Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3154: Journey of life

Any life must inevitably go through the process from birth to death. That is to say, from the moment of birth, any life has begun to slowly move toward death. If you think so, it seems that the birth of life has no meaning at all. .

However, for many lives, the real wonderful happens to be in this process from birth to death. Maybe the ending can't be changed, but the process has countless changes. Some creatures are unknown from birth to death, but some creatures have wonderful ideas. The process, even the dazzling, even if they have been dead for a long time, can still be so dazzling in the long river of time.

Discovery and exploration are always the nature of the wise men, and this is also the driving force of a race. Who said that exploring the unknown world is meaningless? Yes, although exploration and discovery may lead to disasters, but retreat, sit on the ground, and often die faster, and races without the ability to explore and discover are often dead faster. Because there is no exploration and discovery, there will be no progress.

The most important reason is that Qin Lang does not want to live in a puzzle and a scam. He hopes to open up the fog, understand all the truth, and want to understand the true face of this **** void, and want to know the meaning of the existence of **** void. Even if the Scarlet Void and the Eternal Sky Roulette are also related, he naturally wants to know what the relationship between the two sides is. Is there really a terrible existence that creates the Eternal Sky Roulette and creates a **** void. evil

Regrettably, even the will of the Eternal Crystal Wall can not prove whether Qin Lang’s guess is correct, but Qin Lang firmly believes in his own judgment: there is no edge in the **** void! The entire blood color void is a very clever, very clever layout! Countless universes, countless creatures, are just a part of this grand layout, but only a drop in the ocean. Even if it is Qin Lang, it is just a sand and a leaf in this grand layout.

"Qin Lang, it seems that exploration and discovery is part of your nature, you will not stop, right?" The eternal Crystal Wall will ask Qin Lang.

"That is natural." Qin Lang said, "I said before, I can't always be a frog at the bottom of the well. I am not willing to be a frog at the bottom of the well. Now, I have gradually approached the truth of the **** void, I believe. It won't take long for me to really understand the structure of the **** void, and even one day, I will figure out the secret of the eternal day roulette!"

"Oh... it seems that your ambition is really not simple." Eternal Crystal Wall will say to Qin Lang, "However, it is not easy for your ambition to be realized. Do you never think about it, even if you are out? '井', outside the well is a mountain, but you must think about what is outside the mountain, and then continue to do so, such things are like never ending."

"But this is the meaning of life, even if it is known that the pursuit of things will never end, but it will not stop." Qin Lang said calmly.

Every life must have a beginning and an end. One cannot decide when and when his life begins. But he can decide how this is a “journey”. The journey that Qin Lang chooses for himself is to constantly explore him. The answer to all the questions you want to know, even if it is the answer that Eternal Crystal Wall will not know.

The will of the Eternal Crystal Wall once told the true perfection of the Qin Lang low-level universe, once helped Qin Lang to comprehend the real world of perfection, but on the issue of **** void, even the eternal crystal wall will not help Qin Lang, everything can only Going to Qin Lang to explore and prove. However, Qin Lang already had speculation, and he thought that his guess should be inseparable, even if this guess could not be proved.

Since the eternal Crystal Wall will not give Qin Lang a positive answer, then Qin Lang decided to return to Huang Quan Jiu Prison, and then Qin Lang told his own guess to Luo Bin, hoping to listen to Luo Bin's suggestion. After all, Lobin's cultivation is not better than Qin Lang, but the knowledge and wisdom are not better than Qin, because she is very good at learning, this is her natural talent, Qin Lang can only be self-satisfied.

"Do you think that the **** void is similar to the structure of the Klein bottle?" Luobin was very surprised by this speculation of Qin Lang, but with some appreciation in surprise.

"Yes, but it should be more complicated and mysterious than the results of the Klein bottle!" Qin Lang's tone seemed a bit positive.

"Well... According to your guess, plus the information I collected before, it seems that you are very close to the essence of the **** void." Lobin said, "The real infinite or never-ending thing should be no. Existence, at least what we know is not endless. Whether it is time or space, there must be beginning and end, such as the distance and life of the universe, is not unlimited, but it is quite long. Similarly, the **** void may not be infinite. Although the **** void may not have a longevity, it should never be an infinite extension in a single direction, because wireless extension in a single direction is meaningless and very 'wasted'. ”

“Waste? What is wasted?” Qin Lang wondered why Luobin used such a word.

"Of course it is a waste of resources, or waste another kind of 'time'." Luo Bin explained to Qin Lang, "Let's give an example. If you want to trap a person but don't want to kill it, you are Is it easy to create an infinitely vast space to imprison him, or is it easy to create a finite space like an infinite loop that cannot escape?

"Of course, it is easy to forge a space like the boundless space with the array method. Is it that you mean that this **** void may have been deliberately created by the 'people'?" Qin Lang could not help but be surprised. Qin Lang did not have a similar idea before, but was shocked that Lobin would have a similar idea.

If only Qin Lang thinks so, maybe this is just a speculation, but now that Lobin actually has such an idea, it may indicate that there is a certain possibility of this idea, but if the idea is true, then It’s terrible!

Even, I can't imagine it!

Yes, who dares to imagine that the whole **** void is actually made by "people"? If there is really a "person" or "who" can create a void of void, it is simply a super-life that cannot be imagined, can't describe, and cannot be surpassed. Even Qin Lang can't look back, even if it is a high-level cosmic creature. Probably also sighs like Buddha.

Perhaps this is the frog that the eternal Crystal Wall will say that coming out of the "well" mouth will not necessarily be happy and happy, because the more the world of contact, the more unknown things, the more fear of position. .

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