Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3215: Latent into

Qin Lang really thought of the way to enter it - hiding its own spirituality, it is as simple as that!

Since this spiritual network will attack and absorb spiritual creatures, you can avoid attacks by hiding your own spirituality. This is very simple.

After Qin Lang’s reminder, Gu Qingyi really found a way. To hide his own spirituality, it is equivalent to lowering his own level of intelligence to the level of “monkey”, and naturally avoiding the feeling of this spiritual network.

However, Gu Qingqi is certainly not a living Lei Feng. She naturally would not inform other people about this method. She just took a group of people around her and strode into the remains of the mountain.

It was seen that Gu Qingqi and others had successfully passed the "paragraph ban" around the remains of the Lushan Mountain. The rest of the monks were only blind, and they did not know what method Gu Qingyu used to enter. An unbelievers of the Weizhou Island monks followed the Gu Qingyi team and wanted to enter it, but they were immediately "evaporated" in an instant.

Seeing that Gu Qingyi and his entourage entered the ruins of the Lushan Mountain, the rest of the monks hated the teeth, but they were helpless. Who gave the power of the "paragraph ban" around the remains of the Lushan Mountain, perhaps because Gu Qingyu saw it? The mystery of this law prohibition, so I found a way to enter. The awful thing is that Gu Qingyi did not share this method with other monks.

Gu Qingyi and Qin Lang and his entourage finally came to the ruins of the Lushan Mountain. At this time, they really realized the grandeur of the Lushan Mountain. This ruins of the Lushan Mountain is obviously a bit larger than the current Penglai Island, and it is even more The glory of the land, you can see this from the number of fairy caves in the ruins of Mount Lushan. The number of fairy caves in the whole mountain is more than 100,000! That means that the number of immortals in Mount Lushan is more than 100,000, not to mention those monks who have not become immortals.

However, when I saw this scene, everyone would have to think about it. The member of the mountain was already so strong at that time. So who destroyed the mountain?

Qin Lang and Gu Qingyi may have a lot of doubts, but the rest of the Penglai Mountain monks are full of joy at this time, because after entering this ruins of Mount Lushan, they mean that they can enjoy the many magic weapons and spiritual resources of this mountain. To know that these things are enough to make the eyes of countless immortals, even the top three of the Xianshan, I am afraid to want to touch the good things here, but they have no chance, now in addition to Gu Qingyi this pedestrian, the rest People are still being stopped outside.

"Haha!~ There is actually a top-quality fairyware here, it’s just great!" One of the Penglai monks found a piece of top-quality fairy in a pile of rocks, which made him suddenly overjoyed.

The rest of the monks suddenly couldn't calm down. They searched around and wanted to find more, and in fact they did have more discoveries.

"Ha! ~ Ixian Dan furnace! This is what Xiandan, I did not know it! However, it must be a good thing!" Another monk found.

"The sword is a handle! Good! After returning, just give it to the sister!"

"What kind of Lingshi is this? Is it a fairy stone? This is a good thing!"


Sure enough, the monks who followed Gu Qingyu’s entry here have discovered more and less, and they have all benefited. Instead, Gu Qingyi and Qin Lang have no gains.

You know, if you want to enter here, you must suppress and hide your own spirituality, which means you can't use God's knowledge to search, so everyone can only find good things with their own eyesight and luck, and Qin Lang And Gu Qingyi seems to have no luck enough now, so there is still no gain so far, so that Gu Qingyi began to complain.

However, for Qin Lang, he just can't look at his eyes. When he is such a cultivation, the magic weapon of the fairy does not have much meaning. It is nothing but something outside the body. Now, for the monks of this level of Qin Lang, What really matters is the power of law and the simple strength. As for other things, such as magic weapons, it does not bring much improvement in Qin Lang. This spiritual network around the ruins of Mount Lushan really created a strong interest in Qin Lang, and at this time Qin Lang entered the scope of this spiritual network, and the understanding of this spiritual network has gradually increased.

"Great! Very powerful!" At this time, the ghost gave a sigh, this guy also sensed the power of this spiritual network, and could not help but sigh.

"Yes, quite powerful!" Qin Lang agreed with the view of Tian Ghost. The true power of this spiritual network has exceeded the previous estimates of Qin Lang. As for the extent to which it is so powerful, it can be said that it has subverted Qin Lang's cognition!

In the high-level universe, even when Qin Lang saw the unique symbol of the high-plane universe, there was no such big impact. Although this spiritual network is invisible, if you look through Qin Lang’s "False Eyes" You can see a "living" spiritual network composed of a myriad of rules. This spiritual network has its own feelings and feelings, and it has its own thinking. Although it is invisible, it is alive. of! Moreover, its power and spirituality are still expanding - in short, it can be practiced by itself!

A spiritual network that can be practiced, whether it is Qin Lang or Heavenly Ghost, has never encountered such a situation before, but for Qin Lang, this is also a brand new attempt, and it is also an event that makes Qin Lang open its eyes.

"Spirituality...Ling net? Well, this is very interesting." Qin Lang said, he has been trying to explore the source of spirituality, hoping to find the true source of intelligent life.

Such things as spirituality must not appear out of thin air, just as Qin Lang does not think that the apes that have not evolved into "humans" for tens of millions of years will suddenly "open up" about 100,000 years ago. Become a "person" and become a life of wisdom. Although many religions like to promote all equality of life, the fact is that there is no equality between intelligent life and "animals". It is obvious that they possess spiritual spiritual life and occupy an absolute dominant position. Therefore, spirituality is the most important factor for all living beings to enter the level of intelligent life, but there is a problem here:

Where does spirituality come from?

Could it be said that the first "person" was suddenly "opened up" from a scorpion when it was around 100,000 years old? Is this all a coincidence?

But the problem is that when human beings appear, the rest of the apes do not have a "opening" to become a real person. It is obvious that coincidence and reclamation are not so simple, they want to acquire spirituality, or It is certainly not an easy task to obtain the seed of spirituality.

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