Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 350: Mushroom head


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! ......

A series of dull guns rang and the gunshots became denser, but after a while, the gunshots began to fall, because of the bursts of guns, the seven men fell into each other's sweep.

ghost! Snake! Beast...

These illusions made the seven soldiers unable to distinguish between illusion and reality.

Although they have experienced severe survival training and experienced severe firearms training, these trainings do not help them resist the invasion of poisons, nor can they help them out of the illusion of fear.

The snakes that had been thrown into the sea of ​​fire have been fed by Qin Lang with poisonous pills that can be hallucinating. This poison pill is called the mushroom head. Because this poison is formulated by Qin Lang with several mushroom-like spore powders that are easy to make people, of course, some other poisons are mixed.

The poisonous pill of "Mushroom Head" is usually wrapped in wax. It is burned by fire and the wax pill is naturally opened. The toxins inside will penetrate into the air. After inhaling these toxins, it will be unconsciously produced. Illusion, then there will be some things that make him feel terrible in front of the poisoned person. This may be a snake or beast, a ghost, or something else. The total poisoner will have fear because of the illusion, because of fear. Panic, then you will fall into a land of annihilation.

Originally, these seven special forces were waiting for the arrival of reinforcements. They probably never dreamed that Qin Lang had carried out "distance poisoning" to them.

There are no sniper rifles in the hands of Qin Lang, and there are no time bombs, but he has poisonous poisons and insect horns that can affect the action of poisonous insects, so he also has a way to "sniper" opponents far apart.

After the seven special forces were poisoned, they almost died under their own guns.

When Qin Lang was a child, he worshipped the soldiers. He believed that they were all warriors who defended the country and defended the country. They were heroes who fought against foreign enemies. They were the Great Wall that sheltered the civilians from the wind in the disaster... But after these things, Qin Lang discovered the world. There is no absolute view of good or evil at all. Not all the soldiers are defending the country and defending the people. There are many soldiers who stand for the rich man’s watchdog and the powerful dog’s legs, standing on the opposite side of the people, even for the benefit of a small group of people. Do not hesitate to harm the people.

For example, the dam-breaking thing, such as the attitude of the seven special forces on Ma Zhenyong and Qin Lang. Especially for Qin Lang, even the greeting did not hit one, directly hit a cold gun. If Qin Lang’s vigilance is high enough, I am afraid that I will die here this evening.

Therefore, Qin Lang did not hesitate to kill these seven people.

The murderer will kill it.

Which one is a soldier or a policeman, which is whether you are a prince or a prince, as long as you want to kill me, I can kill you. This is a matter of righteousness.

When the gunshots stopped and they were sure that the seven had fallen, Qin Lang walked in the direction of the cave.

At this time, the power of that fire wall has weakened a lot. Although it can barely block the snake worm, it can't block Qin Lang. He easily crossed the "fire wall" and then quickly walked into the cave, eager to leave with Ma Zhenyong. Because Qin Lang can be sure that the reinforcements of this group will come soon.

"Go to death -"

At this time, a soldier who had fallen to the ground suddenly stood up, and the snowy saber in his hand slammed into the back of Qin Lang. This was his last blow and a fatal blow!

"The scorpion is swaying!"

Just when the tip of the knife was about to reach the back of Qin Lang, Qin Lang suddenly leaned forward and his left leg slammed backwards. Because the kung fu reached the point of easy tendons, Qin Lang’s legs were exceptionally flexible and very powerful. It was like a steel whip, slamming on the soldier's chest.


The sound of the cracked bone sounded. The soldier was thrown out by Qin Lang and then fell to the ground. There was no longer a battle.

Qin Lang just turned around and looked at him with a strange look: "I am very curious, why can you stay awake."

"Because I know that I have an illusion... I know that it is impossible to have ghosts, snakes, and tigers here at the same time... What's more, there is one thing that is absolutely impossible!"

"I am a little curious, what have you seen." Qin Lang asked calmly. The 'Mushroom Head' poison pill cannot be invalidated. Although this poison was prepared by Qin Lang, even the old poisons appreciate it. Because the poisonous mushrooms selected during Qinlang's preparation, each is the top "fan. Magical Medicine" that exists in nature.

"I saw a person who should not exist - my father!"

The soldier said coldly, "He likes to beat me since childhood...and my mother, but he has been dead for many years. I am afraid of him, but I hate him, and this hate is more than fear, so I know I have an illusion. So, I fell to the ground first, then inserted myself with a saber... This can barely stay awake. I know you will come over, so I am waiting here, waiting for the opportunity to shoot..."

"The timing of your sneak attack is very good. Unfortunately, your kung fu is far worse than me." Qin Lang said calmly.

"It doesn't matter... I can't kill it, but you can't save Ma Zhenyong." The soldier sneered. "The detonator is in my hand... I don't see it. This is the detonator. As long as I press my finger, Ma Zhenyong... So, what you should be afraid of now is that you...the reinforcements are coming, as long as you ask for mercy and you will be handy... I will let them leave you a life. Otherwise, you will watch Ma Zhenyong die!"

"I won't ask for mercy, and I won't be jealous. And Ma Zhenyong will not die." Qin Lang said with a mocking tone, "because you are holding a stone in your hand, not a detonator. I I really want to know, are you going to use a stone to detonate the bomb?"

"Stone? How could it be!" The soldier suddenly stopped, and he set his gaze on his hand. His hand began to tremble, because he saw a stone in his hand.

It's a stone, not a detonator!

The soldier was stunned and he was about to collapse! If he had a detonator in his hand, he still had the capital to negotiate with Qin Lang. Unfortunately, he was only holding a stone, and there is obviously no stone in the world that can detonate a bomb.

"Stone! How could it be a stone!" The soldier collapsed directly. He held his head in pain and threw the stone out of his hand. Then he said to Qin Lang with amazement. "You win...".



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