Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3277: Step by step first

When this is the case, Qin Lang and the member of the Mountain Lingling Network can only work together, and it is necessary to concentrate all the efforts. The time left by Kunlun Lingwang to Qinlang and the member of the Mountain Lingnet is not too much. If the time is a little longer, That Kunlun Lingnet may be aware of Qin Lang's anomaly and may take some measures. In this ancient Kunlun world, the existence of the Kunlun Spirit Network can be said to be the public enemy of this world, but why is Qin Lang not like this? Once Qin Lang’s existence is known to the world’s top powerhouses, they will certainly find a way to create some trouble for Qin Lang, and even if there is a chance, they will not mind killing Qin Lang.

However, how could Qin Lang give these guys a chance? He is not an idiot who has been slaughtered. This time, a little spirituality has been injected into the Kunlun immortal. It seems to be impulsive, but it is actually dead. After the birth, as Qin Lang said before, do not enter the tiger's hole to get the tiger.

Kunlun fairy is not the body of Kunlun Lingwang. In the end, it is only a part of Kunlun Lingwang. Therefore, Kunlun Lingwang cannot put too much attention on this Kunlun fairy. This Kunlun spirit blog is in control. The entire ancient Kunlun world, of course, it is not a matter of whether the immortal who joined the Kunlun immortality in the district concerned has any problems. Moreover, once the Kunlun immortality is added, the spirituality of this monk will be merged by the Kunlun immortality. This is equivalent to the Kunlun Lingu. Through the Kunlun fairy, you can know the actions of any immortal in the immortal, and you can also know them. What is being planned, and the ability to drip through the stone to penetrate the immortals of these immortals, so that they eventually become the shackles or puppets of the Kunlun Spirit.

"Now your spirituality has entered the Kunlun immortality. I don't know what you found now?" Wushan Lingwang couldn't wait to ask if Qin Lang had gained something. This question really makes Qin Lang laugh and cry, if it is so easy to have the harvest, then Kunlun Lingwang is too easy to be killed.

“Discovery?” Qin Lang said. “It’s not completely undetected. At least I have already made sure that your previous judgment is correct. This Kunlun fairy is only part of the Kunlun Spirit Network. If you completely control my body in its body. Before spirituality, we still took the initiative, but once the ontology of Kunlun Lingnet discovered my existence, this initiative may not be there, so our time is very limited, if we want to take the lead, then You can't hide it in the mountain spirit network. You must tell me everything you know about the Kunlun Spirit Net!"

Qin Lang is not a fuel-efficient lamp. When his spirituality entered the Kunlun immortality, he knew that there was something hidden by him. This made Qin Lang somewhat uncomfortable and had already arrived. This member of the Lushan Lingwang still wants to hide and squat, how can it be a cooperative effort, how can you beat the Kunlun Lingwang, not to mention defeating the Kunlun Lingwang, and it is not bad to let Qin Lang himself fall into it. In fact, when Qin Lang learned that there was still something hidden in the mountain Lingwang, Qin Lang’s heart could be said to be quite uncomfortable. After all, Qin Lang was very trusting to this member, and both sides were also very trustworthy. With the same enemy, Qin Lang did not want such trust to be easily broken, but who knows that this member of the mountain Lingwang actually did not know how to be so embarrassed, and when there was something in the mouth, there was still something to look at Qin Lang, which is clearly the rhythm of finding death. .

"This... In fact, I have not meant to hide anything from you, but after all, you are a completely different life from me. To be honest, I really can’t trust you completely, so I hope you can understand what I was before you. There are reservations. What's more, although we are cooperative, I think you have something to look at me. Isn't it? Although I don't know what you are hiding, I believe in my judgment." This **** member Ling Net turned out to be a Qin Lang army. Moreover, this **** member Lushan Lingwang actually guessed it right, because Qin Lang really has something to do with this member of the mountain Lingwang, and Qin Lang simply can not tell his story to Lushan Lingwang, is it? Said Qin Lang can tell this member of the mountain Lingyun he came from the low-level universe? Can he tell this person that the entire high-level cosmic creature of Lushan Lingwang is his enemy?

It is of course impossible for Qin Lang to completely disclose his own affairs to the staff of Lushan Lingwang. Even Qin Lang has no way to tell these things to Gu Qingyi. How can he tell the people about the evil spirits of the mountain, unless there is a problem with Qin Lang’s brain? Almost the same.

This member of the Lushan Lingwang is not so easy to be fooled. Qin Lang is now truly taught, so this time Qin Lang also completely gave up the idea of ​​flickering, but said very sincerely to the staff of the mountain Lingwang: "It seems that we The previous exchanges still have some problems, but I think you should think about it again. The Kunlun Spirit Net is our common enemy. We have reached a consensus on this matter, and in this matter, I trust you without reservation, and I took a lot of risk to deal with Kunlun Lingnet, especially now that I have joined the Kunlun fairy, and even the retreat is completely gone. At this time, I can take risks. It is said to be the biggest. Under such circumstances, shouldn’t you go all out to help me and help us win?”

Losing this is still a high-level life, but in Qin Lang, sometimes this member of the mountain is really a rib, it is simply stubborn and ridiculous, he does not want to see, any living body, any monk Anyone will have some secrets that cannot be told, because this is part of the individual's life. This is certainly not a good quality, but it is indeed an indispensable part of individual life. If human monks have no secrets of their own, is it a human monk?

But there is a bit of Qin Lang who is right: in the common fight against Kunlun Lingnet, their interests are completely consistent, so neither side should have any concealment in this matter. The fact that the member of the mountain Lingwang is the most important part of the matter has been concealed and reserved, which makes Qin Lang really feel annoyed.

Although Qin Lang’s cultivation is more powerful than the Yushan Lingwang, but in dealing with the Kunlun Lingnet, it’s really helpful to be a member of the mountain, because it’s because of The Kunlun Spirit Net is essentially the same thing. He knows the Kunlun Spirit Network as if he is knowing himself.

As for why the member of the mountain has a reservation, this may be because he is worried that after telling Qin Lang some key things he knows, Qin Lang may use this to deal with him, which has forced him to have Prepared for.

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