Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3273: Into the fairy

Even if you join this Kunlun fairy, Qin Lang is actually a little risky, but this kind of adventure Qin Lang must do it, because if he does not do this, on the one hand can not really understand the strength of Kunlun Lingwang and this The mystery of a spiritual network, on the other hand, Qin Lang also wants to enhance his strength through this opportunity. He has regarded this Kunlun spiritual network as an enemy of him. He wants to use this to temper his own cultivation. .

"What! You want to join the Kunlun fairy?" When Gu Qingyi knew that Qin Lang made such a decision, it was almost crazy. She could not understand why Qin Lang had to do this. She even thought that Qin Lang would betray her friendship. Because joining the Kunlun immortality means that it can no longer be trusted. Joining the Kunlun immortality is inevitably a semi-person of Kunlun. This concept is the result of Gu Qingxi’s father Gu Qingxuan’s death, Xuansheng Palace. Because the strong guys didn't want to join the Kunlun fairy, they only brought disaster to the Xuansheng Palace. Nowadays, Qin Lang has to take the initiative to join the Kunlun fairy. Isn’t this a betrayal? Could it be said that Qin Lang really wants to enter Kunlun? In Gu Qingyi's view, Qinlang's cultivation is the realm and talent. If you really join Kunlun, then of course, there is a great future. After all, although Penglai Xianshan is also a super sect, it is still compared with Kunlun. There is a big gap.

"You don't have to be so excited to do it? Do you think that I joined the Kunlun fairy, just to fly to the sky, just to get out of the crowd?" Qin Lang explained to Gu Qingyu, "I joined the Kunlun fairy, just to deal with Kunlun. Do you think that I want to join Kunlun? You are too young to look at me."

"Alan, it turns out that you think so. Actually... I... I don't think it is very likely to betray me, betray Penglai, you want to join the Kunlun fairy, this is still not possible!" At this time, Gu Qingyi was somewhat incoherent.

Qin Lang knows what Gu Qingyi is worried about, nothing more than worrying that Qin Lang steals chickens and does not erode the rice. After all, Kunlun is Kunlun. Any sect, any monk, as long as it is in this ancient Kunlun world, it is impossible to ignore the majesty of Kunlun. . Want to go to Kunlun's cheap, I am afraid that many monks do not even think about it, because this is simply too bold! Moreover, it can be said that it is a very crazy move! To challenge the majesty of Kunlun, it is natural to face the revenge of Kunlun. Gu Qingyi does not think that Qin Lang can resist Kunlun's revenge. At least Qin Lang is unable to resist Kunlun's revenge.

"Oh, ah...you know, I can't betray you as long as you know." Qin Lang said to Gu Qingqi, "Maybe, I may be betraying Penglai, because I don't have any feelings about Penglai. But, I I will definitely not betray you. As for joining the Kunlun immortality - you have to believe me, this is something that must be done, because only by joining the Kunlun fairy, some things can be solved. Kunlun, after all, we have to face The strong enemy, we can't turn a blind eye to it. If you have to have someone to go to hell, then - I don't go to **** and go to hell!"

After saying the last sentence, Qin Lang had some regrets, because he felt that he might have oversold his head. Although there is no doubt that the lethality of this statement is very big, it may make Gu Qingyu deeply trapped in it and cannot be himself.

Sure enough, after Qin Lang’s words were finished, Gu Qingyi had already plunged into Qin Lang’s chest. As a monk, especially as the lord of Penglai, Gu Qingyi should not be so unbearable, but because Qin Lang’s last sentence “I am not The **** of Hell who went to **** was too great, so that Gu Qingyi completely ignored his identity, and even so directly into the embrace of Qin Lang.

At this point, Qin Lang certainly can't pretend to be a gentleman. It is a matter of course to taste this emotional moment. Although many monks prefer to cut off any feelings, feeling that feelings and humanity are the practice of practice, but Qin Lang never think so. Instead, he enjoys this kind of humanity and enjoys this sincere emotion.

After a while, Gu Qingyi has restored a master's style and said to Qin Lang: "Alan, I was a little out of order, we are all monks, I was just what I was -"

"You are the real you, and the most beautiful you!" Qin Lang knows that Gu Qingyi wants to say that the monk should cut off the fart of love, but Qin Lang never agrees with this point of view, so he does not Hesitantly interrupted Gu Qingyi’s words and corrected her understanding. “You must not think that seven emotions and six desires are obstacles to your practice. Although many monks think so, they believe that practice should break all humanity. And emotions, but I always think that it is a misunderstanding, so you must not go into the wrong cognition. Take your feelings seriously, accept your feelings, that is the real self, and the practice should be kept ' Really, 'Isn't this not?"

Gu Qingyi did not think that Qin Lang would say such esoteric words, and could not help but ask: "Alang, how do you know these strange remarks? Moreover, as a monk, you should concentrate on spiritual practice. The immortals should be more like this. Love is really distracting, and should it have an impact on spiritual practice?"

"Is it true that love will affect the practice?" Qin Lang said to Gu Qingqi, "Why is the speed of our two cultivations as a realm in Penglai Island almost impossible? Can we say that we are wrong? We didn't talk about love?"

Qin Lang had a geological question, but it made Gu Qingyi a little embarrassed. She said with a blush: "Oh, no matter what love or love, anyway... how to say this, we just said that Kunlun Do you want to join the Kunlun Immortal, or consider it again, I think it is not appropriate for you to join the Kunlun Immortal at this time, too risky!"

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you will get a tiger." Qin Lang firmly said, "If you don't join the Kunlun fairy, we will never know how powerful Kunlun's strength is."

"But even if you joined the Kunlun fairy, you may not know the details of Kunlun's bottom?" Gu Qingyu said, "On Penglai Island, there are also many monks who joined the Kunlun fairy, but these monks who joined the Kunlun fairy However, I can't get any useful information about Kunlun. Even some monks don't know where Kunlun is. Instead, once they join the Kunlun fairy, they can't be completely trusted by Zongmen, so I think you joined Kunlun. Unwise choice."

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