Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3300: Forced by the situation

In a sect, it is so openly to blame a lord of the elders, probably a cloud dao, such that the sects of each sect are actually elected by the elders of the sect. The spokespersons of the elders of the elders, so as long as there is no madness, any of the sects of the sect will certainly not be enemies with their elders, nor will they openly provoke the majesty of the elders.

However, this Yundao person is such a strong, this guy is purely a "madman", but it is a very powerful madman, because according to the qualifications of the Yundao people, he is a super elder who can be promoted to Weizhou Island. However, it has always been the position of "occupying" the sovereign. Not only did the monks of Weizhou Island have no chance to win the sovereign, but even these elders could not shake his position. He is so strong.

The phrase "You don't understand" directly sent the elders of the Weizhou Island to the elders. Then the Yundao people said very simply to Gu Qingyu: "Gu Zongzhu, I know that you did some work, before Many of our elders on Weizhou Island have sent a big gift, but your hand is also useful to the other people. It is useless to my cloud-dao people! Even the elders of Weizhou Island want to It’s useless to oppose me. My Yundao people don’t want to move away from the position of this master. No one can move me!”

Strong! Strong!

This is the tyrannical side of the Yundao people. These monks on Weizhou Island have learned to be the true strong side of the Yundao people. It’s the same as the so-called saga. The strength of the former Yundao people is only in the rumors. Today is what everyone sees and sees, and they can't help but scream. The world of comprehension is such a world that advocates the strong, so although the Yundao people are somewhat arrogant, they have attracted the appreciation of some Pazhou monks.

However, Gu Qingqi was also prepared for this time. She calmly said to the Yundao people: "Since the cloud lords are so arrogant, this is to prevent the union of the three great mountains from failing. But the points are weak and strong, and anyone can do this. If you look at it, can you not see the lord of the cloud? If the lord of Yunya refuses to take the overall situation seriously, then I don’t say much about Gu Qingyi. With the power of the abbot and Penglai, plus the alliance of the Shanghainese family, We are also enough to sweep the endless sea of ​​salt. The road is different, so I hope that the future will continue to prosper in Weizhou Island!"

The overall situation is heavy! The trend of the times!

Gu Qingying seized these two points. She believes that as long as people who have problems with their brains, they should understand that the three major Xianshan alliances are now in a general trend. I think that the three great mountains have already reached the end of life, because the threat of Kunlun has already appeared. Come out, there are dark chess arranged by Kunlun in the three great mountains. If Qin Lang and Gu Qingyi did not detect it in the first step, I am afraid that Kunlun’s subversion of the three great mountains is simply a matter of ease. If the Yundao people are obsessed with it, then they will lose their allies' Weizhou Island, and what will they compete with Kunlun? I am afraid that it will become the next goal of Kunlun.

If the arrogance and arrogance of the Yundao people let the entire Weizhou Island be buried, whether it is the elders of Weizhou Island or other ordinary monks, they are certainly not willing to agree.

"Good! Gu Zongzhu's word front is really powerful!" Yundao people will not give the elders of Weizhou Island a joint opposition to their own opportunities, so he immediately responded, "Gu Zongzhu, you do not need to be alarmist, although Weizhou Island It’s indeed a threat, but as long as we’re all on the top –”

"Clouds people, since you are willing to fight against strong enemies independently, my Gu Qingyi is also very impressed. Since you and Weizhou Island have full confidence to cope with the future crisis, then my Gu Qingyi is too lazy to waste my tongue here. Since then, Penglai, the abbot and the sea people have been cornering each other and fighting against the strong enemy. As for your Weizhou Island, we will not mix it!" Gu Qingyi snorted and put forward the retreat. attitude.

You are not arrogant, not arrogant, then give you the opportunity to continue to arrogate, the three major Xianshan joint things, it will become two major Xianshan united, anyway, now has a successful alliance with the sea people, as long as the sea The relationship between the people and the people is better than that of the three mountains. The same is true that Gu Qing’s voice in Penglai and the abbot will not be weakened. As for this Weizhou Island, if you have the ability of the Yundao people, then you will continue to be the sovereign of the Weizhou Island. You will face the threat of the Kunlun people and face the threat of the sea people. See you Weizhou Island can support How long?

Gu Qingyi directly broke through the greatness. She believes that whether it is the elders or ordinary monks on Weizhou Island, they should be able to understand this. This is the difference.

The Yundao people are the people of Weiweizhou Island, but Gu Qingyi is convincing people, although these monks on Weizhou Island may not have a good impression of Gu Qingyi, but as long as they are not broken, I can understand Gu Qingying’s words, and I should all know what she said is very reasonable. Now the Sanshan Union is the way out. If the Yundao people are willing to go their own way, then Weizhou Island is likely to go nowhere. Without the support of the abbot and Penglai, what does Weizhou Island do with the strong enemy?

After saying these words, Gu Qingyi said to the elders of Weizhou Island: "Elder elders, take care! The next time you encounter any other secrets of the sect, you can only rely on yourself!"

The implication is that Yundao people are not really operating Weizhou Island as a piece of iron plate, otherwise how can Kunlun's dark chess always be inserted in Weizhou Island? Gu Qingyi is trying to make these elders on Weizhou Island realize that the Yundao people are not so strong and reliable. If they are willing to go their own way, then Weizhou Island may be completely finished.

Gu Qingyi made a gesture of resignation, which also means that she is ready to completely exclude Weizhou Island from the three major mountains.

"Gu Zongzhu stayed!" At this time, an elder elder of Weizhou Island stopped Gu Qingyu from leaving, and then said to the people of Penglai Island with the "heartache", "The monks of Weizhou Island, the three great mountains Being one and the other, this is the foundation of the existence of Weizhou Island. Now the cloud-dao people who are the lords are actually separated from the Sanshan Alliance for their own sake. This is not a self-seeking! Without the support of Penglai and the abbot, we Zhoudao alone faces the strong enemy of all parties, and there is not much chance of winning at all. Even if it wants to survive in this complicated situation, it is very difficult! Forget it, I am also arrogant today. If you can’t listen, I will Leaving Weizhou Island and joining the alliance of Penglai and Abbot!"

The elders who are soaring, they have to prepare to switch to the portal!

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