Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 312: Victimized delusions (13 more)

"No! Ye Zong, we are absolutely no problem with anesthesia!" The doctors began to take cold sweat on their backs. If the Ye family knew that there was a problem with the hospital anesthesia, I am afraid that some of the doctors involved would be unlucky. This doctor probably does not know the relationship between Wolongtang and Yejia, but knows the strong influence of Yejia in Heilongjiang Province, Anchuan City, where he dared to offend the Ye family, and explained that "Ye Shaoye was in the surgery before What is embarrassing to say, Ye Zong... really is not our problem."

"What do you think is the problem?" Ye Zhongjun's father asked indifferently.

"Possibly... I initially suspected that Ye Shaoye might have a psychological problem and suffered from a certain type of mental illness." The doctor carefully explained, "Since Ye Shaoye knows you two, obviously the mind is awake, and the anesthesia has long been known. It’s gone. But what did he say, we haven’t seen it, and you know that you won’t have red, so...so I think he may have a psychological problem, which we call medically It’s 'phantom vision', and what he calls what he sees doesn’t actually exist, it’s just a projection from the psychological level...”

"What do you mean by saying that my son has a neuropathy?" Ye father said coldly.

"Not... mental illness." The doctor said cautiously, "As long as it is treated in time, it should be able to heal. More and faster chapters are coming. And, he is now ill, is it stimulated..."

"Okay, I know." Ye father interrupted the doctor's words. "You go to a few experts in this area to consult, I need to be diagnosed, not guessing wildly - go now!"

After Ye Zhongjun’s father returned to the ward, he said to Ye Zhongjun: “Zhong Jun, you should take a break first. I will say a few words to your mother—the nurse, you should look after him. Update it in the first place”

Outside the ward, Ye Zhongjun told Yem about what the doctor said before. Yem was shocked after listening to it, and then said with grievances: "Yes, it must be Zhongjun. This child is stimulated! It is because of the woman." If you want to say that you are looking at the whole of Pingchuan, who is younger than our Zhongjun, and the family is famous, the woman will marry us, and she will not humiliate her. I can’t think she dared to marry our son!”

"You whisper! This is a hospital, and you know that Xu is not good at it." Ye father whispered to her.

"How about that!" Ye mother said a bit arrogantly. "This sly woman actually hurts our son to think that there is a psychological problem. It is also a car accident. It is a curse! But, break up, this woman really does not. Should enter the door of our Ye family!"

"Since things have passed, don't mention it. I will update it in the first place." Ye said, "Now Zhongjun has a problem. I guess the doctor is inferior. His mental problems are wrong, and the situation is not very good. There is a illusion, and it should be treated as soon as possible."

"That... then hurry to treat." Ye mother said that there are some six gods.


At this time, Ye Zhongjun shouted in the ward.

Ye Zhongjun’s parents rushed into the ward and still didn’t see anything wrong. More faster chapters please come.

"Where is it, just above the window, seeing you coming, it is hiding..." Ye Zhongjun said with a sigh of relief, because he was too weak and too nervous.

Ye Zhongjun’s parents looked at each other. Now these two people are convinced of the fact that Ye Zhongjun is probably a psychological problem. Before Ye Zhongjun said that it was blood red, now it’s said that this one will still hide. Cats, how can this be believed?

"Have you seen that cockroach?" Ye father asked the nurse sister.

The nurse sister shook her head.

"You stupid woman! Clearly on the window, why didn't you see it!" Ye Zhongjun yelled at the nurse.

"Son! Don't be afraid... Nothing, I close the window, the curtains are pulled up, and it won't fly in." Yem said quickly, rushing to close the window and pull the curtains.

Seeing that the window was closed tightly, the curtains were pulled up, Ye Zhongjun seemed to be quieter, but his expression was still a little nervous, his eyes continually searching around, seemingly worried that there would be a blood red cockroach from the ward It’s like a place to come out.

Ye Zhongjun was quiet for a moment, but he was only quiet for a moment. Soon he pointed to the air-conditioner hang on the opposite wall and shouted: "It is coming again! Just inside the air conditioner... it must have been drilled from the pipe. Look at it... Mom, it hides again!~"

As a result, Ye Zhongjun’s parents turned back, but they still didn’t see anything, and the nurse did not see it.

But Ye Zhongjun is still insisting on his own opinion: "It is there, just right there, you can't see it! You have problems with your eyes!"

Just as Ye Zhongjun exclaimed, several doctors dressed in white horses came in. Most of these doctors were specialist doctors in psychology and neurology. When they saw Ye Zhongjun's situation, these people quickly reached a consensus:

Ye Zhongjun's psychology or nerve must have a problem!

Because these doctors are very sensible, they have seen many such cases. This type of patient will insist on seeing things that others cannot see. This situation is called "magic"; many people will hear some originals. The voice that exists, this situation is called "illusion", and more serious, both illusory and auditory hallucinations, they even communicate with some "people" that do not exist.

Ye Zhongjun, apparently there is a illusion, and there is also a "caught delusion", imagining a red cockroach is revenge on him, this is a typical mental illness, there is no need to consult.

However, in view of Ye Zhongjun's identity, these doctors still pretend to have a consultation, and then Ye Zhongjun's parents were again called outside the ward, and the head doctors announced with "sorrowful" that Ye Zhongjun was indeed psychologically problematic. The traffic accident tonight is obviously the inevitable result of mental illness. If you don't treat it in time, it is obvious that Ye Zhongjun will die in his "self". Because of this kind of "victimized paranoia", the subconscious will think that someone will harm him, and the subconscious will make up the story of the victim. .

In short, Ye Zhongjun's situation has been characterized, and soon he changed from a normal person to a mental illness patient, and is still a fractured mental illness patient.

After a few minutes, Ye Zhongjun was given a shot of tranquilizer and was injected with some "anti-disease drugs."

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