Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3298: Layout and breaking

"I have already considered the elders," Fang said. "I am not as good as Gu Qingyi. Since I have already lost, I have nothing to say. I only hope that Fangzhangshan will continue to prosper." However, I still have a little bit of worry. If Gu Qingyi dominates the Three Great Xianshan, I am worried that the Tao of the Abbot Mountain may not be able to continue in the future. Perhaps the three major Xianshan will only know Penglai and Gu Qingyu. I don't know the abbot."

"Your worry is somewhat reasonable. It shows that you are really calm down at this time." Quantitative judges, "Many people think that I will keep you pressed, so that you will never turn over, after all, you should not openly The elders of the Abbot Mountain contend with each other. However, I will not do this. After all, you are the sovereign of the Abbot Mountain. I am now suppressing you. I hope that your cultivation will be able to take it to the next level, and at the same time the most crucial. You have to move your mind and think about what position Fangzhangshan should be in the future, and where you should be. During this time, I will personally guide you to practice, maybe one day after you go out, you can still Take over the position of Gu Qingyi."

The square inch covert obviously did not think that the expectation of him was so high. He seemed quite excited. He thought that the amount of Tianshi was really far-sighted. Even if he was so far-reaching, if he got the personal guidance of Tianshi, he would cover the heavens. It is believed that his cultivation will be greatly enhanced, and this is considered shameful and brave.

"Thank you for the elders!" Fang Zhongshi said, "I must concentrate on practicing and not expecting the elders!"

"I believe you can do it!" Tian Tianju nodded.

The abbot hill welcomes the guesthouse.

Qin Lang and Gu Qingyi are resting here. At this time, the elders of the Abbots are preparing to announce the joint activities of Penglai and the abbot. Of course, Gu Qingyi will be the only one of the two main sects. For Fangzhangshan, this is a very grand event. Naturally it takes some time to complete.

"Alang, I really didn't think that this trip went so smoothly. The abbots of the abbots have gotten our benefits, and they have done things for us. However, the last condition you proposed is simply a pen of God. At the time of the layman, his face was blue, and the other elders of the elders did not even understand the meaning. "Gu Qingyi said a little proudly.

"That is only a temporary blinding of them. However, the ability of these old guys should be reflected in the near future, and they will not be able to deceive them for a long time. It is this amount of people, it is indeed a headache. This old guy is a smart person, not so easy to be fooled. In the future, this old guy will have to work harder." Qin Lang reminded Gu Qingyi.

"This is natural. This Tianshi is indeed the top figure among the elders of the abbot. The wisdom of this guy is really different. It must be handled with care." Gu Qingyi nodded, "but Even if he is smart, he is only a monk. Since he is a monk, there is always a demand. We only need to vote for it. When he realizes that I am the sovereign, he will get the benefits. More than his estimate, then he will always support me."

"However, I saw a kind of stubbornness and persistence from the old man who is a good person. If I am not mistaken, this old guy should have a deep feeling for Fangzhangshan, so he can't easily give up as a mountain. The identity of the elders. Don’t look at him now, he will support you, but I think that once there is an opportunity, this old guy will find a way to let another abbot’s monk replace you.” Qin Lang made such a judgment. Of course, his judgment is very reasonable. He almost guessed the temperament and thoughts of the Tianjue. He is guessing a 7788. Since Qin Lang’s judgment on the amount of Tianshi is correct, then the method provided to Gu Qingyu is of course also Promised.

"Well... you are right, you said this, I thought about it carefully. Maybe I have a one-sided judgment on the old guy who is a good person. Maybe he has a special feeling for the abbot. Inside, so in his eyes, even if I give him more benefits, it is just an 'outsider'. Even if the three great mountains are really united, the old guy who will be the day will still be himself. Seen as a member of the Abbot Mountain, and he will definitely train a monk in the Abbot Mountain. I hope that one day, the monk of the Abbot Mountain will replace me." Gu Qingyi soon figured out the amount of Tianjushi. The idea, this can be regarded as becoming smarter after Qin Lang.

"Yes, since you have already thought about it, then I will not say more." Qin Lang nodded. "As long as you remember this, you should not take the light of the old guy." The opponent is Kunlun, but it can't help but prevent other people from slashing in the back. The things in the abbot mountain are temporarily fixed. Now I have to consider the plan of Weizhou Island. The cloud-dao people are not like the square inch. It's so easy to deal with."

"Indeed, you can consider the things on Weizhou Island. But Alang, in fact, you don't have to worry too much about me. Although I really want to be the leader of the three great mountains, if I avenge Kunlun, I will Abandoning this identity, at that time, I hope that our world will only have each other." Gu Qingyu said this, and finally looked at Qin Lang with deep gaze, obviously what she really longed for was not the power and power in this ancient Kunlun world. Power, but the feeling of tranquility like water.

"You can have the idea of ​​rushing back, it is really mature." Qin Lang sighed so much, this is his feelings, if Gu Qingyi has always been in love with the position and power of the three leaders of the Xianshan, then Qin Lang will also complete She will even try her best to help her reach the desired position, but in that case, Qin Lang will eventually give up her, because that means Gu Qingying's cognition, power and strength are the most important things, Qin Lang is just Second only. But now it seems that Gu Qingyi's most important thing is this friendship with Qin Lang. In this case, how can Qin Lang disappoint her?

"Yes, I don't think I want to take over the position of the three great Sects. If the timing is right, I would rather give this position to others. So, I don't really worry about it, because I will know. Tell him a fact: As long as he supports me when I sit in the position of the leader of Sanshan, after defeating Kunlun, I will give up this position, then he will recommend who is the leader of the three great mountains, I Will not interfere!" Gu Qingyi said very decisively.

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