Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3271: The weakness of Kunlun Lingwang

What are the weaknesses of Kunlun Lingwang?

Member Lushan Lingwang led the problem to a key thing: Xianju! God!

In this world, Kunlun has two means of controlling many monks: immortals and gods. For many of the underlying monks in the ancient Kunlun world, it is a glory to join the immortality. Even if you can't join the immortality, it is quite good to be able to enter the gods. However, in the ancient Kunlun world, there are truly knowledgeable and cultivated monks who do not want to join Kunlun’s immortals and gods in any case, even if many of the world’s strong people are not aware of the Kunlun’s immortals and gods. What does it mean?

There is no doubt that there must have been some strong people in this ancient Kunlun world who have seen or deduced some problems of Kunlun immortals and gods, so they firmly refuse to join the immortals and the gods, and also let their own sects Those potential monks should not easily join Kunlun's immortals and gods.

Therefore, that is to say, the Kunlun immortality and the gods are actually a "key" for the Kunlun Lingwang to control the ancient Kunlun world. For the monks who joined the Kunlun immortals and the gods, the gods and the immortals themselves are a kind of shackles. Just like the purple Taoist people, after joining the Kunlun immortality, not only can not enter the real decision-making high level in Penglai Island, but once they enter the dream, their own consciousness has been manipulated by Kunlun Lingwang. At that time, if Kunlun Lingwang wants to let the purple Zhudao people die, fearing that the purple people can't refuse.

Therefore, this Kunlun immortality and the gods are certainly not good things. This is a master who can control many ancient Kunluns, but it also means that this Kunlun fairy and the gods are definitely closely related to Kunlun Lingwang. Otherwise, how does Kunlun Lingwang control its "chess" through immortals and gods?

Since seeing this point, Qin Lan has a deep sigh of relief. Since the member of the mountain has seen this, it is equivalent to finding a breakthrough to deal with Kunlun Lingwang. Immortals and gods come to control the many monks in the ancient Kunlun world. Then, can it be influenced by the immortals and the gods to influence the Kunlun spiritual network?

The answer is yes.

Qin Lang knows that Lushan Lingwang has really found a way to deal with Kunlun Lingnet. Kunlun Lingnet controls the spirituality of the ancient Kunlun world monks through immortals and gods, and obtains information from these "chess" to monitor the world. trend. However, the more the mysterious places that the Kunlun Spirit Network gives to the immortals and the gods, the bigger the loopholes. The monks in this world may not be able to find and exploit such loopholes, but the members of the mountain are ok. .

"Kunlun Lingwang must have given its own spirituality on the Kunlun immortality and the gods!" The ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the Kunlun spirits, if the Kunlun spirit nets give spirituality to the Kunlun immortals and the gods, then It is equivalent to attaching a small part of Kunlun Lingwang to the immortality and the gods, and those monks whose names have entered the immortality and the gods will continue to be spiritually enchanted by the Kunlun Lingnet on the immortals and the scriptures. Influence and interference, subtle influences, eventually the monks who join the gods or the immortals will be invested in the Kunlun spirit net, their spirituality will be completely swallowed up by the Kunlun spirit net, thus becoming a real chess piece, or become a The walking dead controlled by Kunlun Lingwang was gone.

But let's put it in. Since the Kunlun fairy and the gods are attached to the spirituality of the Kunlun spirit net, as long as you can get this small part of the Kunlun spirit net spirituality, you can fully understand the Kunlun spirit net, and even take the opportunity to deal with Kunlun. Ling Net, completely defeated it!

"I understand." Qin Lang told the staff of the mountain spirit network, "To deal with Kunlun Lingwang, then it is necessary to take the Kunlun fairy and the gods. Although the Kunlun spirit network did not appear in front of everyone, but the Kunlun fairy And the gods, but they often appear in the ancient Kunlun world, because Kunlun always continually seals and seals the gods in many sects, so if you want to see Kunlun’s immortals and gods, then Still quite easy."

"Yes, my derivation will not be wrong. To deal with Kunlun Lingwang, the key lies in the Kunlun immortality and the gods, because this Kunlun fairy and the gods are like a part of the Kunlun spiritual network itself. And it is a relatively independent part, because Kunlun Lingwang does not want the monks of this world to know its existence, so it can only achieve its purpose through immortality and deity. To deal with Kunlun Lingnet, then it must be from Kunlun The immortality and the sacredness of the book I think should be taken away directly from this Kunlun fairy!" The member of the mountain Lingyun gave his suggestion.

"Oh... your analysis was completely correct before, but your suggestion, I think it is not a good choice." Qin Lang told the staff of Lushan Lingwang, "Take the Kunlun fairy, then it is the initiative to expose ourselves. The existence of this, although it can make Kunlun Lingwang a bit of a rat, but what if it attracts its full counterattack?"

Although Qin Lang is not afraid of this Kunlun Ling Net, but he is worried that once Kunlun Ling Net is fully counterattack, then Qin Lang can not hide its true realm.

"If the Kunlun Spirit Network is full of counterattacks, then it cannot hide its existence. Once the strong people of the ancient Kunlun world know its existence, they will definitely kill it! Because the true masters of this world will understand that this The existence of the Kunlun Spirit Network is a threat to any of them.” The member of the Mountain Lingu.com explained the key to this plan. This also includes the means of killing people by knife. Once the Kunlun Lingwang network has exposed its existence, it will indeed cause the all-out counterattack of the ancient Kunlun world masters, because no one in this world wants to be subject to this spiritual network, and with the existence of this spiritual network, this spiritual network Just like the origin of the world, even more powerful than the origin of the world, you can do whatever you want. Those who want to break the **** of this world may never be able to leave here because they Can not break the **** of Kunlun Lingwang, unless there is an opportunity to fight.

This is a battle between different levels of life, so this is a battle that transcends any hatred. It does not require any reason, but it must be the most tragic battle. This is like the war between two different races, even if there is no hatred or no complaints on both sides, but once they start the war, they may all be the result of endless death and dying.

"Yes, if you expose the existence of Kunlun Lingwang, it may undoubtedly cause a big battle, and it may kill Kunlun Lingwang, but have you ever thought that if the winning party is Kunlun Lingwang? Once it wins, engulfing the spirituality of all the creatures in the ancient Kunlun world, who can beat it?" Qin Lang gave another speculation at this time.

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