Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 333: Poison Zongfu (7 more)

"I wipe! Is the poison sect doing this kind of practice?" Qin Lang thought that the poison sect was really "the evil demon outside the road", and the method of practicing this is such a evil door. However, if you think about it carefully, this method of practice will definitely work, because if you can't practice it, you can only raise poisonous insects in the mountains for a lifetime, because you can't beat the brothers who guard the mountain gates. And because these brothers have kung fu, so every time you fight, even if you lose, you must be able to comprehend something. The key point is that after being beaten by a person, the impression must be very profound. Therefore, after beating, you will definitely want to take revenge. If you want to take revenge, you can only learn kungfu and learn hard work!

"Kid, do you think that we poisoned the evil spirits?" The old poison snorted. "Actually, this is not a problem. The rivers and lakes rumor that Shaolin Temple does not have eighteen bronzes, but if you want to go out, It is necessary to pass through the 18-copper squad. Many of the disciples in Shaolin Temple did not want to be monks. It was because they couldn’t get a bronze squad, they couldn’t get off the mountain, so they couldn’t marry their children, so they eventually became monks. ""

"Rely on, people's eighteen bronze people, that is also a section of the rivers and lakes." Qin Lang snorted.

"The shit's story!" The old poison snorted. "It sounds good. You don't think about it. If you let a young boy stay in the mountains all day long, look at a group of monks all day long, even a woman can't see, I can't touch it, I can only touch myself to the old. Finally, even the hair on the top of my head is touched, this is a fart story! Well, the nonsense is less, anyway, if you want to practice five poisons, then Simple, it’s the day with these snakes, you will sooner or later!"

"It’s said that it’s not said." Qin Lang snorted. "The scorpion and the snake’s effort are not said. What kind of effort can you do with the scorpion, the gecko and the scorpion?"

"The martial arts, mainly on the crawling, Shaolin vultures have a kung fu called 'snap jump', which actually evolved from the five poisons of our poisonous sect. Jumping, also called snakes, this is a must for night battles. The sneak attack of Kung Fu can close the opponent silently and give the opponent a fatal blow."

"Since it is ‘jumping’, how can it be silent?” Qin Lang wondered.

"Because the 'bounce' is not on the hands and feet, but on the fingers and toes, after the skill is mastered, the body's ten fingers and ten toes are as flexible as the '100', walking along with The terrain is undulating, and naturally it is silent." The old poison explained.

"It turned out to be like this." Qin Lang said, "Just, is this kung fu really plagiarizing our poisonous sects in Shaolin Temple?"


"But is Shaolin Temple not saying that the world's martial arts come out of Shaolin?" Qin Lang asked.

"This is the biggest fart. If it is not because of Buddhism, Shaolin Temple has already been leveled because of this sentence!" The old poison angered, "Don't say anything, this scorpion, jump, it must be us." Originally poisonous, do you talk about anyone who knows more about poisonous insects than our poisonous sects, more authentic than us?"

"This is true." Qin Lang said, "However, your old man is not saying that this Fulong pile is from the Buddha -"

"Don't you mention this?" The face of the old poison sank. "I have a chance to give you some advice. Why don't you know how to cherish it!"

"Master, I am wrong." Qin Lang worried that the old poison would "float away", so went on to say, "What can you do with the gecko and the donkey?"

"Gecko Kung Fu, I have told you before - the gecko wall tour, this gecko's effort, that is, the hard work on the wall, but you should not underestimate this effort, if you can practice this work, then There is no place to climb up! As for the embarrassment, the knowledge of such a kung fu is big, and you are jealous. You should know what you are doing?"

"Of course I know." Qin Lang nodded and said, "This is a kung fu. It is forced, but it is in Jin Yong's novel!"

"This time, the kung fu was originally a cow. Forced!" The old poison snorted, and suddenly there was a cockroach in the palm of his hand. He didn't know where he was from. "It's not just something in the novel. It is a real inner kungfu. Among the five poisons, 蟾蜍 seems to be the most harmless, but in fact the other four are outside the door, only this '蛤蟆功' is the inner work. Even if It is the Taoist Wudang faction, and there is also a martial arts 'Golden gonggong', which is not only powerful, but also contains the knowledge of health."

"Listen to you, Wudang faction is also a plagiarism of our poisonous sect?" Qin Lang asked.

This time, the old poison did not pull hard, and the rare color said: "Puzzle, in fact, there is a plagiarism of Kung Fu, Kung Fu this thing, I will practice myself, it is my own. If the same effort, you will not practice Or, but I don’t seem to be as good as others, so how do you mean to plagiarize others?"

"But in the martial arts, is it not a big jealousy to steal a teacher?" Qin Lang asked inexplicably.

"Yes, stealing a teacher is a big taboo, but if you succeed in stealing a teacher and it is more powerful than a teacher, then it is not stealing a teacher. It is your own effort. Presumably, the one who steals the teacher does not dare to come. I accuse you of stealing a teacher. Just say that this is 'smart work'. We poisoned it as '蛤蟆功', and Wudang called it '金蟾功'. The saying is different. There is not much difference in essence. Used to practice the inner interest. As for who is authentic, after you have played with the true disciple or the head of the Wudang faction, you can distinguish who is authentic." The old poison said faintly.

"Since it is a domestic effort, it seems that I can't learn?" Qin Lang said with some regrets.

"I can't learn for a while." The old poison said, "When you get to the realm of nourishing, you can appreciate the benefits of ‘蛤蟆功.' As for now, you don’t have to learn, you can’t learn.”

"That's a pity." Qin Lang said with regret, "I still hope to carry forward the five poisons."

"Five poisonous work is only a martial arts work, but it is a drop in the ocean. What you have to do is to carry forward the poison sect, not just to carry forward a kung fu." The old poison reminded Qin Lang.

"You don't have to be reminded, I know this great goal." Qin Lang said, "And, I am working hard for this great goal! You see, I have successfully taken the first step, I have already contacted I have become a real river and lake, and have become a part of the rivers and lakes. In addition, I have begun to build my own power, and has made a crucial first step for the growth of the poisonous sect!"

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