Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2870: Strong and powerful

Qin Lang really began to sense the majestic power of the original word, the first to understand the power of the original dead word, this is the power of death. The cycle of life and death is one of the basic laws of countless universes. There are almost no immortal creatures, so the power of death is extremely powerful. This kind of power can even bring souls to the land of death.

Life and death are two kinds of forces that are opposite and mutually transforming. When there is a birth, it is already attracted by the power of death, no matter how powerful this creature eventually becomes, but Still can't escape the comfort and attraction of the source of death, and eventually will go to the dead place of death. Death is terrible, even if it is a monk or a **** Buddha, it will fear the existence of death, but death is also essential, because if there is no death, even if it is a vast universe, more resources and The vitality will be consumed by the infinite creatures. Therefore, the process of death is a process of returning to the heavens and the earth.

However, few people know that in the ultimate source of the dead word, there is a reincarnation and a breath of life.

Life and death depend on each other, life and death.

The process of death is not simply to take away the life. At the same time, the land of death is also connected with the passage of life and reincarnation. The deepest part of the death of the source is the starting point of the cycle of life and death. There is also an unimaginable power.

The power of life and death is inherently powerful and hard to imagine!

Through the power of the dead words, Qin Lang sensed the deepest point of the power of the dead letter, and saw the extremely mysterious origin of life and death. Perhaps, the place can be called the "land of life and death", because in that The place is the most powerful place for death, but it is also the place where the power of life begins to burst.

Moreover, this piece of life and death, like a huge vortex, constantly introduces the power of death of countless universes and countless souls, and any creature is no exception! Even the so-called higher creatures still escape the shackles of the source of death!

When Qin Lang sensed this place of life and death, he immediately received a powerful and unyielding will to counterattack. It seems that Qin Lang could not spy on the mystery of this place of life and death. This willpower is terrible, whether it is Zhan Jingtian or the will of the great emperor. Compared with this will, it still looks very thin, and this willpower carries an ancient and powerful pressure, giving people an irresistible feeling. It seems that all the vitality of Qin Lang should be inhaled into this place of life and death. in.

"The source is dead!"

Qin Lang screamed low and spurred the power of the dead letter to block the powerful will of the land of life and death. Although the will of this place of life and death is extremely powerful, Qin Lang has the power of the original dead word, though The will and power of Qin Lang are not like the will of the land of life and death, but the power of the source of the dead word is more "noble" than the will of the land of life and death, because the power of the dead word can be everything The power of death to suppress and restrain, even if the will of the unknown land of life and death, can not beat the dead words.

"You actually have the power of the original dead word! A low-level universe creature in the district can control the great source of death?" This will is full of doubts. It seems that Qin Lang’s cultivation is not worth controlling. The power of the word.

"Yes! I control the power of the dead letter, so all the power of death must be used for me!" Qin Lang replied with a natural tone.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! ~" This will to the land of life and death issued a mocking laughter. "I don't know how you are lucky enough to get the power of the dead letter, but your cultivation and strength are not enough to take over the place of life and death. The power is not likely to let me surrender to you. Maybe it won't take long, you will be killed by other powerful, the other party may be more qualified than you to control the power of the dead letter. As for me - you don't think now With the idea of ​​playing the land of life and death, you are not qualified enough!"

This will of the land of life and death is very strong and overbearing. Even if Qin Lang has the power of the original dead word, the other party does not buy it. If other people, this time may only retreat, but Qin Lang is not someone else after all, coldly screaming: "The power of the original dead word is on me, why don't you surrender to me!"

"I said, you are not qualified!" The other party decisively refused Qin Lang.

"Is not qualified?" Qin Lang said coldly, "So what about the pressure of the original death holy?"

Qin Lang once again spurred the power of the original source of the word, so that even if the power of life and death is tyrannical, but in front of Qin Lang this "death monarch", there is no advantage.

If Qin Lang has the power of the original dead word, and can restrain all the power of death, then Qin Lang’s original source of power can add a “title” to him. This is certainly not a virtual title, but a real one. The combination of the source of the dead word and the origin of the holy word makes Qin Lang a real death monarch! In other words, the existence of any force that uses death must be controlled by Qin Lang!

This is the beauty brought by the fusion of the original source and the original dead word. Even if the will of the land of life and death is arrogant, it cannot directly resist the command of the "death monarch". It is as if in the feudal era, any powerful lords, generals, and princes, they could not respect the emperor, but they did not dare to respect the emperor, because the emperor was the emperor, even if the emperor was not strong enough, but After all, is a country monarch, the emperor, who dares not obey the order? If you do not comply with the order, it will inevitably be suppressed and counterattacked by the whole country.

This is the case with Qin Lang. If Qin Lang only got the power of the dead letter, it is like the prince in the field of death power. Although he has the legal inheritance right, he claims to be one person below 10,000 people, but if the strength and prestige are not enough. Prince may be abolished at any time. However, Qin Lang has the original source of the word, that is, the righteous death of the monarch, even if this is the strong will of the land of life and death, it is also possible to defy Qin Lang.

Sure enough, this powerful will of the land of life and death was silenced for a while: "Since you already have the majesty of the death monarch, then I am willing to fight for you. The power of this land of life and death can also be used for you, hope. You are worthy of the death monarch's name!"

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