Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3178: Small pond and Wang Yang

In the end, the will of the destiny is also a will, the significance of its existence is to ensure the normal operation of the universe and to maintain a longer time. Those destiny of the low-plane universe know that if it hinders the end of Qin Lang, it is very wise not to provoke Qin Lang. However, these natural wills in the high-level universe are not so "sense" because they are more powerful than Qin Lang!

Yes, the will of any sixth-level universe should be stronger than Qin Lang. This is basically confirmed. Although Qin Lang is the most tyrannical snake in the low-plane universe, it is only the head snake of the low-level universe. In the high-level universe, Qin Lang and Tian Ghost are at most a locomotive of the high-level cosmic system, or The ants are slightly stronger, but they are also the underlying creatures.

A sixth-level universe may be millions, tens of millions, or even billions of times larger than the third, fourth, and fifth universes in the low-level universe! Compared to the sixth-level universe, the third, fourth, and fifth-level universes are like small ponds! The sixth level of the universe is the real ocean!

In the "small pond" of the low-level universe, a powerful head snake like Qin Lang can be called the king, but in the real ocean, what is the head snake? In the real ocean, here is the site of the dragon and the dominant creature!

Before Qin Lang and the higher creatures' wills and their fights, they almost had the upper hand, but what does that mean? That is only because "the dragon swims in the shallow water", it is not Qin Lang that really defeats the **** higher creatures' will. It is the law power of the low-level universe. The law of the low-plane universe system binds and limits the strength of the higher creatures, which makes Qin Lang have a short-term victory.

However, when Qin Lang and higher creatures are in the high-level universe, Qin Lang has no geographical advantages, so how can the small shrimp from shallow water compete with the strength of Xiaolong.

Since it’s just an ant, just a small shrimp, why bother? Suppressing the self-cultivation and realm, and smoothly entering this sixth-level universe, will not cause the attention of the cosmic will of the universe - obviously a small shrimp, must attract the attention of the will of the destiny, is not a heart to find death.

In fact, this guy will soon want to know the truth. If they are a tyrannical crossover, then a high-profile is also possible, but now that it’s a shrimp and a river, how much low-key it is. Low-key is good.

In any case, Qin Lang's "self-destruction" approach did not cause a powerful counter-attack of this cosmic law force, and Qin Lang entered the sixth-level universe relatively smoothly. At the same time, this guy is completely quiet - he does not want to make any changes, because at this time, Qin Lang's cultivation and realm have been suppressed by himself. Once any change occurs, it may lead to Qin Lang and Tian Gui. The life is sorrowful!

In fact, according to the temperament of the ghost, he certainly will not make a similar choice with Qin Lang. Therefore, it is impossible to make a sinister crime. It is hard to cultivate to the level of the epoch of the epoch, and it’s hard to be the only one in the world. Why bother? Are you in danger?

However, this may be the gap between Tian Gui and Qin Lang. If you are born and talented, the ghost is no worse than Qin Lang. The origin is even higher than Qin Lang, but the strength of the ghost is surpassed by Qin Lang. This may be the result of "character determines fate."

"It has arrived - the sixth level of the universe, is this the true high-level universe?" Through the barrier of the law of the universe, Qin Lang finally successfully entered this sixth-level universe, and then Qin Lang saw this sixth-level universe. Bizarre starry sky. If you only look at it from a long-term perspective, the starry sky of the sixth-level universe is actually not much different from the starry sky of the low-plane universe. But the reason why Qin Lang feels somewhat "singular" is because the arrangement of these stars follows a special rule. :

Arranged in layers!

There are few rules in the starry sky and the stars in the low-plane universe. However, in this sixth-level universe, these stars are divided into ten layers, each of which is parallel and disjoint, extending to the end of the universe.

That is to say, all the stars of this universe are divided into ten layers in parallel, with a large gap between them, and there is no intersection between them.

what does this mean?

Qin Lang just felt a little surprised, but did not know the reason and reason, but Qin Lang has always followed a principle: existence is the truth! Any material, creature, and phenomenon, as long as it can exist for a long time, must have its reason and reason for its existence.

However, what is even more surprising is that Qin Lang has not figured out why these stars are so strangely arranged, but feels that he has been hit by an invisible and powerful hand, and then he has been hit by a planet.

Qin Lang was shocked. He was actually attacked. He did not know that this was indeed a very dangerous thing. But on the other hand, this is because Qin Lang’s own cultivation is suppressed by himself, so it is a matter of course that the danger is not brought. . Fortunately, this invisible big hand does not seem to really want Qin Lang’s life, just hit him on one of the planets.

Since I know that this power does not mean to kill myself, Qin Lang will not compete with it. Who makes Qin Lang now "people have to bow their heads under the roof", since the waste is repaired, just to enter this universe, that is In order not to be killed or swallowed by the will of the universe, it is to understand the difference between this sixth-level universe. Therefore, Qin Lang can now bear it and can not bear it! Can't bear it? Already in this universe, if you can't bear it, do you have to challenge the top powers of this universe now, is it necessary to compete with the will of the universe? The universe that Qin Lang just entered is the ocean of the ocean. Qin Lang did not want to just sail into the ocean and the boat immediately turned over.

Since that invisible big hand has already hit Qin Lang to a certain planet, then Qin Lang has come to the boat to let the sea fly to the mysterious position.

It is a beautiful azure planet, but it is definitely not the earth world. Although it is a little bit similar, it is only a little similar, perhaps because of the wide waters of the planet.

Peng! ~

When Qin Lang entered this star, it ignited the rule power of the world. The power of countless laws broke out and burned around Qin Lang's body, which made Qin Lang look like a fireball from outside the sky.

At the same time, countless tyrannical wills in this world instantly stayed on Qin Lang's body. It seems that Qin Lang's body should be completely seen through. What is more terrible is that Qin Lang feels that a strong will is "erasing" his existence!

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