Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3117: epitaph

"The same is true for ants?" Qin Lang laughed. "How does this sound like what the **** higher creatures said? Why, do you think you are already a higher creature?"

"Yes, there will always be a day when I will become a higher creature! As for now, I am only between the lower creatures and the higher creatures. Maybe, I am a medium creature! But in any case, you are not qualified. Compared with me!" Heavenly ghosts decided that Qin Lang could not get out of trouble, so it became more and more arrogant. Now it begins to insult Qin Lang from words, and then it can torture Qin Lang from the flesh.

"Medium creatures? Heavenly ghosts, ghosts, you are obviously creatures in the low-level universe, but you have to draw a line between yourself and the low-level universe. Don't you feel tired? In fact, you don't have to say that you are medium. The words of biology, in fact, you and I are very clear, you should be what you are not a medium creature, not a higher creature, you are just a dog! A watchdog for those high-level creatures!" It was once again stimulated to the pain of the ghosts, and this is definitely the most painful place for the ghosts, because you can see this from the expressions and reactions of the ghosts.

When I heard the words "watchdog", the whole face of the devil was distorted, which made people feel that the ghosts are going crazy, and in fact, the ghosts hear the "watchdog". At that time, immediately angered, immediately shot to Qin Lang!

Originally, Tian Ghost was planning to wait for this black giant to thoroughly suppress Qin Lang before he slowly tortured Qin Lang, but now it seems that he can't wait, and directly to Qin Lang, the mouth also shouted: "Damn Qin Lang! You want So exciting me, just want to die early! Yeah, then I will fulfill you, I will let you die soon!..."

This time, the ghost has already ignited all the power. Its entire body is full of the power of the law. These true perfection rules shine with dazzling light and condense into a powerful force. Such a powerful force seems to be such a powerful force. It can devour everything and destroy everything, but at this time this force is released, just to make Qin Lang die faster.

At the beginning of the millennium, Qin Lang saw that the law power around the body of the ghost was the same as the law power above the black giant peak. It is clear that there is a similar law, or it should be said that similar law fluctuations. From this point of view, the ghosts' understanding of the power of the law is basically obtained from the black mountain, which can explain why the ghost can refine this black peak into its own weapon. This is probably because the power of the law that the ghosts themselves comprehend is exactly the same as the black giant peak. It can be said to be the same root.

Those **** higher creatures have banned the ghosts, but in some respects, they have become the sacred ghosts, because all the laws and forces used by the higher creatures to ban the ghosts have been realized by the ghosts, and Achieved a true perfection!

The higher creatures that had banned the ghosts of the day, their bodies are naturally unable to reach the low-level universe, so they all use the will to separate the ghosts of the heavens. These wills can not completely control all the laws and forces in the low-level universe. It is even more impossible to cultivate all the powers of law into a true state of perfection. Therefore, the will of these higher creatures is to cultivate one or more laws to the true state of perfection, and to unite these laws into a law chain. Used to suppress and bind the ghosts, which makes the ghosts unable to escape from this black law mountain. Therefore, any of the law chains above the black mountain peaks have reached the point of true perfection, so these law chains are of course unbreakable. These law chains are, to a certain extent, as strong as the composition of the Eternal Crystal Wall, and it is almost impossible to break it.

Since these rules are hard to break, how do the ghosts get out of it?

At this time, Qin Lang’s mind flashed countless thoughts. He felt that the natural ghost could escape from this black giant peak, so he could naturally do it. Although the ghosts have spent hundreds of millions of years on this, for some ancient era hegemons, hundreds of millions of years are just a snap.

In the end, Qin Lang thinks that he is not worse than the ghosts, and since the ghost can find a way to get rid of this black giant peak, then Qin Lang is naturally also possible. Although Qin Lang does not have as much time as a ghost, the principles are the same. Since the ghost can find a way, then Qin Lang can naturally find a way.

Tian Gui spent hundreds of millions of years, but Qin Lang felt that he probably couldn't use such a long time. After all, Qin Lang's current repair is much more powerful than when the ghost was suppressed. If it takes a long time. Then, Qin Lang must be dead, because the ghost will certainly not give Qin Lang a chance to get out.

In order to escape the suppression of these law chains, and want to get out of the hands of the ghosts, Qin Lang must come up with a way to get out of the way, because the ghosts did not intend to give Qin Lang any time, unless Qin Lang has been completely suppressed.

Bang! ~

At the time when Qin Lang was in a hurry, the attack of the ghost had arrived. A powerful force completely hit Qin Lang’s body. Although Qin Lang had integrated the defense of the Eternal Crystal Wall into his body, this time Nor can it completely resist the power of the ghosts. When Qin Lang’s defense was broken, the body suffered an unspeakable destruction, because Qin Lang’s body and his own micro-cosm were built by the power of the usage, and the attack of the ghost was a purely perfect rule of power attack. The rule of the mountain, including the ghosts of the heavens, and the chain of laws above, are all composed of the laws of true perfection.

It is not only the body of Qin Lang that is destroyed by the ghosts. The most important thing is that Qin Lang’s own laws and forces, including the laws and forces of the flesh and the microcosm, have been severely damaged. The creatures in the Qinlang microcosm are even more encountered. In the wake of the catastrophe, many souls were killed by this horrible force in an instant. However, at this time, Qin Lang also has no time to take care of the life in the microcosm. As long as Qin Lang does not die, the dead creatures in these microcosms will also undergo life and death, and will "live" again in another form. The most urgent task is how Qin Lang manages itself.

"This is my real strength, this is my killer! Qin Lang, today is your death, what other words do you have?" At this time, the ghost is completely a victory, it is obvious that it is not Will give Qin Lang a chance to get out of trouble.

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