Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2847: Promise Heavenly Palace

If that is the case, if the Chinese world is still unable to rise, then disappear and disappear, it can only be regarded as the survival of the fittest can not survive. Anyway, in the **** void, every day of destruction means a burst of the universe. It also means that many races and civilizations in this universe have been annihilated. Qin Lang has seen too many races and strong people have fallen. So sometimes he is also numb.

The existence and continuation of each race, every world, is ultimately not driven by someone. The power of one person may delay the time of a genocide, but it cannot always ensure that this race can prosper. The true long-term reproduction of a race depends on the creativity and adaptability of the race itself. If the Chinese race does not have these factors, then it will eventually be extinct. This can not be stopped by Qin Lang.

But there are things that Qin Lang must do, such as the Fuxi civilization that sweeps the world and other races that have hatred against the Chinese world. Because this is related to racial grievances and hatred, if it is not resolved, Qin Lang will feel uncomfortable, so this time Qin Lang appeared here with members of the void, the first goal is to destroy the Fuxi civilization in this universe. Symbol - Promise Heaven Palace.

This Promise Temple is naturally built in the "sky", or can be said to be built in the void, this Promise Temple is made of a special star similar to the neutron star material, and its solidity is almost comparable to the eternal material. . Moreover, after the construction of this Promise Heavenly Palace, Fuxi civilization constantly tempered and perfected, making this Promise Heavenly Palace a golden glory, completely becoming a holy place of Fuxi civilization.

Now, Qin Lang slowly moves the sacred mountain of the void to the Promise Heavenly Palace. This shows that it is necessary to directly crush the past, but Qin Lang’s speed of urging the holy mountain is not too fast, so he gave the Fuxi civilization full. Prepare time and want to see how long these guys can support.


An epoch of the Fuxi civilization tried to stop Qin Lang, but the words of this guy had not been finished, they were kicked by a hollow member of the void, and then the two directly began to fight.

The Promise Heaven Palace, as a holy place of Fuxi civilization, is certainly not just an era overlord in this place, and once there is a war, it will inevitably lead to many epochs, and many half-step tyrants will naturally come. Help here.

In this universe, with the strong heritage of today's Fuxi civilization, almost no one dares to slap their tigers, and it is even more impossible to attack the holy places directly. But today, Qin Lang clearly opened the first place and directly attacked the holy place of Fuxi civilization. It is necessary to directly destroy this Promise Heaven Palace.

"Qin Lang -"

This is another familiar sound, this is the old ghost of Fengtian, Qin Lang is very familiar with its voice.

"See you again." Qin Lang said to Feng Tian, ​​"I know that you definitely don't want to see me, but there is no way, you can't avoid me, because the grievances between us have not been settled."

"Resentment? You are a beast, it is a demon! We are a veteran civilization, and you are also your creator--" Feng Tian seems to be preparing to preach on Qin Lang in the position of the Creator, but of course there is no use of eggs, because Qin Lang fundamentally I will not pay attention to these things.

What about the Creator, can the Creator kill and kill the things that are created? Can you treat the creatures created as animals? And the creatures that are created can only be reconciled and can't resist?

Qin Lang only believes in one principle:

Killer kills!

Fuxi civilization is also good, fighting the Tianzuo, the universe is a lot of powerful races, as long as it is trying to kill the race of the Chinese world, Qin Lang has to pay the corresponding price, and now is the time for these races to pay.

"Feng Tian, ​​no matter what, the Fuxi civilization of this universe will be completely extinct." Qin Lang said to Feng Tian, ​​"I originally intended to stay with you until the end, letting Fuxi civilization dissipate in this universe. However, You are too irritating, so I plan to send you on the road earlier."

"Sure enough... you really are the devil! After all, it is the garbage gene product of our Fuxi civilization. After all, it is difficult to get rid of the magic! However, although you can beat me, but I can't think it is easy to kill me, as long as the universe's destiny will In the end, I will never die!" Feng Tian said to Qin Lang that it once sealed the will of the destiny and eventually merged with the will of the universe, so it can be sheltered by the will of the destiny, and can mobilize the power of the universe. Therefore, I think that Qin Lang can't kill it.

In fact, Feng Tian is indeed able to escape from Qin Lang's hands, so it is not surprising that he has hard-core capital.

However, Qin Lang was too lazy to explain with Feng Tian, ​​directly released the little black cockroaches, and then said calmly: "Feng Tian, ​​I don't know if you can hold this black cockroach?"

Black scorpion means harvest!

Harvest all the strong! Harvest all powerful civilizations!

When this black scorpion appeared, Feng Tian immediately felt a strong **** harvest, but it was attracted by this deadly harvest, and seemed to feel the fate of being harvested.

"This is... the reaper's fate of black sorrow!" Feng Tian, ​​this guy is also very knowledgeable, and even heard of the existence of black scorpion. However, just because I heard about the existence of this thing, Fengtian seems even more fearful at this time. "You...how can you have black sorrow? Are you a reaper? No wonder ^... No wonder you are so powerful, no wonder you Not subject to the laws of this universe... The fate is black, can you finally think that it is my turn?"

When Qin Lang released this little black scorpion, Feng Tian finally felt desperate. It knew that this time it was really in jeopardy. Even though it could be merged with the will of the destiny, it could not escape its life, because the legendary reaper would harvest all life. of.

"How?" Qin Lang said to Feng Tiandao. "I didn't expect that you actually heard of the reaper. It seems that you are well-informed. Then, tell me about the reaper, or I can make you live. Longer."

"You were originally a reaper and wanted to know anything from me."

"I want to know, what kind of existence I have in your rumors." Qin Lang said indifferently, it seems inadvertent.

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