Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3266: Lead without

"Wait--it doesn't seem to be completely unconnected." At this time, the purple Taoist people seemed to think of something. "This body sometimes dreams, but after each wake-up, it doesn't know anything that happens in the dream." ""

After a person wakes up, they often don't remember what happened in the dream. This is normal, but if a fairy does not remember the dream at all, then it is not normal, although the immortal rarely dreams.

When Qin Lang thought about it, he asked: "I don't remember at all?"

"Yes, I don't remember at all!" Zi Zhudao said with great certainty, "I am also very strange, why I don't even remember what happened in my dreams. If you didn't ask today, I ignored this problem. ""

"It seems that there are some problems." Qin Lang said, although forgetting what happened in the dream seems to be just a common thing, but there is a big Luo Jinxian body, and any little abnormalities are somewhat strange. Perhaps, other monks who join the immortality will have similar things happening?

"So, I would like to ask if other monks who joined the immortality have similar problems?" Zi Zhudao people asked Qinlang a bit, and planned to take the initiative to inquire about Qinlang. It was also a loyalty to Qin Lang and Gu Qingyi.

"Well... no hurry!" Qin Lang stopped the purple Zhudao people, because he felt that if he did this, he might be amazed. If the secret of Kunlun is so easy to be detected, then the ancient Kunlun world can also change its name. .

What's more, Qin Lang is not completely unrecognized. At least from the purple Zhudao people, Qin Lang already knows a clue. Although this clue is easily overlooked, Qin Lang does not easily ignore it.

Since there have been some clues from the Purple Taoist people, then Qin Lang believes that as long as he follows the clues to make some preparations, he should be able to harvest more information - opportunities are for those who are prepared. As long as Qin Lang is fully prepared, then based on such a clue, it is possible to have more gains.

Since the clues come from sleep, it is also very simple, let the purple people continue to sleep. Although it is difficult to sleep as a purple Zhudao of Da Luo Jinxian, it may even be that three or five years do not need to sleep. However, Qin Lang wants to let the purple Taoist people sleep immediately, he must sleep!

The purple Zhudao people did not raise any objections. He had seen the means of Qin Lang. On the top of Penglai Xiandao, probably the purple Zhudao people were the only ones who felt that Qin Lang was more terrible than Gu Qingyi.

Purple Zhudao people quickly let themselves sleep, and soon entered the dream.

At this time, Zi Zhudao himself did not know what happened in his dreams, but at this time, Qin Lang gave birth to induction -

To be precise, it should be that the spiritual network suddenly had an induction. This spiritual network, since practicing along with Qin Lang, has greatly improved its spirituality and comprehension. Of course, its degree of induction has also been greatly improved. At this time, when the purple Taoist people entered the dream, this spiritual network sensed the first time. The problem exists and a reminder to Qin Lang.

"Alang, I sensed the existence of another spiritual network! A stronger, more advanced spiritual network!" When Lingwang consciousness told Qin Lang, it had a feeling of fear and seemed to be very afraid of being another spiritual network. Found its existence.

"Ling net? Is it really another spiritual network, is it something else?" Qin Lang continued to ask, and his heart vaguely grasped something, as if he felt that the truth of the matter was closer.

Although the purple Zhudao people have already reached the Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation, but he is not qualified and has no ability to create a spiritual network, so this clerk around Qin Lang, Lushan Lingwang sensed the existence of another spiritual network. Then it means that there is another existence of a spiritual network, and this spiritual network has been "hooked up" with the purple Taoist people.

However, according to Qin Lang’s understanding of the member’s Lingshan Lingwang, the connection between the spiritual network and the monk is to devour the spirituality of the monk. It is purely to regard the monk as his food. Is it true that this spiritual network is also engulfing the purple Taoist people? Spirituality? And still in the sleep of the purple Zhudao people to devour his spirituality?

Qin Lang does not care whether the spirituality of the purple Taoist people will be swallowed up. He is considering why there is still a spiritual network in Penglai Island. Before that, he did not sense the existence of any spiritual network. In addition to Qin Lang, he owns such a member of the mountain. So, where did this spiritual network come from?

Regrettably, there is no way for the staff to help Qin Lang find the answer, because the member of the mountain spirit network at this time simply did not dare to act rashly, this is like when the monks faced this priest.

The law of the weak meat is good. If the 峤山灵网 is discovered by the spiritual network, it may soon be swallowed up or forcibly blended, and the 峤山灵网 is almost unable to resist the other side's invasion.

Therefore, now it is only by Qin Lang himself. If Qin Lang can't find out the mystery of this spiritual network, then naturally it will not be able to break the mystery of Kunlun.

"I'm not right -"

At this time, Qin Lang suddenly felt something, because he suddenly realized that the sudden emergence of the Ling Net may be related to Kunlun.

The strength of Penglai Xianshan is strong, but it does not create a spiritual net. Otherwise, Qin Lang and the member of the mountain Lingwang have already been sensed, and when the first member of the mountain was created to create such a spiritual network, it was unimaginable. The huge price, even the entire member of the mountain has been degraded, so that the current situation in Penglai Xianshan is not enough to make a spiritual network, then the problem naturally comes: who has such a big hand, can Is it a stronger and more advanced spiritual net than the Lingshan Lingwang?

The answer is already coming out - Kunlun!

Only may be Kunlun! Must be Kunlun! Perhaps it may be a seafarer's family, but Qin Lang feels that the capital of the sea people has not yet reached the point where it can make the people of the mountain Lingyun fear such a point.

Then, there is no doubt that it can only be Kunlun. That is to say, in the process of sleeping, the purple Zhudao people will establish a connection with Kunling’s spiritual network, but the purple Taoist people themselves do not know that they are in contact with each other. In the process, what did the purple Taoist people lose?

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