Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 348: Short-handed


After lying down, Qin Lang quickly turned off the cell phone signal, and saw that the phone that was just called was the mobile phone number that Ma Zhenyong used temporarily. [High quality update.]

Ma Zhenyong obviously will not call Qin Lang under such circumstances. The only explanation is that Ma Zhenyong’s mobile phone has fallen into the other’s hands, and the other party just dialed the number of Qin Lang and immediately found the position of Qin Lang.

Although the moonlight in Shaolin is not very bright, but the other party can find the location of Qin Lang so accurately, obviously there should be something like night vision goggles, and the sound of the guns used by these people is very small, you should use a silencer, so it seems tonight The people who came to deal with Ma Zhenyong were really well-equipped and well-trained special forces.

After Qin Lang leaned over, he immediately slammed on the ground and flew quickly. It was like a dragon walking quickly between the grasses. The movement was fast and sensitive, but it did not produce much movement.

In fact, if you take a closer look, Qin Lang is not crawling in the grass at this time, but is swaying and jumping in the grass, but he is not only relying on his legs, but his limbs and ten fingers, so Qin Lang The height of the jump is not high, but the speed is very fast, and the body shape is almost no more than the height of the grass. In fact, this is the "bounce" that Qin Lang said before the old poison. Qin Lang actually did not practice any "bounce", but his efforts have reached the peak of "easy tendons", and the whole body has become It is extremely flexible, so at this critical time, it is natural to display a similar "bounce" body, which is really "hands-on".

"My day! This kid's action is really fast!" At this time, someone in the woods said to his companion with a headset. "I have lost the trace of this kid. You help me get him out early! Just find his position, I just have to A particle bomb can solve him."

"Night, you pay attention to the grass around... This kid's movement is really fast, I just saw it with the night vision goggles - this kid's blink of an eye will go out for a few meters, and then suddenly disappeared. "Another voice rang in the headset.

The man named "Night" was squatting on a big tree. The branches and leaves of the big tree and the camouflage on his body made him perfectly concealed. He was a sniper in this small team. The shooting method was very sharp, as long as it was Within the effective range, he rarely has a target.

"Night" is carefully searching for the movements in the surrounding grass, but after a while, I heard the sound of the ropes in the grass under my feet. He looked down and suddenly felt the scalp numb, only a group of each A variety of snakes were drilled out of the grass and climbed up the trunk.

Looking at the snakes below, they kept vomiting the red letter. The "nightingale" suddenly became inexplicably nervous. Then he took out a saber and smashed it toward a snake that was closest to him. His saber was very sharp, just a wave. A snake was smashed into two pieces, but the snake group did not seem to care about the saber in his hand. More snakes rushed over to him, and one of them had already wrapped his feet.

"My grass! Where come so many snakes!" The nightingale snorted in horror. "Mom, give me some support!"

"My grass! We also have snakes here! Hurry up to the side of the old man, he has a burning bomb, can block these snakes!" Another person screamed.

Although there are only seven people in this small team of special forces, the equipment configuration of the seven people is completely different, and each person's division of labor is different. This configuration makes them only seven people, but the overall combat power can completely resist the strength of a row. Even resisting the attack of more people.

Although the attack of the snake group made these people rushed, they did not really defeat them, because they went through this kind of field training and knew how to deal with snakes and wolves, although they did not understand why there was a place in Xiayang City. So many snakes appeared, but they were attacked by snakes. Some of them immediately burst into a strong flame, forming a wall of fire against the attack of the snakes. The other six people quickly rushed into the wall of fire.

At this time, Qin Lang saw clearly in the grass. The seven people were behind a steep and smooth mountain wall. There was a cave behind them. They spewed a hot fire wall in front, and the strong flame made the snake The group couldn't rush at the moment, and occasionally some snakes that were not afraid of death rushed into the wall of fire, but they were quickly burned and gave off a stinking smell.

However, although the seven men were in danger, they were bitten by snakes when they were attacked by snakes. It is a pity that many snakes in Xiayang City are non-toxic, so Qin Lang does not know whether these people have snake venom, but the snake group still made meritorious efforts, and pushed these seven people from the dark to the bright spot, at least Qin Lang now Don't worry about being shot cold.

In addition, Qin Lang can be sure that Ma Zhenyong should be in this cave.

The flame is very strong, but it only temporarily blocks the siege of the snake worm. No matter how fierce the incendiary bomb is, it will be extinguished after all, but the snakes outside the fire wall are not scattered, but the more they gather, the more snakes seem. The worms are waiting for the flames to disappear, and then they will flock to them and drown all of them.

Although these seven people have experienced cruel field survival and combat training, today's strange and horrifying scenes have never been seen before, because they all know that these snakes are not a kind of species at all, suddenly gathered here. And attacking them is really incredible. Not only is it incredible, but there is also a horrifying smell, because the seven people have not said anything, but they think that these snakes should be driven by people.

Qin Lang is still in the grass, and when he went up the mountain, he already took the "variable face", so he did not worry about his appearance is known, he is only worried about the weapons in the hands of these seven people. For these special forces, the shooting method must be a good one, and Qin Lang does not want to be their live target.

However, at this time, it is Qin Lang who controls the situation, because these seven people have been forced to the corner by Qin Lang, and the movements of the seven people are completely under the supervision of Qin Lang.

Therefore, at this time, Qin Lang activated the mobile phone signal, and then dialed the phone of Ma Zhenyong.

Sure enough, the person answering the phone is not Ma Zhenyong, but one of the seven people.

"Ma Zhenyong is in our hands, whether you are his friend or comrade, if you still want him to be alive, it is best to come out and swear, we promise not to shoot you!" the man said on the phone.



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