Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3316: Take risks

"War? The war that swept the whole world?"

Gu Qingqi does not seem to believe in Qin Lang’s speculation. “Since ancient times, our world has not seen a war that has swept the whole world. Because there is no need at all, the world is so vast, almost no margin, any one. Doors should have a foothold, and they can all get the necessary resources for cultivation. How can there be a war that swept the whole world? And even if Kunlun is strong, there is no way to launch such a war that swept the entire Kunlun world?"

"There has been no similar war that has swept the whole world since ancient times?" Qin Lang said with a smile. "How far can this 'ancient' have been since ancient times? Don't you think about it, what is the world before 'from ancient times'? What?"

"Before ancient times, wasn't it a wild world?" Gu Qing said of course.

"Arid era? Before the flood era?" Qin Lang continued to smile and asked, "Is there anything before the wild world? Can you be sure?"

"This... How can I determine what happened before the flood era? I don't even know what it was like in the flood era." Gu Qing snorted and seemed to be slightly dissatisfied. He felt that Qin Lang deliberately introduced her into the set.

"That's it. You don't know what happened before the flood era. No one knows. But no one can deny that there are other eras and civilizations before the flood era. Then, you never thought about it, that civilization and the era are How was it destroyed?” Qin Lang continued to guide Gu Qingyi to think in a more distant era.

In the legends of many worlds, there are similar floods that have been destroyed by ancient times in ancient times, or destroyed by what wars, swallowed by powerful monsters... In short, the era before "from ancient times" is already possible. It’s just being destroyed. Since the era before "from ancient times" may be destroyed, why is the current era not destroyed?

Gu Qingyi is right to learn from history, but the history she saw is nothing but the human history in the ancient Kunlun world. It is not the whole history of the world. She does not know that there is such a living being in the world as the Kunlun Spirit.

Gu Qingyi was stirred up by Qin Lang’s question. She saw that Qin Lang was not joking, so she made bold thoughts and speculations, and then Gu Qingyi realized that exploring the history of a world is a People are "fear" because at this time anyone will feel that their existence is small and fragile.

"Well, I have accepted that you may have a big battle that swept the whole world." Gu Qingyi then sighed. "However, it is not the reason you are convincing, but because I am willing to believe." You. But, even if I believe in you, it’s just a battle that swept the world, who is the beneficiary? Is it that everyone is crazy, they have to fight for a fight?"

"I am very glad that you also think about the beneficiary. Yes, there must be beneficiaries in the event of a war, because the war will only occur when it is profitable. This time the war in the ancient Kunlun world will naturally have Beneficiary, but you may not be able to understand the beneficiaries - Kunlun!" Qin Lang said, "I know that you still have some incomprehensible, but Kunlun has already begun to act, and the war will soon sweep across the entire Kunlun world. So you have to be prepared. You don't want to avenge Kunlun. If you don't prepare now, the journey of revenge has not started to fear that it will go bankrupt."

"You said it early!" Gu Qingyi said, "If you say that your opponent is Kunlun, you don't have to tell me what is going on in the world. If there are countless deaths and injuries, I would have to avenge Kunlun, so I only need to know." The opponent is Kunlun, just know that they have already started to act. This time their action on Weizhou Island was originally directed against me and the Sanshan League, but this time Kunlun was a failure and returned, but they never thought they started. However, fortunately, if you successfully sneaked into the Kunlun immortal and found such important information from them, then it is not too late, we will immediately return to Penglai Island, prepare for the joint activities of Sanshan, and then immediately discuss the matter of dealing with Kunlun. !"

The woman is so impulsive and irrational. Before Qin Lang explained to Gu Qingyi a lot about the world’s upcoming war, she probably did not listen to it, but when she heard the revenge on Kunlun, she immediately ate the chicken blood. Like, rushing to return to Penglai to prepare. However, this time, if the ancient Kunlun world really has a war that swept the whole world, then the initiators behind it will definitely be Kunlun, which is the true enemy of Gu Qingyi.

However, one day, if Gu Qingyi knows the true face of Kunlun, I believe she will feel very surprised.

As for now, since Gu Qingyi does not know the true face of Kunlun, Qin Lang does not know how to explain the existence of Kunlun to her, let her think that Kunlun is only a super sect. Ye Guqing is the sovereign of the three great mountains, if she Others say that Kunlun is a spiritual network. Most people will think that she is a madman. Therefore, Qin Lang feels that it is not bad to do so temporarily. Let Gu Qingyi go to fight her "imaginary enemy".

Qin Lang and Gu Qingyi had just returned to Penglai Xianshan and immediately received a warm welcome from the entire Penglai Island monk. Even the elders of Penglai Island were considered to be in the nest, because this time Gu Qingyi really did a lot of people in Penglai. What can't be done is really "unprecedented." The things of the three major Xianshan alliances, I don’t know that they have been said many times. Even many monks have heard the ears grow up, but no one has seen the situation of the three great mountains combined, but Gu Qingyu has done it. . Gu Qingqi is young, but the realm of cultivation has been very clever. Before he formed an alliance with the sea people, he now unites the three great mountains. Such great achievements are indeed worthy of all the monks and elders of Penglai Xianshan. .

It seems that Gu Qingqi is actually somewhat intoxicated. After all, even Gu Qingyi’s father, it only did the position of the Xuansheng Palace, but Gu Qingyi far surpassed his father’s achievements, not only did Penglai’s The lord, but also the position of the three major Xianshan lords, compared with Gu Qingxi, his father Gu Qingxuan is simply beyond the reach.

However, Gu Qingyi soon calmed down. Although it was a very windy thing to become a Sanshan leader, when Gu Qingyi considered that Kunlun was about to launch a war that swept the whole world, Gu Qingyi I feel a little bit boring. Gu Qingyi is not afraid of war, but she is afraid that she will lose to Kunlun. If she loses to Kunlun, it means that her revenge has failed.

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