Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3046: Primitive word

Jin Min thinks that he is really irrational now, because he knows that he has not revealed the secrets of the innate array and the eternal bubble, but Qin Lang and the eternal crystal wall will insist that he leaked, especially the eternal crystal wall will I think, then it is like the eternal day roulette is suspected of gold, he is really reasonable, this is really "severely hurt".

"Since all of you don't trust me so much, then I have nothing to say, I will leave the eternal day roulette." Jin Hao's look is a bit lonely, probably because the result is not what he wants to see. But he has to do this.

"You have nothing to say, but I still have something to say." Qin Lang said.

"What? Don't you still have to do it to me?" Jin Hao stared at Qin Lang with caution, taking Qin Lang's cultivation at this time as a realm. If he started to work with Jin Hao, then Jin Jin is likely to be killed by Qin Lang. Thinking of this, Kim Min Jong is even more depressed. When Qin Lang entered the Eternal Sky Roulette, his cultivation was almost the same as that of Jin Yu. However, at this time, Qin Lang had reached a state of perfection and completely surpassed Jin Hao. This makes Jin Hao’s heart very unpleasant.

"I said it, I have something to say, it is not a matter of hands." Qin Lang smiled faintly. "Golden 焱 友, before the avatars of the higher creatures, when we killed, what did you do? Actually, I am not very clear. However, after all, the eternal crystal wall will see all of this, so its judgment is naturally no doubt. Jin Haodaoyou, are you not curious, how do you disclose the secrets of the innate array to those **** higher creatures? What?"

Kim Min Jong had never wanted to say anything to Qin Lang at this time, but he felt that Qin Lang seemed to have some special meanings. So Jin Hao went on to say, "What else can you have? You think that I have leaked it to those higher creatures. That must have been leaked."

"Yes, it is indeed your leak." Qin Lang said this sentence, Jin Hao was enough, then Qin Lang went on to say, "The leak is definitely what you leaked. But this is not your intention. Otherwise, you Do you think that I and the Eternal Crystal Wall will let you continue to live?"

Qin Lang’s words are indeed stinking, but Qin Lang still has a reason to be stinky. Who has made Qin Lang’s current cultivation a leaps and bounds? Jin Hao is not an opponent of Qin Lang at all. However, Qin Lang said, "This is not your intention." This is a bit of peace for Jin Jin, because Qin Lang and the eternal Crystal Wall will say something that is justified. Here, only Qin Lang and Jin Yu, plus The will of the Eternal Crystal Wall, if it is not the secret of the innate array of Qin Lang and the eternal Crystal Wall will be leaked, then who can it be? There must be only gold.

So, how do those **** higher creatures take the secret of the innate array from Kim Min Jong?

Qin Lang already has the answer, even if Jin Hao himself does not know the answer.

"Golden, how do you remember how you entered the Eternal Sky Roulette? You remember what you did before entering the Eternal Sky Roulette?" Qin Lang asked.

"Before I entered the Eternal Sky Roulette, I really didn't remember it. After all, it was a long time. And the things before that didn't matter to me at all." Jin Hao said to Qin Lang, it seems that there is no lying. .

"Well, maybe you don't think it's important, so you have forgotten what happened before entering the Eternal Sky Roulette, but as an epoch, how can you remember this thing easily disappearing? If you want to remember, then It should be remembered." Qin Lang said to Jin Hao that this is of course justified. Any one of the epochs can easily make memories of crystals, so naturally it will not easily lose its own memory. Jin Hao actually can't remember what happened before, then this can be interesting. This is necessarily something interesting happened, but Jin Hao himself does not know.

It is really not an easy task to capture the memory of an epoch overlord. The guy who shot Kim Jong must be quite a bull. Forced existence, and most likely it is related to higher creatures. However, how can God take his memory from Kim Min Jong without knowing it? At first, Qin Lang did not understand, because it was too difficult to let the other party know that it was too difficult to win the memory of an epoch overlord. It is easy to defeat the epoch of the prince, but to take away his memory without being noticed. It’s too hard! Even Qin Lang can't do it. However, after fighting with the avatars of these higher creatures, Qin Lang also vaguely knows how those guys have taken their memories from Jinluo unconsciously.

"That is the source of strength." Qin Lang said to Jin Yu, "Those higher creatures have taken your memory from you through the power of the source, which naturally includes the secret of the innate array. Moreover, you directly deprive your memory and strength through the power of the source, you simply don't know."

In fact, from the beginning of contact with Jin Hao, Qin Lang felt that the existence of Jin Jin’s guy was really strange, because Qin Lang had no way to understand Jin Qi’s desire for this guy’s desire, as an epoch hegemon, he just wanted Extremely dull stay in this eternal day roulette, there is no interest in the outside world, this is really not logical, and can even be said to be quite strange. How can a monk who is completely unambitious to become an overlord of the era?

If Kim Jong-soo is fully realized, it is really only a servant who wants to be the eternal disc wheel, but the secret of the innate array is leaked out. This is quite strange. This must be a ghost. Qin Lang is very sure of this. a little. However, Kim Min Jah is self-confident and does not admit that he is leaking secrets, then there is really only one possibility:

Kim Min Jong is actually a chess piece of a higher creature, an infernal, even Jin Hao himself does not know!

The creatures in the high-level universe have many means, and they are very mysterious. They have the ability to do this. Qin Lang does not doubt, as to how they did it. The reason is that Jin Hao is deprived of an epoch. Power, and let the other party can not resist, at present Qin Lang knows a way: the original strength of the word!

The original strength of the word can easily deprive a pseudo-word power and make it impossible for the other party to resist. This is like a comparison between a real banknote and a counterfeit banknote: no matter how realistic the counterfeit banknote is, it must be in front of the real banknote. They are all eclipsed.

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