Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3392: Original color

"So, you feel that your situation is sad, but you have not thought that your 'creator' is in a more sorrowful situation. It is completely a path of adversity. Under such circumstances, shouldn't you be Do I do my best?" Qin Lang said by taking the opportunity.

"Compared to your previous situation, our spiritual conditions are indeed much better! Yes, I thought that you should be the true son of the creator, nothing is lacking, and everything should be under your control. You are the best in existence... Hey, who knows that your situation is so worrying." This Yuanling actually sent a sigh for Qin Lang. Of course, these sighs are also sentimental. After all, Qin Lang is telling the truth. Although these spirits are only the creatures in the microcosm, their spiritual environment is really much better, at least much better than the spiritual environment of Qinlang. At this time, this spirit may have some feelings of "blessing in the blessings." It is.

"Yes, my situation is worrying, but I have always been adversity for survival, so I don't care. But at this time you should understand why I refuse to give you freedom." Qin Lang asked, this guy However, the first elementary spirit to be promoted to the epoch of the era should have some uses.

"I fully understand." This Yuanling said, "And, I also believe in your words, even if I have freedom now, in the world you are in, probably will not live for a long time, I still have not enough strength. I can cope with such a challenge. However, I believe that after a period of time, I should have a certain strength to deal with the challenge."

"If you have enough strength to cope with the challenges of this universe, I don't mind giving you real freedom." Qin Lang made his own promise.

"Really?" This Yuanling did not think that Qin Lang would easily give such a promise, and in the identity of Qin Lang "creation", it should not deceive a Yuanling.

"The gentleman said that it is difficult to chase after him." Qin Lang said to the Yuanling. "Since you are already an overlord of the era, it is naturally different from other Yuanlings, so I think you should have your own name?"

For this elementary spirit of the epoch, Qin Lang does not intend to name it, perhaps it is more suitable for picking a name, and it does not misunderstand that Qin Lang wants to use it as a slave.

"My name is ‘Yuan Se.'” This Yuanling said, it seems that it already has a name.

"Well, Yuan color? This is a good name, it is easy to remember." Qin Lang continued, "Since we have reached a consensus agreement, then I will talk about my current situation, maybe you can give me Some comments."

Qin Lang directly informed the present situation of the Kunlun Lord. Although the power of this guy is not enough to control the situation, it is a meta-level of the epoch of the epoch, at least its wisdom should be good.

"Well, I can't think of the universe in your universe. There is such a horrible existence as the Lord of Kunlun. However, fortunately, you have chosen the path of 'seeking inside', you can achieve the goal of improving your strength with very few resources. "Yuan Se didn't disappoint Qin Lang. From Qin Lang, I got a lot of information about the Lord of Kunlun. I immediately got some insights. "According to your speculation, the Lord of Kunlun should find you soon, maybe you should consider it." It’s just how to deal with it. It’s just that the strength of the Kunlun Lord is so powerful that it’s not easy to deal with it.”

"So?" Qin Lang made a gesture of listening.

"You only want to use it, the accumulated power can already compete with the Kunlun Lord, but there is no grasp of victory, so you need more time to accumulate strength, constantly shorten the gap, and finally surpass it. ”

"But now the time is tight, maybe there is not enough time to carry out the accumulation of power." Qin Lang said.

"If time is not enough, then you can only escape from this universe. You should be able to do it. You are a powerful era hegemon, right?" Yuan said.

"Oh... I can really escape from this universe, but you have to believe me, even if you have escaped from this universe, it is not really safe. Instead, there are more dangers outside this universe. Beyond your imagination!" Some information about the **** void, Qin Lang has been passed to the meta-color through the gods, the most critical is the survival rule of the **** horror of the air, let the Yuan color immersive.

"This...the world outside the universe is so cruel?" Yuan Yu said, "Now, I have to agree with your previous words, even if you stay in the microcosm you created, it is more than this macro world, the macro universe. It's much safer. If that's the case, then we can't retire, and we can only find a way to deal with it. Well, maybe I can make a contribution, but I don't know if you want to believe me."

"Hello, you are also one of the spirits I created. Why don't I believe in you? At least, I would rather believe you than other creatures." Qin Lang said truthfully, he certainly does not want to use everything, can fully Play the role of this meta color.

"Since you are willing to believe me, then I will just say it - you need to cultivate more elements of the era of the hegemonic hierarchy, fully igniting the potential of your microcosm. And I can be used as these 'yuan spirits' The leader of the era overlord, I will cultivate more epochs for you." Yuan Se put forward its ideas.

"Excuse me, even if you cultivate more Yuanlings overlord, although there is some improvement in my strength, but it can not fundamentally change the situation, have you not considered it? You are in the micro universe. The era of the hegemony, but in the macro world is only the strength of the great Luo Jinxian, far from the strength of the era of the macro world." Qin Lang said.

"Yes, we can't compare with the epoch of the macro world, but once the micro universe has more epochs, these epochs will increase the utilization of the microcosm a lot. At that time, your cultivation is naturally The water is rising, you should be very clear about this truth?" Yuan said.

In fact, the idea of ​​Yuan Se has been considered by Qin Lang, but he deliberately waited for the Yuan color to propose it himself. This will make Yuan Se feel that he is more valued.

"Well, if my microcosm is handed over to you for the management of the Yuanling empire, it can indeed improve the utilization of the microcosm, but I am worried that after you become the empire of the epoch, you do not consider managing the microcosm. Things, but to consider how to escape the things in the micro-cosm, then I am not stealing chickens without eclipsing the rice?" Qin Lang threw the puzzle of his heart to this meta-color.

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