Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3261: Secret confrontation

The square inch is also a good man, and the Yundao people are good. The reason why they promised Gu Qingyi’s suggestion is that they want to win the fruits of victory and want to pick peaches. At that time, all the efforts of Gu Qingyi became Give them a wedding dress.

If Gu Qingyi is only Gu Qingyi, not the Gu Qingyu who is supported by Qin Lang, then it is very likely that the square inch or the clouded person will beat Gu Qingyi and win the fruits of victory, especially the cloud tooth. Big, this guy is no wonder so quick to promise to leave Gu Qingyi, or even completely do not care about "killing the enemy", both face and reputation, but if the three camps of the Xianshan really formed, then There is no doubt that Yundao people are very likely to become leaders of Sanshan. At that time, he became the ally of the three great mountains from the lord of Weizhou Island. It was a huge leap in his life.

Things are so simple. Many times they think of complicated things, but they may be very simple. Who ever thought that Gu Qingyi’s trip was so smooth?

The revenge of the Hairen family did not appear. The revenge and hostility of Weizhou Island did not appear, and the disciples of the three major Xianshan had begun to prepare for exchanges and cooperation. Even the transmission method of the three major Xianshan began to be built. Therefore, in any case, for Gu Qingyi, this time she is also a gain. After all, the trip to the abbots of Xianshan and Weizhou Xiandao has achieved the goal, so Gu Qingyi’s reputation in Penglai Xiandao must be further The same is true, when Gu Qingyi and Qin Lang returned to Penglai Xiandao, they immediately caused a lot of Penglai monks to welcome.

Of course, Gu Qingyi is welcomed, in large part because she is the sovereign of Penglai Xiandao. Many Penglai monks want to flatter her. This is a matter of course. There is another reason, this time Gu Qingyu The performances in Fangzhangshan and Weizhou Island were quite good, and an agreement was reached between the three disciples of Xianshan. The ordinary Penglai Xianshan disciples did not think about the combination of the three great Xianshan. The square inch and the Yundao people may win the fruits of victory, but the monks of Penglai Xiandao know that once the exchange and cooperation begins, they can be in the abbot. Mountain and Weizhou Xiandao practice and practice, then Penglai monks can also absorb some of the two sects of the abbot and Weizhou Xiandao, and learn from each other's strengths. The strength and cultivation of each monk can be improved. This is true. The real benefits, any one of the three great monks in the mountains, should be able to see.

Now that Gu Qingyi has returned to Penglai Xiandao, his reputation is naturally rising, and he will not be able to control the Three Mountains in the future, but at least the prestige in Penglai Xiandao has been greatly improved. At least the position of this sovereign is stable.

It’s ridiculous that the Penglai holy disciples who once thought that they would have the opportunity to take care of Gu Qing, can only hope that the thirst will be thirsty. Before Gu Qingyi became the chief of the Penglai, he has already made great achievements, and even can be said to be unsuccessful. For the time being, the winners of the sacred sacred sacred squad will not be able to get back to the roots of the land. This is what credit, and Gu Qingyi has killed thousands of people in the world. This time, this time It also promoted the exchanges and cooperation between the disciples of the three major Xianshan gates. The merits of the merits are the three mountains of Weizheng. From the strong welcome of the disciples of the abbots to Gu Qingyi, the reputation of Gu Qingyi has been extended from Penglai. Now, many monks in the three great Xianshan mountains have definitely heard of her name. As for the other disciples of Penglai Xianshan, they want to compete with Gu Qingyi, which is now just a joke.

Because the three great Xianshan reached an agreement, under the joint promotion of the three parties, it was not long before the transmission array of the three great Xianshans was completed. As a result, the disciples of the three great Xianshan have begun to prepare for exchanges and cooperation. .

Of course, the exchanges between the disciples of the three great Xianshan monks are also a very shocking news for the monks of the endless Aral Sea, because everyone knows that in addition to the strong strength of the sea people in the endless salty sea, Only the strength of the three major Xianshan is somewhat worth seeing, but the three great Xianshan have not really united, it can be described as a loose sand, and only at the critical juncture will be reluctantly united. But this time it can be different. The disciples of the three great Xianshan people began to communicate and cooperate with each other, which means that the three great Xianshan have begun to unite substantially. If the three great Xianshan can be a whole, then naturally it can become a very powerful force in the endless salty sea, even if it is with the sea people, it can also stand up against the court.

However, as the disciples of the three major Xianshan began to communicate, some secret confrontations began gradually. Everyone knows that if the three great mountains are united, there will inevitably be problems for the leaders of the three great mountains. At the same time, the holy disciples of Penglai Xianshan also began to act. They gradually realized that Wangmei had become a distant future, so they simply adopted other methods to achieve their goals, such as several holy disciples and their followers. Jointly, together with Gu Qingyi, "striving the front" and "smashing the stage", they said that they all raised these holy disciples. Because in a certain sense, these Penglai holy disciples have no hope to defeat Gu Qingyu, and they now want to compete with Gu Qingyi, it is simply not possible, unless there is any change in Penglai.

However, these young disciples of Penglai are actually sorrowful. They have always dreamed of becoming the lords of Penglai. If they can become the lords of Penglai, even if they only sit for a few days in the position of the lord, they can satisfy the vanity. This is The so-called unfunded is the best. Penglai or other sacred disciples of Zongmen, the meaning of their existence is to attack the position of the lord. If it is a highly respected and sacred disciple who has obtained the position of the lord, the rest of the disciples are barely able to accept it, but as for Gu Qing Hey? A young Penglai monk, there is no foundation, and the cultivation of the realm is not a superb, but it has achieved the position of the Emperor Penglai. How can other San disciples be reconciled?

Therefore, these Penglai holy disciples are not only united to secretly compete with Gu Qingyi, but even colluded with some other monks in the sect. It is nothing more than to suppress the limelight of Gu Qingyi, nothing more than to compete with her. For these holy disciples of Penglai, Gu Qingyi is not worried at all, because at this moment, with her status, prestige and merits, no single disciple of Penglai Xianshan can incite her sovereign position and truly bring her The only threats are the squares and the clouds, and the two have already started to act.

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