Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3448: Reverse Thinking

"Why, you just gave up the idea of ​​constructing a passage, and are ready to borrow the passages they have arranged?" Yuan Shi’s tone took some disdain, and he thought that Qin Lang might have to leave with the passage left by the guys of Mikan. "Don’t blame me. Did not remind you that the passage they left may not be right for you!"

Yuan Shi may rarely tell the truth, but Qin Lang is sure that the words of the beginning of this Yuan are very credible - the channels left by the guys of Mi Kang may not be suitable for Qin Lang, because Mi Kang and Qin Lang are different, and This channel is inevitably a bit strange. Yuan Shi may be right. If Qin Lang enters these passages, I am afraid that there will be no return.

"Thank you for reminding me! I just said that we can use the channels left by the guys in Mikan. We just use them. Who said that I want to go in person?" Qin Lang smiled, it was a bit of a sly taste, since I know MiKang The channel left by the guy has problems, then Qin Lang naturally will not easily take risks.

However, since Micom has left a passage through the seventh-level universe, why not use it?

Qin Lang knows that there is still a lot of information that he did not share with him. Just as Qin Lang still has a lot of things to follow the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the two sides can't really work together, but they can use it. For example, Yuan Shi naturally can send some of the strongest people in the sixth level of the universe into those channels, and then Yuan and Qin Lang can naturally observe the changes of these channels, thus inferring some key information of the seventh level universe.

Speaking of it, Qin Lang is also good at this, and he believes that Yuan Shi will definitely agree with his point of view, and will soon send some of the unlucky ghosts in the sixth-level universe into those mysterious passages.

Under the dangerous wall, the old fox of Yuanshi is quite worthy of his life, so it will certainly not be risky, so naturally some of the sixth-level universe will be introduced, and the sixth level of the universe Most of the epochs of the era are all spiritual net creatures, which are used to "open the way" for Qin Lang and Yuan Shi. The time is also very suitable.

Anyway, in the sixth-level universe, any creature that has left the universe of its own, its ultimate belonging is swallowed up by the Yuan, and all its vitality and spiritual savings will be taken away by the Yuan. Therefore, if these guys can be selected by Qin Lang to test the 'channel', then it is also their creation, after all, to test the channel, they still have a little bit of life, although only a little bit.

To enter a higher level of the universe, which is so easy, before Qin Lang and Tian Ghost from the low-level universe into the sixth level of the universe, do not know how long to prepare, and how much risk, so Qin Lang does not think that those are The strong people who came from Yuanshi can really enter the seventh level of the universe and survive smoothly. That chance is too embarrassing!

The means of this guy at Yuan Shi is very powerful. After a while, there are two powerful Ling Net creatures like the Lord of Kunlun who were "spoofed" by Yuan.

"Qin Lang, have you already determined the location of the 'channel'?" Yuan began to use the gods to say to Qin Lang, "I want you to be ready!"

"Already identified one." Qin Lang said to Yuan Shi, he has indeed identified a 'channel' that penetrates the seventh-level universe, although Qin Lang himself does not believe that this place is a "channel" - this is clearly a piece of " "The stone" is just like the meteorite that wanders between the stars. It is nothing but plain in the universe. If it is not because of the spirituality of Qin Lang, it is impossible to believe that a "rock" in the district is actually the first. The "channel" of the seven-level universe.

"This is the ‘channel’ that leads to the seventh level of the universe? Do you think I will believe it?” Yuan Shi seems to be very dissatisfied, thinking that Qin Lang is a waste of time.

"I can't be sure, but from the information I got, this place should be one of the 'channels'." Qin Lang can only say with a scalp, "From our perspective, the seventh level of the universe is incredible. The existence, so this 'channel' seems incredible, it seems to be normal. Moreover, you have brought the 'experimental product', then let it try it and you will know. Hey~ this guy is also a powerful The epoch of the epoch, but it was easily scammed by you, and willing to be our experimental product."

"Be deceived and voluntarily. This guy thinks that he can get rid of his own universe, he can do whatever he wants, and achieve another realm of cultivation. Who knows that waiting for it is just a void and endless danger. It was originally created by me, but only I am harvesting objects, so if you can do something for me before you die, and get some valuable information, then it is dead." The tone of Yuanshi can't hear any mercy, even if it really reveals Excuse me, then it is just out of it.

"It's pathetic!" Qin Lang sighed, but then he calmly said, "You can let it go in. Although this thing looks like a stone, there are special spiritual fluctuations inside, so it is definitely not what it is." Ordinary stone. Of course, it is still necessary to see if this test article can go in smoothly."

In fact, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I saw the strangeness of this stone: although it looks like it is really the same as other stones, Yuan Shi knew that this thing must not be a stone, because it sensed the spirituality from this stone. Fluctuations, but also high quality spiritual fluctuations!

The powerful spiritual net creature that was "induced" by the Yuan did not know that it had fallen into the calculation of Yuanshi, and thought that he was here under the guidance of "the guide", and it naturally noticed this. The existence of a stone, and it falls on this stone, seems to want to figure out what makes this stone unique. But in the next moment, this stone, like the induction, immediately produced unexpected changes. This stone directly became a symbol of mysterious and purely spiritual convergence, whether it was Yuanshi or Qinlang. It is impossible to understand the hidden meanings of these symbols. As for the powerful spiritual creatures, it does not have any chance and time to study these symbols carefully, and then immediately swallowed by this mysterious symbol. The powerful cultivation of the net creatures can't resist a moment!

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