Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3067: Opportunity is to create by yourself

A real Yellow River, traversing thousands of miles, rushing, fish leaping, dragons tumbling... This is indeed the Yellow River in Kyushu, ancient China, which is indeed the Yellow River, one of the symbols of China's Kyushu!

This Yellow River was originally played by Qin Lang using the Yanhuang Shengdao Boxing and the Wushen Road, and it was interpreted after Qin Lang’s way of bringing the Valkyrie to a true perfection, but why this day’s six eyes can actually deduct the real Yellow River. ? This is really weird, it is incredible!

Even though Tianliumu also realized the true perfection of the martial arts, the key point is that Tianliumu did not have such a profound understanding of Qinlang in the Chinese world. How could it be so true that the Yellow River in the Chinese world was truly interpreted? Could it be that this day is not only a strong man in the high-level universe, but also a genius in a genius? Otherwise, how can this be seen only after Qin Lang has shown it again and again?

Even if it is a genius, I am afraid that there is no such means?

However, Tianliumu does not really use the Wushen Way to interpret such a Yellow River, but instead uses its own Liuyi Tianmu to “copy” such a Yellow River, just as it used to “copy” one side with Liuyi Tianmu. The same as the crystal shield.

This is the real power of the six-day purpose of the six-day goal!

It is no wonder that Tianliumu is nicknamed to be able to "seen" the six-story universe. It turned out that this Liuyi Tianmu can perfectly interpret and replicate many things in the six-layer universe and gain insight into the power of all laws! If this is the case, then the "one-eyed" of the purpose of Tianliu is really quite a bull. Forced existence, this may be the real power of higher creatures - extremely difficult for low-plane cosmic creatures Things that can be done at the peak, but higher creatures can be achieved with extremely simple means.


This is naturally unfair, but in any universe, in any world, there has never been a fair thing.

Therefore, when the six eyes easily "reproduced" the Yellow River with Liuyi Tianmu, when the six eyes copied the entire ancient Chinese Kyushu, Qin Lang was shocked by the ability of the opponent, but it did not seem to have collapsed. It has not blamed everyone for this. The strength of higher biology, in Qinlang's view, this is a matter of course. If the strength and cultivation of Tianliu is not much different from Qinlang, then it would make Qinlang feel a bit strange. It’s just that, but I don’t want the purpose of the Sixth Heaven, which can reveal all the laws and forces of the universe below the six layers, and can easily interpret it. This is indeed a very powerful auxiliary treasure.

"Well? I really can't think of it, you can even interpret the ancient China Kyushu!" Qin Lang did not panic at this time, but also praised the six eyes.

"The things you didn't think may be quite a lot. The creatures of the lower plane are just the frogs at the bottom of the well." Tian Liumu sneered. "If it is not in the eternal crystal wall, it is against me, you are no longer I know how many times I have died!"

"If it is not in the eternal crystal wall, I will not be against you." Qin Lang is also telling the truth, if there is no eternal crystal wall will help, if it is not the space of the eternal crystal wall can limit the six-eye use of the high plane universe If the power of the law is true, Qin Lang will not choose to fight hard with Tianliu. It is not foolish to know that it is hard to find death. This is stupid.

Staying in the green hills is not blazing for firewood. At any time, only when you have saved your life, you can talk about revenge, and you will have the opportunity to revenge, and you will have the opportunity to step on your own feet.

"But even in this eternal crystal wall, I can still kill you!" Tian Liumu, the tone is very positive, "although your understanding of the martial arts may have reached a true state of perfection, but it is only a low level The trueness of the universe!"

"You can only use the law power of the low plane universe! So, we are half a catty!" Qin Lang is opposite.

"Half a catty? You can really see yourself! Don't forget, you are now in the 'cage cage' I built with the crystal shield! You can't escape, you can't dodge, you can only desperately! But even if you are desperate In the end, it is also the result of no life. So, I will give you a chance -"

"No need! I will not consider your chance." Qin Lang unceremoniously interrupted the purpose of Tianliu. "My chances are not given by others. I like to create it myself!"

"Ha ha! ~ Big words! Since you want to find death, then I will be yours!" Tian Liumu sneered, once again shot to Qin Lang, this is actually used in Yanhuang Shengdaoquan, but also reached the Wushen way Really complete!

The same boxing method, the same tricks are exquisite, the same is true, then naturally the strong ones win, and the weaker ones, and the weaker ones, can only be restrained and suppressed! This is the simplest truth.

Qin Lang naturally can't break this simple truth, so he also knows that in the face of Tian Liu Mu, he has already fallen into an absolute disadvantage, and once he is defeated by Tian Liu, then the next moment is bound to be a dead end, given Qin Lang to Tian Liu The hate that emerged from the eyes, he knows that it is impossible to leave him a life on this day. But as Qin Lang said before: Opportunities are not given by others, they are created by themselves!

Isn’t it possible to “copy” the Yanhuang Shengdao Boxing, isn’t it possible to “copy” the ancient Chinese Kyushu? However, can it replicate the dragon soul of Kyushu in China and copy the ancient myths and legends of Kyushu in China?

"The river of existence appears! The soul of China appears! - Tianliumu, I will let you see and see the power of the real China Kyushu!" In the face of the aggressive six-eye, Qin Lang slammed up and shouted loudly. The power of the dead letter motivates the river of existence in the body, and deducts the legendary characters of the ancient Chinese world and the wild beasts, and let the characters and monsters in these legends live in the Huazhou Kyushu at the foot of Qinlang. Among them.

In this way, the power of China Kyushu is added!

Outstanding people!

If there are no legendary mythical characters in China's Kyushu, if there are no monsters with fierce names, if there are no such people who are in a hurry... such a Chinese Kyushu, is it really a real Chinese Kyushu? No, obviously not!

The real China Kyushu, that is countless myths and legends, countless heroes, countless blood and tears poured out! Even though the six-eye method of the gods, its six eyes, but can not replicate the Chinese world "soul".

It’s got its shape and it’s not a soul, and the six eyes are finally losing!

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