Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3079: Anti-tracking

Fast chess player, chess is like lightning!

Although playing chess does not mean that the chess is high, but the opponents between the players, if one is a fast player, and the chess is lightning, the offensive is fierce, all the way to destroy the city, it can really put tremendous pressure on the opponent. Because this will undoubtedly affect the opponent's judgment and emotions, the most important thing is that it may disrupt the opponent's rhythm and affect the opponent's confidence.

In Qin Lang’s view, in the battle of the Eternal Crystal Wall, he fought for himself and won time for the creatures and monks of the low-level universe, but this is only equivalent to the “God’s Hand” in a bad game. Although he temporarily escaped the result of the defeat, but did not completely reverse the disadvantages, so this time Qin Lang's plan is to pursue the victory, to a "quick layout", and make every effort to clear the "chess" of higher creatures in the low-level universe.

The former members of the Huangquan Jiu Prison who died in battle have already carried out the life and death rotation according to the arrangement of Qin Lang, and the protection of the law by Bai Lian and Yu Quan’s prisoners. Even when necessary, Qin Lang will use his own body to deal with it.

However, Qin Lang placed the more important layout in the **** void, because Qin Lang felt that the **** void was the place where the higher creatures carefully laid out. Although there are countless universes in the low-plane universe, these universes are constantly born and destroyed, and they continue to recur. Therefore, in any universe, it is impossible to become a nest or a fortress of higher living creatures for a long time. Only in the **** void can there be such a long-lasting fortress that can withstand the changes of time and the universe, just like Huang Quanjiu prison. The same exists.

Whether it is the former Huang Quan lord or the current Qin Lang, compared with those higher creatures, it can only be regarded as a "up-and-coming star", since both Qin Lang and Huang Quan lords can think of building a "fortress" or "eternal kingdom" in the **** void. "The importance, then how can those higher creatures might not think of it?"

In addition, among the **** voids, all are the existence of the epoch of the epoch. This is a collection of countless epochs that have been born in countless universes. It is the most suitable for talents in the **** void, because it can be used here. The most powerful presence in the low-level universe. If higher creatures want to cultivate chess pieces and crickets, then it is certainly best to establish a nest in the **** void.

In fact, in many universes, there are some wills or shackles of high-level creatures, and the purpose of these guys is to search for their "owners", to cultivate resources and beliefs, when a universe is drained, Can these avatars and shackles be destroyed together with the universe in which they are located? This is naturally impossible! Therefore, these avatars, where we are most likely to appear, continue to exist in the **** void, and then wait for their "masters" to assign new tasks to them.

In the battle of the Eternal Crystal Wall, Qin Lang saw the corps of the higher creatures and the army. The situation at that time was indeed a bit shocking, and even Qin Lang felt the scalp numb, but he knew that it was not all the pieces used by the higher creatures. Because they did not think that Qin Lang would have come to the "God's Coup" and reversed the situation. However, the avatars of these higher creatures, although they did not achieve the goal, but they have preserved their strength and returned to their "nest", Qin Lang can be sure that these higher creatures must have established their respective nests in the **** void. This can be seen from the army without the great emperor attacking Huang Quan and the nine prisons.

Through Bai Lian’s cruel trial of those prisoners, the message was that there was no condition for the Emperor Huang Quan to reach a certain condition with the lord Huang Quan. This made Huang Quan’s lord in the dark when he was secretly counted. The attack, the two sides really cooperate with intimacy. It is a pity that the lord of Huang Quan was defeated, but this is not the price of the great emperor's will and the price of the bones.

Therefore, the first "chess" that Qin Lang wants to eat is the old nest without the great emperor in the low-level universe. According to Qin Lang's understanding of the great emperor, this arrogant and overbearing, then the style of action is certainly not so cautious, and this is not so cautious. For the strong guys in the low-plane universe, they are very contemptuous, so it is certain that its nest must not be so hidden, so Qin Lang locked the first target in the nest without the great emperor.

However, how can we determine the location of the Great Emperor's Nest?

Regarding this question, even Bai Lian interrogated all the prisoners without getting an answer, because the captives simply did not know the specific location of the great emperor's lair—not that these guys were too stupid, but that they were predatory with all the **** voids. Like everyone, there are common problems - the inability to accurately "locate". This time, no great emperor led the army to attack Huang Quan and the nine prisons. This is purely by the fact that he did not rely on the great emperor's will to personally lead the team, only to find the place where Huang Quan was in prison. Therefore, when no great emperor was smashed by Qin Lang, it means Qin Lang. Lost the exact location of the great emperor's lair.

"Is it strange?" After listening to Bai Lian's analysis, Qin Lang couldn't help but swear, but did not leave a living mouth without great emperor's will, Qin Lang did not regret, because in the eternal days of the roulette, the eternal crystal wall will be more than once reminded After Qin Lang, don't underestimate the avatars of higher creatures, including their will and wisdom. If you can kill these wills, don't want to focus on creating a living, because if the killing is not thorough, the will of these higher creatures The avatar may be revived at any time, but at that time it will become a huge hidden danger that cannot be imagined. In this regard, Qin Lang has to guard against it.

Of course, Bai Lian did not dare to blame Qin Lang. He said that when he saw that Qin Lang would not be able to explode with the will of the great emperor, it was very situational and very unresolved. So although it brought a little trouble, it was only a small trouble. Bai Lian does not think that Qin Lang can't solve this trouble, so he said to Qin Lang: "Master, there is no great emperor's will to be beaten by you, this sticky is not sticky, so let's take a little bit of it, you Should there be a way to find the old nest without great emperor?"

"Oh...you kicked me back to me for your task." Qin Lang smiled. "However, I seem to have some methods. Since there is no great emperor's will to find us, then we In turn, of course, it is possible to find its old nest. The geese have lived over the traces, and the great emperor’s will is so mad, most of them will not deliberately cover up their whereabouts, so through the traces left by it, I can still The fear of coming to find its nest - in any case, there is no great emperor, although this guy is a higher creature, but in the low plane universe, it can only use the law power of the low plane universe. In this case, close to the real world How can I not find the traces left by it!"

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