Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2862: Start again

The military representative listened to Qin Lang’s words and nodded secretly, because this is indeed quite reasonable. After all, Qin Lang is already another "time" person. It is a powerful realm, but it does not mean that it can determine the direction for the Chinese world. And he also thinks that Qin Lang's choice of the Chinese world may not be really suitable. After all, the environment, the times and the people are different today.

"I believe that you probably understand what I mean. Then I will say another question. This issue can be understood as a warrior and a monk. If I continue to stay in the Chinese world, it may bring disaster to the Chinese world. "Qin Lang said.

"Is it a disaster?" The military representative obviously couldn't understand this sentence and couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Qin's cultivation is a force that has reached the point of extraordinary sanctification and ancient times. You have to sit in the summer of China. Is it a foolproof decision, but why do you say that it will bring disaster to the Chinese world?"

"Oh, extraordinary, holy, and ancient, your dependence on me is too high. Perhaps, in the eyes of the Chinese world warriors, my cultivation is already very high. However, you are also a warrior, do not blindly see Taishan. ——When there is a way to repair the road, if there is any absolute limit, if you pick me up the barrier, then you can see a new height that you can’t imagine. Now, I already have that vision, so I know what kind of terrible things are in the distant high-level universe. Moreover, I have offended some powerful creatures in the high-level universe, so if I continue to stay in the Chinese world, it may bring disaster to the Chinese world. It may even be a disaster!" Qin Lang said very cautiously to the military representative, and also reminded him that if the Chinese world encounters such a presence in the future, it must do its best to deal with it.

Subsequently, Qin Lang informed the reaper of the existence of the reaper, and reminded that it must be careful, before the Fuxi civilization was almost directly killed by the reaper, and later Fuxi civilization to rely on the great emperor, only to escape the disaster, so if the Chinese world is true It’s really unfortunate if you meet the reaper.

Qin Lang is now leaving here, that is, he does not want to bring the reaper to the Chinese world.

"Mr. Qin, I understand your good intentions." The military representative said, "The reaper civilization... I don’t think there is such a high-level universe. How should we deal with these creatures? ”

"Escape!" Qin Lang said, "Now even if it is me, I can't cope with the true body of the reaper, so if the Chinese world really touches them, then try to escape as much as possible. Keep the seeds of life, everything is possible. Ok, that's about it. You know the reason, then I believe you can understand why you want to leave the Chinese world."

"Yes. Mr. Qin, since this is the case, I will send you on behalf of China World, thank you for your contribution to the Chinese world." The military representative said very solemnly.

"I am also a member of the Chinese people. I have done what I used to do. It is also true. In addition, although I left the universe, the dragons and Jianmu of the Chinese world are still there. The fortress of the Chinese world is still there, so I must not worry about the safety of the Chinese world. Now the Fuxi civilization is not an opponent of the Chinese world in this universe." Although Qin Lang left the Chinese world, he still made some arrangements and left some The powerful force secretly guards the entire Chinese world, which is considered to be the contribution of Qin Lang to the Chinese world.

At this time, Qin Lang did not know when it was time to return to the Chinese world, but every race and every person should have their own path. This is a matter of course. Perhaps, after a few years, Qin Lang and Huaxia World will meet again. At that time, the Chinese world should be different.

After completing some explanations, Qin Lang left the Chinese world together with several confidantes. When he left, he was very low-key. Apart from the epochs of the Chinese world and the two fathers and daughters of Hugh and the moon, the rest of the people I almost don't know when Qin Lang left.

When Qin Lang and the women entered the **** void, Qin Lang placed them on the holy mountain, and then began to set some prohibitions on the universe in which the Chinese world is located. This is naturally to enhance the defensive power of the universe, which is also considered to be in disguise in protecting the Chinese world. And the Chinese people. For Qin Lang, the only thing he can do now is this. As for the future development of the Chinese world, what level can be achieved, it is not Qin Lang can completely decide.

After doing these things for the Chinese world, Qin Lang originally thought that he could leave without any help, but I don’t know why, in the **** void watching the universe where the Chinese world is located, Qin Lang really has a little "dead land" at this time. The feeling may be because after this departure, I don’t know how long it will take to reunite.

Even Qin Lang does not know if there is a chance to reunite, because the crisis in the **** void may come at any time, and Qin Lang now provokes the so-called higher creatures. He does not know when the other party will retaliate, or whether he is sure Handle.

"Why, can't you leave?" At this time, the blood of the phoenix did not know when he had stood quietly beside Qin Lang. She understood the mood of Qin Lang very well, because she used to come from the sacred world, and later the beast After the world was shattered, it entered the Chinese world. At that time, the blood of the phoenix had a feeling of being away from home. However, after living in the Chinese world for a long time, Feng Zhuangxue felt that the Chinese world is the second hometown. Moreover, many monks in the world of the beasts have also taken root in the Chinese world. Today, the phoenix blood has followed the principle of Qin Lang to the Chinese world, so she can understand the idea of ​​Qin Lang.

"I intended to leave without being able to leave. I still can't think of it, but I still can't see through the seven emotions." Qin Lang smiled at the blood of the phoenix, but the smile was a little bitter.

"If you even see through the seven passions, then we will not follow you, because you are not the real Qin Lang." Feng Zhexue said, "In the monks I have met, you are the most special one. Many monks are ruthless in order to practice, even the six parents do not recognize that feelings and humanity are obstacles to hindering spiritual practice, but this is completely invisible to you, as if you have always been an ordinary person. But it seems ordinary, but it has the power of countless monks' dreams, and I can't think of it. However, I and a few sisters feel that you are more special because of this."

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