Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3429: Powerful bug

Being treated as a worm, Qin Lang did not feel much depressed, and still ran away, but he knew that the time to run in this heart of the universe was not long, but the other side had seven guys, and Qin Lang did not escape from the heart of the universe. So, sooner or later, it will be blocked by these guys. This is also a helpless thing. Therefore, before being blocked by the other party, it can only be broken. Since the guy named "Mikang" is the first to find Qin Lang, then he will start from this.

"Why, don't you continue to run?" Mi Kang asked Qin Lang in a mocking tone. Since Qin Lang does not intend to continue to escape, he must have thought that he could not escape, at least in the eyes of Mikon, a higher creature. .

Looking at Qin Lang, it is like treating a poor worm, and it thinks that it is natural to crush the worm of Qin Lang. Since this worm is not ready to escape, it must be considered to be inescapable. It is. Or, I have already accepted my life.

"Since there is no escape, then you can only fight hard!" Qin Lang said faintly, "Understand, I also want to see how powerful the so-called high death is. I hope you will not let me down."

"Disappointed? Haha!~ You are not destined to be disappointed, because you will die very badly. Don't think that you killed the idiot of Wei Fansheng and you can do whatever you want. The weifansheng guy is just a weak person. Awesome role. If it is not because of some of its origins, when is it time to come here to do things!" Mi Kang not only disdain for Qin Lang, and even disdain for Wei Fansheng, this may be because Wei Fansheng this guy is based on identity Obtaining the previous tasks, after all, the task of constructing the universe channel through the high and low planes should be a fairly safe and valuable task.

"You are all the same." Qin Lang said, "Since all come from a place, you can compare with Weifansheng, and there is a fundamental difference. I think it is similar. Since I can kill Weifansheng, then I want to kill. It should not be too difficult for you to die."

"Ignorance!" Mi Kang screamed and shot to Qin Lang. This is not bragging. Its strength is indeed much stronger than that of Wei Fansheng. Even if Wei Fansheng got the support of many universes at the sixth level, there is still no present. The Mikang is powerful, and the strength of this Mikang is quite amazing. This one shot, the tyrannical power suddenly enveloped Qin Lang.

A powerful spirituality that cannot be described! Violent vitality explosion!

very powerful!

Qin Lang has a feeling of being in the vortex of the storm. It seems that it can be swept and swallowed by the powerful forces of Mi Kang at any time, and it is simply unable to fight!

At this time, Qin Lang can only secretly rejoice before accepting the "assistance" of the Yuanshi guy. Although Yuan Shi gave Qin Lang a poisonous "bait", if Qin Lang does not swallow it, I am afraid that this time is already dead, because If Qin Lang does not accept high-quality spirituality, I am afraid that I can't resist the pressure from Mikan. The high-quality spirituality of this guy has a step-by-step suppression of Qin Lang's own spirituality, which leads to the accumulation of a lot of spirituality. However, there is a feeling of spiritual incompetence, which makes Qin Lang quite angry. In addition, there is a strange "magic power" in this heartland, so Qin Lang feels that he is in a whirlpool, and there is a feeling that he will suffocate.

Fortunately, Qin Lang was also prepared before. The high-quality spirituality he obtained from Wei Fansheng had been spiritually planted by Qin Lang, which made Qin Lang's own spiritual quality slightly improved. Aid to Qin Lang's high-quality spirituality, which made him barely support the situation.

The problem is here, although Qin Lang knows that his strength is not as good as this, but as long as he supports the first wave of Mikan, Qin Lang knows that he has an opportunity - as a strong player in the high-level universe, The strength of Mikang is indeed much stronger than that of Qinlang. This is unquestionable, but it does not mean that it can win if it is strong. Mikon as a higher creature, as a high-ranking powerhouse, most of the time it is doing well. Hey, it’s all about relying on bullying, bullying, and how many adversities have been fought?

In contrast, Qin Lang has always grown up from adversity, and constantly challenged opponents stronger than him, so Qin Lang never fears the challenge, as long as there is a little bit of victory, Qin Lang will not easily let go. Even if there is no grasp of winning, Qin Lang will try his best to escape. At this point, it was able to support under the first wave of Mi Kang's attack, which gave Qin Lang confidence and made him realize that he still had the chance to win.

"Oh, I really didn't think that you guys could still support me for a while under my pressure. However, the power I used before was only 20% to 30%. Now I am fully committed, how do you resist?" The tone said to Qin Lang, this guy seems to be playing with Qin Lang as a bug.

"How to resist? The soldiers will stop." Qin Lang is unmoved. Although Mi Kang only used the power of 20% to 30%, and Qin Lang used 80-90% of the power, but Qin Lang can be stronger and stronger, so he is not afraid. The strength of Mikang is enhanced.

The fact is that the power of Mikang is actually improving, and the power of the micro-cosm in Qin Lang is constantly improving. This is because Qin Lang has already gained a lot of insights, especially when he is against Gao. The spirituality of quality is more understood. Although Qin Lang does not want to admit it, but Wei Fansheng is also a good guy, but their spirituality is indeed higher quality, even if Qin Lang’s spirituality is suppressed by the spirituality of these guys. If Qin Ling did not get some high-quality spirituality before, I am afraid that this time has been completely crushed by Mi Kang.

"People" and "people" are different after all!

The gap between the different planes and the different levels of the universe is really not too small. Even if the era hegemony is achieved, such a gap still exists. The so-called "days of life," "all life, etc." are just a lot. The imaginary fantasy of a person's wishful thinking.

Even though it is as strong as Qin Lang, this time it was only a tyrannical bug in front of Mi Kang. Mi Kang did not regard Qin Lang as an equivalent creature, let alone an opponent. Although this is a bit insulting to Qin Lang, it has given Qin Lang some opportunities, because Qin Lang’s strength has been continuously improved in the battle.

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