Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3397: Virtual and venomous snake

Seeing that Kunlun’s Lord had the best preparation for the beastly beast, Qin Lang immediately said: “I know that you will definitely not agree. Therefore, I have put forward another condition: tell me all the information you know about the sixth level universe, share This information is for me, isn't it difficult for you? Also, because this condition is too simple for you, so I added a little additional condition, I want to promote a few people to become the epoch, this should be OK?"

These two things are nothing to do with the hands of the Kunlun Lord, but it does not understand why Qin Lang will make such a simple request.

"The previous request was too high, you can't promise me. So, I can only make these simple requests, and that's all. If you don't even want to agree with such simple conditions, then I have nothing to say. "Qin Lang said so.

"Hey, you just want to have a dispensable comfort, just to take care of your own face? The creatures of flesh and blood, the idea is really sad!" said the owner of Kunlun, with a little disdain It is probably that Qin Lang is not rational enough to consider the issue.

"How, do you promise or not?" Qin Lang continued to ask.

"Promise." The Lord of Kunlun said, "Since it is a dispensable condition, what else to say, I promise you directly."

"Very good, then I will let these people directly attack the epoch of the epoch." Qin Lang is also unambiguous, and has already prepared to let Gu Qingqi, 峤 峤 and other guys attack the epoch hegemony. Since the Lord Kunlun has already agreed to the conditions, then Qin Lang Of course, this opportunity will not be wasted, so as to avoid long night dreams.

Sure enough, in the face of Gu Qingyu, the staff and other shocking era hegemony, the Kunlun Lord did not stop, but directly "released water" so that they all attacked the era overlord. Since the Lord of Kunlun has released water, there is no difficulty in nature. Gu Qingqi and others have successfully become the hegemon of the era.

Later, the owner of Kunlun informed Qin Lang of the information about the sixth-order universe that Qin Lang wanted to know. He did not drag the water at all. When the owner of Kunlun passed the information to Qin Lang, he immediately sneaked away, and Qin Lang did not stop anything. meaning.

"Alang, I am already the lord of the era?" Gu Qingyi did not think that it was such an easy thing to attack the epoch of the epoch. It must be known that in the ancient Kunlun world, countless half-step tyrants were born, but they can be shocked. The epoch of the epoch was a little talk, and it was almost impossible to hear. Originally thought that the impact of the era of the hegemony still needs a very long time of practice, but who had thought that the impact of the hegemonic success so soon.

"Yes, you are already the overlord of the era. It is not a difficult thing to attack the epoch of the epoch. It was only because of the fear of the Lord of Kunlun, so I did not let you try to attack the empire. Now, since The owner of Kunlun is willing to make concessions, so the impact of the era overlord is also a matter of course. Not only have you succeeded in the era of the hegemony, but also the success of the staff, and several old friends in the ancient Kunlun world have also seized the opportunity to succeed. Qin Lang said to Gu Qingyu.

"Ha ha ha!~Yes, I also shocked the epoch of the epoch!" said this guy excitedly shouting, this guy has been able to easily use the spirit to become a body after the success of the epoch, and its strength has been More than the afternoon, this is of course because he used to follow the practice of Qin Lang. The law force that this guy got from Qin Lang is really genuine, not the law power acquired from the Kunlun Lord, such as Wuxi. Perfect, it is discounted.

"The era overlord is not bad, but promotion to the epoch is only the beginning, so you don't have to be too excited." Qin Lang said to the staff, "Not to mention, although the Lord Kunlun made a concession this time, but you thought It really will be like this, will not avenge? I can be sure that once the Lord of Kunlun has a chance, it will definitely kill me completely, never die ~!"

"Oh... of course we know that the Lord of Kunlun has now regarded you as a deadly enemy, but after all, the success of the promotion of the epoch is a matter of celebration." It is also an indirect improvement of your strength. It is a good thing to talk better than nothing."

"Yes, your promotion to the epoch of the epoch is indeed a good thing, and it is an indirect improvement of my strength. However, if you don't see the Kunlun Lord, you don't care at all, which means that you are promoted to the epoch. There will be no impact on the situation at all. This Kunlun Lord seems to have another calculation."

"Do you have another calculation? Do you have no calculations?" said the staff member. "The conditions you have reached with the Kunlun Lord seem to be simple. It seems that they will not be in the situation at all, but I can be sure that things are not so simple. You guys are How can you propose a meaningless condition without seeing the rabbit who does not scatter the eagle?"

"It seems that you are really learning to be smart." Qin Lang laughed and said, "There is no meaningful condition for you to be promoted to the epoch of the epoch. The real meaningful condition is that I got the information from the Lord of Kunlun. A lot of information about the sixth level of the universe. This information does not seem to bring me any substantial power, it seems to enrich my knowledge, but in fact this information is very good for me. Well, quite Big benefit!"

"But it is just adding some insights, just some of the benefits, isn't it?" The staff asked very curiously, not to mention that the Kunlun Lord thought that this condition was better than nothing, even if it was a member, the condition proposed by Qin Lang did not make much sense. . On the contrary, it is more meaningful to let the cadres and Gu Qingqi and others become promoted to the epoch, but Qin Lang does not think so.

"There was once a sage who said that 'eyes determine the realm'. The more information you get, the wider and wider your horizons will be. It will be easier to improve the realm. Of course, you may not be able to complete it now. I will understand the mystery of this, but after a while, you should gradually understand the meaning of this. I am with the Kunlun Lord and the snake, not only because I am not sure to beat it, but more importantly, I need to get information from it. For me, the power and spirituality of the Kunlun Lord's accumulation is far less valuable than the information it knows." Qin Lang said truthfully.

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