of troops is not enough. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to carry out a comprehensive counterattack. To this end, the colorful cloud feels a bit of a headache.

"It’s a headache, a comprehensive counterattack is no good, you can only find a few easy-to-follow birds." Colorful clouds smashed his forehead and said to Qin Lang, "However, this is the first major counterattack in our Chinese world, so Not too picky."

"No, I have one in the army." Qin Lang said to the colorful clouds. "Since you want to counterattack, you will come to a big one, and you will not find a good-looking bird. We will find the most powerful mind!" Take the Fuxi civilization to open the knife! Since they want to kill us, we always have to pay the price!"

"Oh... then, where did your army come from?" The colorful cloud smiled. "Don't you prepare to become out of thin air?"

"Oh, you can't get out of thin air, but they are in the void." Qin Lang said to the colorful clouds. "This is good, you can take a trip with me."

Qin Lang is also unambiguous, directly with the colorful clouds to shuttle out of this universe, once again into the **** void. When the colorful clouds saw the sacred mountain of the void, I couldn’t help but exclaim: "Is it a mountain built from eternal material?"

"Yes, all are eternal matter!" Qin Lang said to the colorful clouds. "This is our fortress. Right, now I am the leader of the "Voids" villain group."

This void is indeed a villain group. Since Qin Lan left, Bailian Mountain has almost been unable to sit still. Fortunately, there are still a few veterans who help to restrain these fierce villains. However, when Qin Lang returned, the former villains who had been distracted quickly became honest, because Qin Lang’s strength seemed to be more powerful. Obviously, he entered the new universe and was completely unaffected by his laws. It was different from other predators. !

Qin Lang knows the ideas of these empty members, but he doesn't care, because he knows that the void is a villain group. If it is a kind-hearted guy, you can't survive in this **** void.

"Master, you are finally back!" Bai Lianshan saw Qin Lang, relieved a sigh of relief, then it noticed the colorful clouds, pleased to say, "Why, this is the hostess?"

The colorful clouds snorted and looked at Bailianshan as a lotus platform. He said to Qin Lang: "When did you convert to Buddhism? How can you get a lotus stand?"

"Oh... this guy is not a lotus, it is also a monk. Just, it was once made into a lotus platform." Qin Lang said, and then to Bailian Mountain Road, "What a fuss, this **** void, no big things happen. What?"

What Qin Lang really worried about is the existence of the Reaper and Zhan Jingtian, but don't worry about it for a while, Bai Lianshan said that there has been no change in the recent void.

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