Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3406: New hatred

The words of Qin Lang are of course deliberately stimulating Wei Fansheng. This simple method of radicalization should have no use for the strong people of this level of Wei Fansheng, but the key point is that Qin Lang’s words have already stimulated the pain of Wei Fansheng. If there is anything that makes Wei Fansheng feel ashamed, then it is a matter of joint calculation by Qin Lang and Tian Gui. Therefore, even if it is clear that Qin Lang is deliberately angering it, this Wei Fansheng is still very angry.

"I will kill you!" Weifan said coldly, "kill you bit by bit! You don't think I am scaring you, your strength has been raised to the limit, but my strength is just Let's get started!"

The strength of Wei Fansheng has once again increased.

boom! ~

Qin Lang’s fist once again touched the huge palm of Wei Fansheng, but this time Qin Lang’s fist failed to completely shake the giant palm of Wei Fansheng, and a blood spurted out of his mouth. Qin Lang’s body has been hit hard!

If the strength of Wei Fansheng continues to improve, Qin Lang can be sure that the other party must be his own, but why is the strength of this guy in Weifansheng so powerful?

The power of the Lord of Kunlun is strong, and that is because the Lord of Kunlun relies on the universe in which it is located to be so powerful. In other words, if the Lord of Kunlun leaves the universe where it is, its power will be greatly reduced, unless the Lord of Kunlun can The entire power of the universe and the universe itself are swallowed up.

There is no reason for the strength improvement of this guy, and there is no sign of any kind. It is that the power is raised directly, and no one knows where its power comes from.

"Qin Lang, it's not right!" At this time, the ghosts also felt dangerous, so they rushed out to remind Qin Lang. If Qin Lang was unlucky, the end of the ghost would be almost foreseeable.

"Crap, I also know that it is not right now~! But this **** Weifansheng, do not know how it happened, his power can be continuously improved, unreasonably improved!" Qin Lang is quite unhappy, "However, anything looks like There are some strange things to follow, and there is something wrong with Weifansheng. Do you see it?"

"I will see that you are vomiting blood. Your current situation is not optimistic, so my situation is not very good now!" Tian Ghost responded.

"Not so! Do you think that we can only sit still and wait now? Can we say that when Wei Wei gave birth to the next attack, will we die? You don't forget, Wei Fansheng said that I want to let me slowly I am dead, so I will definitely not kill me immediately, so we must have some time. Just, in these precious time, we need to find out the source of Weifan’s power and find a way to deal with it!” At this time, there is still no loss of fighting spirit, and I am still trying my best to solve the problem.

"Grass! Qin Lang, I really have to admire the fighting spirit of this guy. When you get to this mouth, you can still vomit blood and stick to it. You still want to turn defeat into victory!" Tian Ghost can only admire Qin Lang’s high morale, then Watching Qin Lang continue to vomit blood.

As Qin Lang said, Wei Fansheng did not intend to kill Qin Lang at all, so when Qin Lang vomited blood, Wei Fansheng did not immediately improve his strength, but continued to use the torture mentality to deal with Qin Lang, each attack made Qin Lang spit and injured. This is the rhythm that really wants to kill Qin Lang a little bit.

"Well, I haven't been injured for a long time... Weifansheng, Weifansheng, thank you for letting me experience the feeling of injury again..." Qin Lang thought in his heart that in the low-level universe, Qin Lang has experienced countless battles, many of them. The times have suffered from the scene of injury and vomiting blood, but such a cruel battle has inspired the potential of Qin Lang, let him step by step to achieve the current state of cultivation.

Injured and vomiting blood, did not let Qin Lang despair, just let him be more stubborn!



More power!

Qin Lang's heart and body are constantly calling for the promotion of strength. Under the strong pressure of Wei Fansheng, he has reached the point where he must release a little bit of power. Moreover, Qin Lang knows that his time is running out. If he is beaten several times by Wei Fansheng, his physical injury will be out of control, then his body may gradually disintegrate, and then the continuation of Weifansheng. Under the torture attack, Qin Lang's strength will become weaker and weaker, his body will become worse and worse, and eventually lose any resistance.

Really bad still can't escape!

This guy has tried several times, but the result is very poor, he can not provoke zero-channel escape, Wei Fansheng this guy really is some means, on this point Qin Lang and the ghost can only admire.

"Wei Fansheng's power is not from himself!" The ghost finally found some clues. "His strength is constantly improving, but his body has not changed significantly, and the fluctuation of vitality has not changed much. This shows the power of Weifansheng. Not from himself!"

As a bystander's ghost, this time finally had a very important discovery.

This is indeed a very important discovery. Qin Lang can't help but feel happy. He knows what it means: Wei Fansheng's power is not from himself, then he can only come from the outside world!

That is to say, the power of Weifansheng is what others are blessing on it, or it is called by it. No matter how it comes, the power of the outside world is not absolutely reliable, it can be cut off!

If Weifansheng’s own strength is so strong, Qin Lang really has no way, and probably can only wait for death, but the strength of Weifansheng comes from the outside world, then Qin Lang has a way.

Here is the sixth-level universe. There is no higher-level universe here. Even the ghosts can't sense the existence of a higher-level universe. So if Weifansheng wants to gain strength from the outside world, then the best way is to The six-level universe to gain power, that is, draw power directly from the universe in the sixth level!

It must be like this!

Qin Lang is now almost certain of his own guess, because the attitude of the former Kunlun Lord to Wei Fansheng made Qin Lang feel that there were some problems. The Lord of Kunlun was too "fearful" about Wei Fansheng. This fear is somewhat wrong, because in Qinlang’s view. Even if the strength of Wei Fansheng is stronger than that of the Kunlun Lord, it will not let the Kunlun Lord give birth to the concept of "fear". Then there is only one possibility, that is, Wei Fansheng comes from a higher level universe! In fact, Qin Lang had such doubts before he played against Wei Fansheng, because Qin Lang knew the Lord of Kunlun and knew that it was almost impossible for Kunlun’s Lord to abandon the control of half the universe. The only reasonable explanation was Kunlun. The Lord is really afraid of Wei Fansheng, and this fear is an instinctive fear, and does not want to compete with Wei Fansheng.

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