Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3339: Boiling Buddha Blood Sea

"Yes? Boye, you can only say that you are too stupid! The person who knows the time is Junjie. You are a typical ignorant time. When you lived in seclusion, you wanted to escape, but you didn't know how to find a solution. I thought you. I can really escape. I am different from you, I know that I can't escape, so I took the initiative to establish a sense with Kunlun and became its spokesperson. In this case, as long as Kunlun does not die, I will not die!" The reason for this is nothing more than that he feels that it is not wise to evade and confront Kunlun, so he chose the Kunlun camp, and he should have received the promise of Kunlun, but whether this promise will be honored is not something that Boye should consider. It's a thing.

At this time, Bo Ye only felt a little depressed, but he was calculated by the immovable Buddha. He was quite trusting in the Buddha, and he had some friendships, but he did not move this guy. Stubble, he sold it to Kunlun.

"Do not move the Buddha, since you want to destroy me, it is also a price!" There is nothing to say, to this point, Bo Ye only has a battle, hoping to get a chance. Originally, Bo Ye did not think that he could really kill him if he did not move, but since he had already voted for Kunlun, then Bo Ye had to say that he had made the worst plan.

It is not terrible to not move a Buddha. It is not terrible to add this Buddha blood sea and blood shadow Buddha. But if this is driven by the Kunlun Spirit Network, then the situation is completely different. The wild has felt the danger of approaching.

"Starting the battle!" With the sound of the Buddha, the whole blood of the Buddha was just like boiling. The huge power was stimulated and integrated into the lore of the entire blood shadow Buddha. As the Buddha does not move, whether it is the blood of the Buddha or the existence of this **** Buddha, it is actually a lore, they all exist for the lore, there should have been many Buddhist monks. I strayed into the blood of the Buddha, but they all became part of the blood of the Buddha. ,

The immovable Buddha is a truly suspenseful character. This guy does not know how many years it has spent in order to set such a powerful lore, a trap, although he does not move himself, he does not move. Move it, but he only shows it to others, let others think that he really is not moving, not to worry about anything, but actually because the guy does not move, this guy has a lot of hot abacus, This guy is purely an accomplice of Kunlun Lingwang, or a super dark chess inserted by Kunlun Lingwang!

Whether it is Qinlang or Boye, it still underestimates the means of Kunlun Lingwang. Although Kunlun Lingwang is arrogant and arrogant, it is not arrogant. It should be aware of the existence of the top powerhouses such as Boyo and Pengzi. And already well prepared, to prevent these top powers from confronting him, so Kunlun Lingnet has adopted a means of differentiation, and among these top players, dark chess is also arranged for its use, waiting at the crucial moment. Shot. At this time, if you don't move the Buddha, you have to be the life of Boye. If you don't move the Buddha once you get it, then it is equivalent to removing a strong enemy. It will be easier for Kunlun Lingnet to display its plan.

And the cleverness of this guy who does not move Buddha is that his trap arrangement is very clever. He did not take the initiative to find Boye, because if he took the initiative to contact, it would cause Boss’ doubt, but if it was Boye’s initiative. Going to the door to find him, and not hesitating to hesitate, let Bo Ye think that they are "the same person", who knows that when he is unsuspecting in Boye, this will not be prepared It’s smashing its hands, and it’s not necessary to move the Buddha directly to kill Bo Ye. Moreover, the Buddha does not have this capital!

Buddha blood boils!

This is the scene in which the power of massive vitality and blood is stimulated, and countless blood-stained Buddhist monks begin to push the squad. The combination of the Buddha Blood Sea and the Blood Shadow Buddha Sect is not a lot of trouble for Bo Ye, even if such power has given people a feeling of destroying the earth. However, the power of the Buddha Blood Sea and the Blood Shadow Buddha is not used to kill the wilderness, but to contain him. As long as it can contain the wilderness, then you can slowly clean up the wilderness without moving the Buddha. It is.

Sure enough, at this time, if you don’t move the Buddha, of course, you are not idle. In an instant, he is transformed into a huge Buddha image, and he has become the brain of the Buddha Blood Sea and the Blood Shadow Buddha. As long as Bo Ye can't beat the immovable Buddha, then he can't escape from this lore.

This is a trap that does not move the painstaking efforts of the Buddha. How easy is it to escape? In fact, the Buddha does not set this trap, of course, not specifically for Boyo, but for the world's many half-step empire. Since the immovable Buddha has already invested in the Kunlun Spirit Network, he wants to get the approval and reward of Kunlun Lingwang. It is definitely to make some achievements. If you only kill some ordinary Buddhist monks, although you can provide a lot of spirituality and vitality for Kunlun Lingwang, you can't get the approval of Kunlun Lingwang, and you can't get it. You can only offer Bono. "The sacrifice" can make Kunlun Lingnet really satisfied.

At this time, although the two sides have just fought, but they have reached the level of white-hot, the blood-blooded Buddhism, the **** seas around the ban have been completely opened, even so, it seems that some can not withstand the strength of both sides .

Boyo knows that he must go all out and break the lore in a very short period of time before he can escape. If the time drags on, the more difficult it is for him to get out of the way, so Boye has already moved. I am full of strength, I hope I can spell a life for myself.

"Boye, Boye, you old guy is really old and strong, it is really not easy to stop you. However, it is too unwise for you to be against me and Kunlun Lingnet, if you do not suppress you. Here, isn’t it that the majesty of Kunlun is no longer there? Kunlun, blessing me!” The Buddha did not move, and began to feel the ubiquitous and arrogant power of Kunlun Lingwang.

If you don't move, if you are single-handed with Bo Ye, the two sides are only half a catty. Even with the Buddha Blood Sea and the Blood Shadow Buddha, the odds are only one or two percent. It is almost impossible to kill Bo Ye. Therefore, the Buddha does not know that he must rely on the strength of the Kunlun Spirit Network to win over Boye, and he does not know that Kunlun will certainly hold the power on him.

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