Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3363: Inside and outside

After the physical body of the net, Qin Lang did not make a big harvest of the world's creatures like the Kunlun Ling Net, because Qin Lang is still very different from the Kunlun Ling Net. Qin Lang's flesh is net, but the ideology has not changed, so it will not be as "sensible and cold" as Kunlun Lingwang. In order to gain spirituality, Kunlun Lingwang can not hesitate to kill all the world's creatures. And then accept it spiritually without any pity. Although Qin Lang can also kill, but he will not do this, because this does not meet his character, will touch the bottom line of his work.

Qin Lang is willing to hate, but definitely does not pursue cruelty and bloodthirsty. Even if it is to acquire spirituality from the souls of this world, Qin Lang can take some of the methods of drawing, and take part of the spirituality from some monks, without any irreparable influence on itself. In addition, the reason why Kunlun Lingwang wants to carry out large-scale “harvesting” is because it needs to pay “tribute” to a higher level Lingwang, but Qinlang has no such plan, so he can slowly and tidyly flow from this world. Get spiritual resources. At the same time, Qin Lang can also learn spirituality in his micro-cosm, because in the micro-universe of Qin Lang, it is not known how many vitality exists. These vital spirits are managed by Qin Lang through the spiritual network, and their spirituality can be carried out at any time. Monitoring, Qin Lang can give them spirituality, of course, they can also learn some of their spirituality, and then these spirituality will be condensed into "aura", and finally Qin Lang will use each of his own cells to be refined with spirituality.

At the same time, the repair and strength of the member of the mountain Lingwang network is also rapidly increasing, and has reached the level of the Kunlun Lingwang. In some respects, it has already surpassed the Kunlun Lingnet. Most of them are credited by Qin Lang. The benefits that Mr. Yushan Lingwang got from Qinlang are really quite a lot. Even if there is more time, it can completely surpass Kunlun Lingnet and reach a higher level. Of course, Qin Lang is also hoping to push the member of the mountain to a higher level, but the time is not enough, and the savings are not enough. In order to let the people of the mountain Lingwang reach a higher level of spiritual network, the spirituality required can be described as massive.

"Now, it is time to consider how to deal with the higher level of the spiritual network." Qin Lang said to the staff of the mountain Lingwang. This higher level of the spiritual network may have reached the level of the epoch of the epoch, and it is also a huge pressure for Qin Lang. However, Qin Lang has now netized the physical body, and its cultivation has been enhanced by thousands of times. Qin Lang has enough confidence to deal with the higher level of the spiritual network.

In this universe, the ancient Kunlun world one after another, Kunlun Lingwang is one after another, this hidden mystery, Qin Lang must be untied, but now Qin Lang has no clue, so he can only step by step The land began to explore from the Kunlun Lingwang. Now he is ready to go to the higher level of Lingwang creatures with the Yushan Lingwang. If you can get its spirituality and repair, it is the best. As a result, Qin Lang may even push his own cultivation to further progress.

"Yes, it is getting closer and closer to the time when the guy came to the world to ask for benefits. We should be prepared." The member of the mountain spirit network agreed with Qin Lang's point of view. However, the next moment, Lushan Lingwang suddenly said, "How can someone break into the blood of the Buddha!"

"Don't panic, let's take a look and talk." Qin Lang said calmly, although he personally arranged the formation in the vicinity of the Buddha Blood Sea, concealed the blood of the Buddha, and prevented him and Gu Qingyi from being disturbed by the outside world, but Qin Lang arranged It’s not a lore, it’s just a blind eye, so even if someone really broke into the blood of the Buddha, Qin Lang wouldn’t think how strange it was.

"I’m gonna break into this place, it’s damn!” The member of the mountain Lingwang has already murdered this time. He obviously does not want anyone to bother Qin Lang and Gu Qingyi. After all, this member of the mountain is now the same as Qin Lang.

"Damn? Oh, look at it." Qin Lang felt that he could break into the Buddhist monk of the Buddha's blood sea. It was also a bit of a skill. Qin Lang did not want to follow his general knowledge and sent it away.

Sure enough, after a while, I saw a young monk breaking into the blood of the Buddha. This monk was young and handsome, and he was domineering. After entering the blood of the Buddha, he couldn’t help but laugh: "Ha ha ha!~ I can’t think of it. There is no hole in the sky, but now this hole is a blessed land, but it belongs to my devil, the emperor - 隗天罡!"

Obviously, this demon sorcerer did not find the existence of Qin Lang and the member of the mountain spirit network. This is because if Qin Lang does not want to reveal his existence, he can completely hide his existence.

However, Qin Lang did not want this Emperor and the Emperor to control this blood of the Buddha, so this time he could only stand up and say to the Heavenly Emperor: "Sorry, this place has already had the Lord. Here is the residence of Gu Sanqi, the leader of the Sanshan Alliance. You can enter here, it can be regarded as your creation. However, it will stop here, you can go back."

As for the monks in the ancient Kunlun world, it is certainly a matter of listening to Gu Qingyi’s name. This is unquestionable. Qin Lang believes that no matter whether it is Xifozhou or Nanmozhou’s monk, it is definitely not. Will come to disturb Gu Qingxi's practice, unless there is a problem with his mind, after all, Gu Qingyi, the monk who led the three great Xianshan defeated Kunlun.

"Gu Qingxi? I ​​heard the name early, I didn't think I could live in this place. In this case, my Tianmo Emperor naturally wants to see it." This Heavenly Emperor, the Emperor, wants to see Gu Qingyi, and the tone is a little bit contemptuous. .

Qin Lang listened to the natural dissatisfaction and said faintly: "Gu Zongzhu is not what you want to see, go back and practice."

"Oh... you are just a follower, but you dare to stop me from being a godless master! But I don't blame you. My god, the emperor, did not rise after Gu Zong's retreat. You have not heard it is normal. However, now in the south. In the magic continent and even in the entire ancient Kunlun world, my reputation for scorpio can be regarded as a fame. So, you better not to stop me!" The celestial priest is staring at Qin Lang with great enthusiasm. This is to exert pressure on Qin Lang.

As a rapidly rising half-step epoch, and it is the Southern Devil's Heavenly Emperor, this 隗天罡 does have arrogant capital, which is completely understandable, because in this ancient Kunlun world, the half-step epoch is already The same peak exists, this Heavenly Emperor does not put anyone in the eye, it is a normal thing.

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