Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3333: Plunder

Bo Ye has been agitated by Qin Lang and continues to ask: "What advantage do we have? I mean, if we want to beat Kunlun Lingwang, what should we do?"

"I said Lao Bo, you seem to be in a hurry." Qin Lang said with a smile. "Although time is indeed more urgent, but not even a chance. I still go back to the original question - Kunlun Lingwang wants What is the purpose and purpose of launching a war that sweeps the whole world? Obviously, it is to harvest the spirituality of the world's living beings. The more intense the war in this world, the more spirituality the Kunlun Spirit Network will get. The power is getting stronger and stronger. However, we control the scale of the war through the camps of the three great mountains. At the same time, we grab the spirituality with Kunlun Ling.com, so that it can't get what it wants. Naturally, it can disrupt it. Plan, but also to curb its strength!"

"Alang brothers, you are the means to eat the tiger's mouth! And, it is as if we seldom do spiritual things like we rarely do it - not right, since you have already realized the lock of the spiritual array, then your spirituality to the soul It must be very well understood, so you must know how to grow yourself through the spirituality of the creature?" Boye suddenly reacted, and his heart was secretly scared. He said that although this is a young man, this means is endless, really not. Know how this kid is practicing this step. If the study is intensive, this kid should not be as good as him, but if the overall strength and means, Bo Ye thinks that he may not be able to beat Qin Lang, this is really sad.

"Yes, you also know that I still have a lot of research on spirituality. This is because I know that the Kunlun Spirit Net is my enemy. To deal with the enemy, it is not a way to escape. Only knowing ourselves and knowing each other can be a battle. So, since Kunlun The net is good at engulfing and blending spirituality, then I will specialize in this aspect, and I have really researched something, such as the lock spirit array method is one of them. As for the spirit of the Kunlun Ling net, oh... although for For us, the actual benefits of directly snatching spirituality are not many, but it doesn't matter. The most important thing is that our enemy, Kunlun Lingwang, can't get what it wants, its power can't be improved quickly, then we There is still a chance." Qin Lang explained a little bit about how he got spiritual insight.

"Alang brothers, you are really a daring artist!" said Boye. "There was no loss to Kunlun Lingwang before you started. Otherwise, you can really count it as a big worry. This is definitely Kunlun. Ling Net’s missteps.”

Qin Lang said that Kunlun Lingnet was also deceived by him, because Qinlang has always been quite low-key, and has never exposed real strength. Therefore, Kunlun Lingwang did not feel the existence of Qin Lang, of course, is a very normal thing. These old monsters in Boye did not feel that his existence was normal. This is not a question of luck, but the control of Qin Lang himself. Since Qin Lang entered the ancient Kunlun world, he has been hiding his own whereabouts. For this reason, Qin Lang simply turned himself into a baby in this world, so who would doubt his head, this is simply impossible. Who will treat a baby as the biggest threat?

However, these things Qin Lang certainly will not tell Boyo, Qin Lang and Bo Ye can be described as a cooperative relationship, but it is only cooperation, it is impossible to be a fully trusted relationship.

"Old Bo, the wise man must have a loss. This Kunlun Lingnet is very powerful, but it is not completely without any weaknesses. In fact, you may not be its opponent, but you never thought about it. However, Qin Lang suddenly broke the key and got the approval of Bo Ye. If it was not because of the appearance of Qin Lang, this Bo Ye would definitely still be an ordinary old farmer, and then he would never show up. When the Kunlun Ling Net was relaxed, Bo Ye dared to show his existence and then fled the world. However, if Boye always regards Kunlun Lingwang as an opponent to study, it may be possible to find out its weaknesses.

"Brother, you are right! Brother, I have been alive for a while, and many things are not as clear as you can see, especially in the perception of Kunlun Lingwang. If I do a good job fighting with it earlier. If you are prepared, you may not be as passive as you are now.” Boye sighed. “So, since the younger brother has already thought about it very well, then the old brother will follow you, and not so much nonsense to waste. You are time."

"Old Bo, you will see this. You have more knowledge than me. I am more sophisticated than me. Many times I still rely on you to give pointers, so you can’t think about it. When I click on it, I still have to mention it! I don’t want to lose a lot of money and hate it, and lose it to Kunlun Lingnet.” Qin Lang said with a smile.

"Of course, we can't lose, we must win!" said Boye. "Right, we must do something to grab spirituality, and we have to do it more securely. But we can't **** it. The spirituality of man - this is a sadness."

This guy in Boyo has a sad side.

Qin Lang said with a smile: "Old brother, you can rest assured, I know that you are worried that I am young and full of spirit, devour the spirituality of living people, not only hurts the world, but more importantly, it will intensify with many thresholds of the world, many The relationship between the strong and even the enemy is revenge, so you can rest assured that my brother, I certainly will not devour the spirituality of the living. Moreover, the spirituality of the living is not so good to swallow, the old brother will try to know, Kunlunling It is not easy to devour the spirituality of the living, not to mention us."

Even if it is the Kunlun Spirit Network, it is one thing to devour spirituality. It is another matter to integrate and penetrate. The 峤山灵网 once said that it takes time for the Kunlun Spirit Network to integrate the spirituality of various creatures. The spirituality of a good man requires more time to blend, because the spirituality of the living being is swallowed up, with a strong sense of resistance and revenge, and will not be easily willing to be merged. However, the spirituality left behind by the war is different. Although they also have the idea of ​​revenge, they will not target the Kunlun spiritual network. Instead, they may take the initiative to merge, because the spirituality of the dead is like a rootless, and Kunlunling The net is a very stable "root." But in any case, Qin Lang will not devour the spirituality of the living, unless the other party is looking for death.

Qin Lang also has a basic bottom line, even in the high-profile universe.

"Yes, I am worried that my younger brother is young and vigorous, and there is no room for doing things. Since you all want to understand, then the older brother will not say much. As for the spirituality of the deceased, then you can plunder it, why can't you? It’s cheaper than Kunlun Lingwang!” said Boye.

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