Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2867: Lingquan Xianmen

"Do you know?" Qin Lang did not expect that this guy in Linglong knew some "inside", but immediately Qin Lang felt impossible, because the other party is just an ordinary fairy, not a master, the realm of the half-step era hegemony There are still hundreds of thousands of miles, how can you know the reaper's things, this is not a joke.

However, the next words of Ling Xiao made Qin Lang feel that it was a real surprise. He only heard that Ling Xiao continued: "I also know that you certainly don't believe me, but I have accidentally heard a message and know that those guys are called ' The Reaper, they came to the universe to find something very valuable, and I heard that it is about the origin of this universe."

The things about the origin of the universe should be related to the power of the original word. This diamond is actually inadvertently scratched to the key point. In this way, Qin Lang really has an interest.

Therefore, Qin Lang said quietly: "Is this news reliable?"

"It should be reliable. This is what I accidentally heard from the uncle of Zongmen. This uncle is the veteran of Zongmen, so this news should be more reliable. Listen to the tone of this uncle, this time The intruder feels very pessimistic and thinks that the universe is mostly destroyed. However, I don’t think so. After all, the universe is still very vast. Even if there is an unknown creature invading, it should not be possible to bring the entire universe. Destroy, they should not have this power? What's more, isn't it necessary?"

"I don't know if they have this strength. But if you say that they are coming for the origin of the universe, there is no basis for this." Qin Lang asked.

"Because we are a founder of Lingquan Xianmen, the rumor has a magical source of power. Later, it used this force to create the Lingquan Xianmen, and has a place in this universe, even in the strong period. The Fuxi family did not dare to challenge our Lingquan Xianmen, because this force is sheltering us. It is a pity that our pioneering priests have no idea which space they have gone to, and there has been no news for many years. Otherwise, Even if there is a powerful invasion of unknown creatures, our Lingquan Xianmen should be able to sit back and relax." Ling Xiao sighed.

"So, where is the gate of your Lingquan Xianmen?" Qin Lang asked with interest, and what really interests Qin Lang is the original word. Even if it is very important to track the reaper, Qin Lang can't ignore the source. The power of the word. Although Lingquan Xianmen is unlikely to have the origin of the word, but Qin Lang did not think about having to get a source of the word, after all, if there is a source of the word here, most of them will not be charged by Qin Lang, and This one of the original words has been the possession of the Lord, and Qin Lang did not expect that his character is good enough to easily get a native word. However, Qin Lang’s trip to Lingquan is to hope to get the application of the word of the original source. After all, the power of the original word is so strong that even if it is a very long period of time, it may leave some clues. In that case, Qin Lang can also Inspired by some valuable information, because Qin Lang also has a source of the word, then the power of the original word is naturally very sensitive.

"Shanmen? Hee... Today's Lingquan Xianmen, has been ruined, but unfortunately! If you come here earlier, you should be able to see the grandeur of Lingquan Xianmen, so that we can be regarded as first-class sects. Nowadays, the mountain gate has been destroyed, and our disciples and disciples naturally can only ask for more blessings." The diamond is obviously a little depressed. Under such circumstances, the mountain gate is destroyed. It is indeed difficult for such a monk. Survive in troubled times.

Now for the entire Fuxi universe, this is the same as the troubled times. The cultivation of the scorpion has not been reached for the half-step empire, and there is not much time to survive.

"The mountain gate was destroyed?" Qin Lang slightly surprised. "That's no problem, I just go and have a look, remember it. Lingdao Daoyou, can you tell me the approximate location of the mountain gate?"

If at other times, Qin Lang made such a request, then it must be very presumptuous, because the gate of a sect is a symbol, not to enter! If you rush into a mountain gate of a sect, it would be a challenge to a sect. However, now that the mountain gate of Lingquan Xianmen has been destroyed, even if Qin Lang put forward the idea of ​​going to see it, it would not be any strange.

"Since the Taoist friend wants to see it, it doesn't matter. I will tell you the location of the gate of Lingquan Xianmen, but now it is already in ruins. You are afraid that you can't see anything." .

"No problem, I went to see the door of the Taoist friend, but also can investigate the means of the intruders, this is also a two-pronged." Qin Lang explained.

This kind of explanation is naturally reasonable. After all, Qin Lang is tracing the whereabouts of the reapers and looking at the mountain gates that the reapers have destroyed. It is also possible to find some useful clues.

Ling Xiao listened and nodded again and again: "Since the Taoist friend decided, I will not say more. Perhaps, the Taoist friends are in the heart, can really find the weakness of these invaders. Hey, if it is not because of the disaster I will not say so much to my friends. I used to think about my own improvement and cultivation, and I don’t care about other monks and other things. Now, when I get to this point, I’m a human being. Also good. Otherwise, I can't talk to my friends for so long - right, I haven't asked for a friend name yet?"

"Qin Lang." Qin Lang said to Ling Xiao, nodded, and then went to the direction of Lingquan Xianmen. Although Qin Lang knows that Ling Xiao may face the end of death, but there is no way to do it. Ling Xiao has not reached the revision of the epoch of the epoch, and even the half-step tyrant is not, and it is impossible to survive in the **** void. Therefore, the diamond is like a bird egg that has not yet hatched. If the reaper does not leave the universe, then there is no egg under the nest, and the final ending of the diamond is already doomed.

Lingquan Xianmen, this is not the sect of the ordinary monk, but was established by some immortals. This sect is also rich in richness, even if it has been smashed by the reapers, but from its ruins. Still faintly can see the situation after the reign of Lingquan Xianmen.

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